
How to get over the nerves of dating

Whether you’re bereaved, divorced or simply been single for a while, dating can be a nerve-wracking and daunting prospect for anyone. Your age, gender, life experience and relationship status will have little effect on how nervous you are when it is time to get back on the dating scene. But the good news is, with the right advice it doesn’t have to be so daunting.

There are some important steps that you can take to help ease your nerves and find the fun in dating again. Not least of all, working with an experienced matchmaker and relationship coach who can help guide you through the various stages of dating and ensure that you enjoy a dating journey that leaves you feeling confident, energized and safe.

In this blog, we’re going to look at some useful tips to help you get over your dating nerves and explore how a matchmaker can offer any additional, but necessary, support along the way.

Get yourself a matchmaker or relationship coach

Firstly, and most obviously, you need to get yourself a matchmaker or enlist the services of a fully qualified relationship coach. This is particularly important if you have had a negative dating experience in the past, you are feeling lost and confused about how to meet the right person or it has simply been a long time since you dated, and you are unsure about the new dating landscape.

Signing up to a professional matchmaking and introductions agency, like Ignite Dating, can instantly ease the nerves you feel about starting your dating experience. From the moment you begin your dating journey, you can be safe in the knowledge that you’ll have the help and support of an experienced and dedicated professional every step of the way, making the dating world feel a little less intimidating and taking the uncertainty and guess work out of finding that potential lifetime partner – giving you the best chance of achieving that ultimate goal of a long-term, committed relationship.

Understand where you may have gone wrong in the past

Another important way to feel calmer about dating is to understand where you might have gone wrong in the past. If you can understand why previous relationships haven’t worked out, you can do your best to rectify these issues in the future and recognise any red flags or warning signs that are likely to lead you down the same path.

A qualified dating and relationship coach will be able to help you work this out. They can discuss any previous relationships and dating experiences that you have had and help you to identify where the issues were and how to best handle those situations should they arise again. They can also help you to understand your dating attachment style and those that are best suited to your attachment style and identify any areas of personal growth that you can work on together to give you the best chance of success and ensure that you are ready for the new journey ahead.

Plan the ideal date

When it comes to meeting any introductions in person, you need to plan the ideal first date for you. This means choosing a place, time and activity that is going to make you feel as comfortable and at ease as possible. We would also recommend that you choose something that will allow you to extend if you wish but not feel too awkward if you need to cut it short if the chemistry is not there for you.

For example, while bike rides or bowling might be fun ideas, if these aren’t your usual activities don’t use a first date as an excuse to try out a new hobby. Instead, pick something simple, perhaps just going for a drink in a relatively quiet and lowkey place where you have the chance to talk and get to know each other with the flexibility to extend the date should you both be enjoying one another’s company.

If you’re unsure what to do, your dedicated matchmaker will be able to advise the best date ideas that take into account both of your personalities, skills and interests, making that planning process easier.

Wear something that makes you feel good

Much like choosing a new activity is not ideal for a first date, don’t use this opportunity to wear something new that could make you feel uncomfortable or self-conscious. While a new shirt or dress may seem like a good idea to begin with, sometimes old favourites are the better option.

Be sure to wear something that you feel great in and that makes you feel comfortable. After all, you don’t want to be fiddling around with your clothes all night and often when you are uncomfortable it shows in your body language and can be misinterpreted as lack of interest by your date – which could be miles from the truth.

If you’re unsure about what to wear, speak with your dating coach, matchmaker or even get a friend or family member over to offer their honest advice and help you choose an outfit that shows you off in the best light without adding any discomfort.

Set realistic expectations

When it comes to dating, you need to make sure you don’t set your expectations unrealistically high, either for yourself or your date. Having a more grounded focus on what is really important to you and what you are hoping to achieve can help to relieve some of the pressure and reduce your nerves.

If you know you tend to get stressed or expect too much from your dating journey and subsequently your introductions, speak to your matchmaker. They’ll be able to help you set realistic expectations for your own personal journey and your introductions to ensure that you are not adding unnecessary pressure to yourself to achieve the impossible.


Last, but certainly not least, you need to remember to breathe! There is someone out there for everyone, so don’t stress or feel disheartened if the first, second or even third date doesn’t lead to a long-term relationship. Just take a breath and trust the process. If you have enlisted the services of a professional matchmaker, trust that they know what they are doing and listen to any advice that they give you as this will all help you to enjoy the dating journey and find that long-term, committed relationship that you are looking for.

If you’re looking for support and advice on dating and someone to help calm your nerves, the expert team of matchmakers at Ignite Dating is here to help. Get in touch with us today to take that first step and start your new dating journey.

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How a year of lockdown has changed dating

The Coronavirus pandemic took its toll on everyone. With numerous lockdowns in place, socialising all but banned, gyms, restaurants and pubs closed and everyone being forced to work from home, not one part of our lives remained normal. But one of the biggest groups to suffer as a result of these imposed restrictions was single people.

Living alone amplified the feeling of isolation. For the best part of a year, they waited patiently to be able to meet new people in person, to go on dates and to try and begin building new relationships.

And as we begin to come out the other side, it is clear to see that through this period of dormancy there has been a big shift in the dating landscape. From vaccination statuses on dating profiles to socially distanced date nights, lockdown has had a huge impact on the dating world over the last year and with some of these changes set to stay, single people have to find a way to navigate the dating scene once again.

Video calls have become a part of dating

Pre-lockdown only 35% of adults ever really used the video calling functionality on their mobiles, but thanks to the lockdowns that were imposed video calls became a hugely important way for people to stay in contact during the pandemic, be that friends, families, colleagues, or partners. Those who were still trying to salvage some sort of dating life during lockdown also relied on these platforms to enable virtual dates with potential new partners – most of which they had met online.

But as lockdown lifts and people can meet in person again, it looks like video calls will be much more commonplace in dating. In fact, seven out of ten adults are now making video calls at least weekly, and although this is unlikely to replace face-to-face dates it will feature in most blossoming relationships as a way to stay in touch on the days that they cannot see each other in person.

People are choosing to take it slow

Imagine speaking to someone online for months without being able to meet in person. Well, this was the reality for a lot of people during lockdown, and in many cases, it led to deeper emotional connections in the long run.

As such, it has sparked a trend of people choosing to date more slowly and placing more of an emphasis on getting to know someone more deeply before taking things to the next level, even as restrictions begin to ease.

People want to know your status

No, we don’t mean that singletons are out to uncover your dating status; rather they want to know if you’ve been vaccinated.

Although we’ve begun to get a handle on the Coronavirus, there is still no cure, and many are remaining very cautious – particularly when meeting new people outside of their social bubbles. This has seen a huge spike in people adding their vaccination status to their dating profiles in a bid to secure more dates and, most importantly, make their dates feel safer and more at ease when meeting in person.

Many have realised that they want to settle down

For all the social events, dates and cosy nights in that were missed during the lockdown, lots of single people who were once happy with their independent lifestyle have realised that they miss the intimacy and closeness that a committed relationship brings.

Throughout lockdown, we have really come to appreciate the relationships that we have with those around us, be those friendly, romantic or family connections. As a result, many single people have re-evaluated the life that they had and gained a renewed focus in the search for someone to settle down with.

People will be more open-minded when dating

Having gone months without much company, lots of single people have had the time to reassess what they are looking for in a partner and realised how trivial some of the traits and qualities that would have once put them off a person, might actually be.

Now that restrictions are easing and people are stepping back into the dating world, we’re likely to see people approaching dating with a more open mind and letting go of some of the factors that they would have once described as deal-breakers. After all, if the Coronavirus pandemic has taught us anything, it has taught us what is really important in this life and given us a renewed focus to go out and get it!

After a year of lockdown, you might be ready to get back on the dating scene. If so, our expert matchmakers can help support you through this new dating landscape. Get in touch with our team today to get your dating journey back on track this year and find that right person that you have been looking for.


When is the right time to be intimate

You might have heard of the three-date rule. Sometimes this is extended to the ten-date rule. Other times this goes out of the window within the first 24 hours. With so many variations, is there ever a right time to be intimate with a new partner?

This is something that many have debated over the years, although it would appear that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. After all, every person and every dating journey is different and what works for one relationship may not be the same for another.  

So, to help you make an informed decision about whether now is the right time to be intimate, we have shared with you six signs that you’re ready to take your relationship to the next level.

1. You’ve got great chemistry

First and foremost, you need to make sure you have great chemistry with your date and that you actually find them attractive. There is no point taking your relationship to that next level if you do not feel physically attracted to them, as it just leads to confusing and mixed signals for the other person if you then decide to call it a day.  

2. You trust them

And of course, before you’re intimate with anyone, it’s absolutely vital that you trust them. Intimacy, particularly for a female, goes far beyond being purely physical so it’s important to ensure that you have a real connection with that person before you take that next step.

3. You’re both looking for the same thing

It’s a good idea to discuss what you’re looking for from a relationship and to decide together that you would like to be exclusive to ensure you’re both on the same page. This stops either of you from being misled or getting hurt at a later date if you do choose to be intimate.

4. You’ve talked about intimacy

Often it helps to speak about intimacy, whether in-person or over the phone. This can let you both know what to expect and know that you’re both moving at the same pace.

5. You’re really comfortable around them

Remember, being intimate can be a huge step and you need to make sure you feel relaxed and comfortable with them. If you don’t, this could be a sign that something’s not right and you should refrain from taking that next step until you feel comfortable.

6. You’re prepared for a little awkwardness

Let’s face it, sometimes these things don’t always go to plan and it’s common for a little awkwardness during intimacy, especially in a new relationship when you are just getting used to each other and what you like and don’t like. Not to mention you’ve got to be prepared for them to see your bedhead the next day! 

What you need to bear in mind before getting intimate

As we said, being intimate can be a big deal for some people and there are certain things you need to consider before you take your relationship to that next level.

Before anything happens, you need to ensure:

  • It’s what you (and they) want
  • It’s completely consensual for both parties
  • You’ve talked about safety and you’re happy that they’ll respect you and your wishes

There might not be any set time limit on intimacy, but keeping these signs in mind you’ll know when it’s the right time for you. Of course, just make sure you both feel the same way and you’re not being rushed into anything. That’s the most important thing.

At Ignite Dating, we understand that being intimate with a new partner can be a big step, which is why it’s so important that you only take things to the next level when you’re both ready. If you’ve still not found the right person to be intimate with, we can help. Get in touch with our team today and our matchmakers can help you take the next step on your dating journey.


Dating across the pond: how to date someone from abroad

It’s a scene that has been replayed in rom-coms and TV shows for decades, but it seems there is some truth to the highly portrayed attraction between Brits and Americans dating across the pond.

While these fictional shows may emphasise the effect that an accent can have on someone from another nation (think Hugh Grant in Notting Hill), it seems that the attraction between Americans and Brits is just as strong as it has ever been. That is, if Meghan and Harry or GiGi and Zayn are anything to go by.

However, it’s important to know that the cultural differences stretch far beyond the different accents. In this guide, we’ll highlight the key differences between dating in America and dating in Britain and talk you through some of the most common mistakes when looking to date someone who is originally from another country, so you can enjoy a better dating experience and  a long-term committed relationship with someone from across the pond.  Check out our insights below.

Dating in Britain vs dating in America

If you’re considering dating someone from across the pond, it’s worth knowing that there are some big differences between the UK and the US when it comes to dating. Some of the key cultural differences include:

  • British dates almost always involve drinking, whereas Americans tend to date sober
  • Americans tend to go out for dates during the day, where Brits tend to favour the evening
  • Brits are less forward and therefore less likely to approach a stranger and ask for their number (or for a date)
  • Whereas dating is more of a hobby in America, so serial dating is a thing. This means you should not assume you’re exclusively dating an American unless you’ve had the ‘talk’
  • Americans like to ask a lot of questions and this can make dates feel a bit like an interview. And yes, some of these questions might seem odd to us Brits
  • British people tend to shy away from public displays of affection (PDAs)
  • Despite this, Brits tend to be quicker to get intimate. Whereas, we’ve all heard of the American ‘base’ system which means they tend to move slower when they meet someone new
  • And finally, Americans like to double date believing that double the people equals double the fun

But while opposites often attract – it’s not all stark differences – there are some commonalities when it comes to dating in the UK and the US. Firstly, the shared language and histories make it much easier to relate to one another, rather than learning about an entirely new and different cultural background.

Not only this, but good conversation and a sense of humour are important on both sides of the pond – even if the British sense of humour tends to err more on the side of sarcasm.

How to embrace these differences to build strong relationships

The good news is despite the cultural differences, there are some simple ways you can build strong relationships with your partner from across the pond.

If you’re dating a Brit:

Remember, events like Valentine’s Day or meeting the parents are not such a big deal in the UK, so try to take these in your stride and not go too over the top when making plans.

It’s also worth recognising that while Americans may be more inclined to focus on and talk about personal aspects such as salary, work and where you live on the first date, these material qualities are less important in the UK and the focus is more on building a genuine relationship with someone. So, skip the interview-style questions and ask them about their interests, aspirations and lifestyle to unlock the type of person that they are.

If you’re dating an American:

Be prepared to slow things down and adapt the way you date. This means forgoing the pub on occasion (it’s hard, we know) and instead shaking up date night with a few day dates thrown in. Why not use it, as a perfect excuse to introduce your date to some of your favourite passions and learn some of theirs too?

You also need to be prepared to talk more openly about your relationship and intimacy. Americans are far more open and forward when it comes to dating and talking about the relationship and where it is heading is something that is important to Americans – it also makes it easier to know where you stand.  

With clients based in both the UK and the US, Ignite Dating has a strong insight into the cultural differences of both nations and what makes dating different depending on where you are from. So, if you’re looking to find love across the pond, perhaps we can help. Get in touch with our talented team of matchmakers today to find out more.


Why is vaccination becoming the new dating deal-breaker

There was a time when being tall, dark and handsome was enough to tick all the right boxes – but now it appears that your willingness to have the COVID-19 vaccination can also impact the number of dates you get and why vaccination in dating is now important.

Depending on where you stand on the issue, this might seem baffling and maybe even unfair. But the reality is, in a post-pandemic world, the vaccine could be the new deal-breaker when it comes to finding the perfect partner.

How do we know this?

Data from a number of dating apps has recently revealed a surge in users sharing their vaccine status in the hope of securing a date. In fact, Tinder has seen a 238% increase in profiles mentioning vaccines or using the syringe emoji to signify that they have been vaccinated.

Not only this, but users who report that they have already had the vaccine are being ‘liked’ twice as much as those who haven’t. A trend that is finding its way through other dating avenues too.

And so, it would appear that a stable job, good sense of humour and common interests are no longer enough to seal the deal.

But is it really that surprising?

After three lockdowns, months away from our loved ones, working from home and the inability to shop, socialise, date or even workout whenever we want, it’s understandable that people are keen to get back to normality.

And if the vaccine is the way to do this, then it’s easy to see why so many are keen to have theirs done.

Plus, lots of us have vulnerable relatives at home or are vulnerable ourselves, so it makes sense to protect our health and our loved ones in any way we can. After all, some will be caring for their parents, children or they might look after others as part of their job. For some people, not getting the vaccine is simply not an option.

A huge part of finding that perfect partner is finding someone who shares the same interests, beliefs and values as you. And with some people out there believing that the pandemic was a hoax, it stands to reason that those who took it seriously might not consider these people the best match for them!

Should you add your vaccine status to your dating profile?

You might have mixed feelings about the vaccine if you haven’t already had it, but after the last year it’s easy to understand why so many of us are more concerned about our health and well-being.

Either way, whether you’ve had the vaccine or you intend to have it when you can, it’s likely that this is a question you’ll get asked a lot as you continue on your dating journey.

Gone are the days of establishing someone’s name, occupation and hobbies at that first meeting. Nowadays, you can expect one of the first questions you are asked when meeting someone new to be “have you been vaccinated?’”, followed shortly by “will you be having the vaccine?” if you haven’t already.

While not everyone will be happy with this new trend, it is the reality of the post-pandemic dating world. Rather than fight it, it’s best to be prepared for the questions that are sure to come, regardless of where you stand on getting vaccinated as vaccination in dating is important.

As the world begins to return to some sort of normal, you might feel like the time has come to get back out there and start looking for love again. The team at Ignite Dating can help you on your dating journey and can support you in finding the perfect match. So, get in touch with our friendly team today to get started..


A match made in heaven

Ignite Dating is a well-respected elite matchmaking and introductions agency with extensive experience and ever-growing recognition. We have been going from strength to strength over the last 14 months, culminating a hugely successful year of service with an accreditation from the Matchmaking Institute.

The global association, which offers training and resources to new and experienced matchmakers all over the world, is one of the only authoritative voices of the matchmaking industry. With its accreditation programmes and professional conferences, the Matchmaking Institute ensures its members have everything they need to launch and run a successful and ethical matchmaking business – upholding them to the highest ethical standards.

To receive accreditation from the association, Ignite Dating had to showcase the ethical way in which we onboard our clients and source suitable introductions for them with integrity to achieve the overall mission of finding them a lifelong partner. We also highlighted the exceptional levels of customer service and competency that our clients receive, something that we pride ourselves on and achieve on a daily basis.

We are delighted to be an accredited member of the Matchmaking Institute, an organisation whose values and mission align so well with our own. As part of the global network, Ignite Dating will collaborate with other accredited agencies worldwide to help our clients achieve that goal of a long-term relationship.

At Ignite Dating, we understand that the key to success is finding the right agency for you. Every person is different, but there are commonalities between people’s dating journeys and with extensive expertise and knowledge of the industry our expert matchmakers can help you to achieve success in love. To find out more, get in touch with our friendly team today.


Are you truly ready to date?

When it comes to dating – particularly after a bereavement, divorce or a long pause following a break-up – it can be confusing to know if you are truly ready to date again. While friends and family may urge you to “get back out there”, there is no obligation to make a move until you feel comfortable doing so. It can be nerve-wracking enough to take the plunge and start dating again, but if your social situation is completely different to when you were last single it can also be quite bewildering – but it does not have to be.

The first step in finding that special someone is to make sure you are ready, and you have dealt with the behavioural patterns that are keeping you single. After all, past experiences can influence feelings about dating, and you may be worried about rejection, experiencing low self-esteem and confidence or feel guilty about finding someone new – all of which are completely normal when you have not been dating for a while.

To really get the most out of dating and ensure that you are attracting the right type of person, you need to date consciously and authentically – so why are so many of us happy to invest in our fitness and our finances but not our future and our relationships?

Understanding the patterns

In the movie, The Wedding Date, the main character tells the leading lady that “every woman has the exact love life that she wants,” and it could not be more true. There are distinct patterns that every single individual will fall into, regardless of whether they are male or female, that keep them in that state of singleness and experienced Relationship Coaches can usually identify what is holding them back within a matter of minutes.

By drilling down into what is going on subconsciously and understanding the behavioural patterns that you follow in a relationship, you can break out of your detrimental habits and attract the right type of person for you – empowering you to date authentically.

Investment in yourself and your future

Contrary to what people believe, relationship coaching is not a form of therapy. It is instead a growth opportunity allowing you to deal with your anxieties in a safe and non-judgmental space so you can go into your next relationship baggage-free. Not only will you be able to recognise your patterns and build new strategies to stop you falling into old habits, but you will also have a clearer understanding of what you have to offer a potential partner.

This investment in your future and your relationships can be a game-changer when it comes to dating. Think of it this way, how many times have you had a problem that you have managed to resolve once you could fully comprehend the situation? By working with an expert, you can learn what you are really looking for in a relationship and get yourself date ready before the search begins. With a multitude of different formats from one-to-one coaching sessions to in-depth relationship retreats, you are sure to find the service that works best for you.

At Ignite Dating, we understand that everyone’s dating journey is different and in order for them to get the best out of their relationships they need to trust the experts that they are working with and open themselves to the possibilities ahead. We are delighted to be the only matchmaking agency in the UK to work with Master Matchmaking Practitioner and Relationship Coach, Genevieve Zawada-Gresset. If you think you are ready to date and to take the next step to a healthy and authentic relationship, then please get in touch with our friendly team today.

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Date ideas in the capital

As the capital of England and a major global city, it is no surprise that London has a lot to offer when it comes to activities to impress your date. From decadent drinks to luxurious events and high-end parties, there is no shortage of date ideas in London and VIP moments for those wanting to indulge in a little romance and luxury. Whether you’re planning to celebrate a special occasion or simply looking to impress on that first date, here is a small selection of some of the many options for dating in London.

Immerse yourself in the sights at Aqua Shard Bar

Boasting some of the most impressive views of the London skyline, the Aqua Shard Bar is sure to set the scene with a stunning backdrop for your next date. Spanning two wings of the 31st floor of the iconic tower, this restaurant has been designed with the best of British in mind. Inspired by the strong roots of gin and tea, the restaurant’s contemporary cosmopolitan interior has distinct British touches throughout, but you’re really here to look out of the window! From sunrise to sunset, you can enjoy the stunning views of London alongside an extensive menu of classic and contemporary cocktails and innovative twists on seasonal British dishes making this one of our top date ideas in London.

Turn back time at the Gin-House Burlesque

With show-stopping performances from circus performers, glamorous dancers and Internationally renowned Burlesque showgirls, Gin-House Burlesque provides an interactive vintage cabaret experience like no other. Taking place in its residence at the Kings Head Members Club, the prohibition era inspired event evokes the wild-abandon and hedonism of the golden age of jazz. Surrounded by exquisite antique delights and immersive cabaret entertainment, the Gin-House Burlesque will allow you and your date to lose yourself in the opulence and debauchery of a world of vintage glamour and wonderment.

Sample the finest collection of spirits at Merchant House

With two decadent venues in London, Merchant House hosts a selection of high-end drinking experiences through its private bars and expert masterclasses. Featuring the world’s finest collections of gin, rum or whiskey alongside award-winning innovative cocktails, you’re sure to find something that suits both of your tastes.

Indulge in award-winning cuisine at The Gherkin

There are few spots on the London landscape that are as striking as The Gherkin. When combined with some of the finest cocktails, wines, champagnes and contemporary cooking in the business, the Helix restaurant offers you the perfect backdrop for your next date. Sat high above the city, the venue offers stunning panoramic views and an all-day dining menu featuring seasonal and local produce, making it a perfect spot for a brunch or dinner date.

Embrace the rich heritage of Britain at the London Cabaret Club

If a luxury night of pulse-racing entertainment is what you are after, then look no further than the London Cabaret Club. Set around distinctly British themes, the venue offers a sophisticated entertainment environment combining high-end dining experiences with an exciting live cabaret production from some of the finest acts in Europe.

Are you on the lookout for the best date ideas in London? At Ignite Dating, we understand that the more you know about your date, the easier it is to choose that first date venue. We take our time to get to know you and your lifestyle so we can match you with like-minded individuals who enjoy the same things as you. To find out more about how we can help with your dating journey, get in touch with our team today.

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Spring Dating in Cheshire

Whether you live in Manchester or the surrounding areas or simply fancy a change of scenery for your next date, this gorgeous county has plenty to offer for spring dating in Cheshire. Boasting a mix of quaint towns and villages, bustling cities and tranquil countryside, you’re sure to find something for everyone’s taste in Cheshire. From exploring the national parks in the day to sampling the local cuisines in the evening, there are plenty of romantic places to set the mood for your next date.

If you are looking for inspiration for that perfect date, look no further. Whether a brunch date takes your fancy, or a romantic evening is what you have in mind, here are five date ideas in Cheshire that will set the scene for romance.

A day of rest and relaxation at Mottram Hall

If a day of pampering and relaxation is your idea of a perfect date, then Mottram Hall has everything you need. With a £10 million state-of-the-art Champneys spa, Mottram Hall Spa lives up to its reputation as the most stylish destination for dating in Cheshire. If you’re looking to impress your date, this venue will offer a stunning atmosphere to a much-needed day of rest and relaxation with expert tension-melting treatments and delicious healthy food. Once the experts have worked their magic to release the stresses of the week, you’ll be feeling relaxed and ready to immerse yourself in the moment and get to know your date on a deeper level.

Take a walk around some exquisite gardens

Cheshire is also home to at least seven National Trust properties not to mention many other fantastic attractions. So, if beautiful gardens are your thing why not explore some of Cheshire’s beloved stately homes such as Arley Hall or Tatton Park – home to the RHS Flower Show? Little Moreton Hall, Lyme Park, Dunham Massey and Quarry Bank Mill are also worth exploring, particularly is stunning properties and a touch of history are of interest. With magnificent mansions and award-winning gardens, you’re sure to find somewhere that offers up plenty to talk about on your walk.

Arley Hall dating idea in Cheshire

Immerse yourself in a spot of history

If you love to explore the history of a place, then look no further than the city of Chester. Each chapter of this ancient city’s history is etched into the fabric of the city. Featuring the most complete city walls, the oldest racecourse and the largest Roman Amphitheatre in Britain and a 1000-year-old Cathedral with Europe’s finest example of medieval carvings there are plenty of places to fulfil your craving for history.

Enjoy a picnic in the Peak District

If you love spending time in nature, the Peak District is the perfect choice for a date. Encompassing nearly 100 square miles, it is brimming with breath-taking scenery and dramatic landscapes, so you’re sure to find a nice quiet spot with a stunning backdrop for a picnic.

Retail therapy and a bite to eat

If shopping and food are more your style, Cheshire has a lot to offer. Why not experience the unique Rows in Chester, which comprise of 700-year-old two-tiered covered shopping galleries, giving you two high streets in one and a whole host of shops, bars and restaurants to choose from? With a host of Michelin-starred venues including Upstairs at the Grill, Twenty2 and Simon Radley at The Chester Grosvenor, you’re sure to find something to suit all tastes.

Cheshire Rows as a dating idea

Take in the bright lights of the city

If you have more of a calling for the bright lights of the city, it is worth remembering that both Manchester and Liverpool are on the doorstep of Cheshire. While they may be a little further afield, they offer a whole host of city attractions so why not make the most of the opportunity and arrange a weekend in Cheshire so you can explore all that this beautiful county has to offer.

Looking for that perfect venue for a memorable date in the Cheshire area? We know it’s much easier to choose the perfect location when you know more about your date which is why we take our time to get to know you and your lifestyle so we can match you with like-minded individuals who enjoy the same things as you – making choosing that first date venue a whole lot easier for dating in Cheshire. To find out more about how we can help with your dating journey, get in touch with our team today.

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Matchmaking is so much more than providing introductions

While online dating apps have opened up the world and made it easier to meet people outside of your usual social circles, the time and effort that goes into writing the perfect profile, choosing the best photos and scrolling through hundreds of possible matches can lead you to feel like dating is another full-time job.

It is no surprise then that using matchmakers and introduction agencies are fast becoming the option of choice for busy men and women who are fed up with the labour-intensive scrolling and the swipe lottery of dating online.

From writing your profile and arranging your photos to sourcing and selecting the right introductions for you, there are a huge number of benefits to using matchmakers. But if you’re still unsure why you should outsource your love life to a professional, here are a few things that a matchmaker can do to help your dating journey run seamlessly.

Set you up for success

Whether you have had your heart broken in the past or are overwhelmingly shy, avoiding dating and focusing on your work and family commitments is not going to help you meet that special someone. By using matchmakers, they will help you determine if you are ready to get back out on the dating scene and make sure you have the best chance of success. From creating your profile to arranging a professional photoshoot, your matchmaker will ensure that you have the perfect resume to attract those potential introductions. 

The benefits of using matchmakers setting you up for success

Eliminate the introductions that are not right for you

One of the most important things a matchmaker will do is spend some time really getting to know you. From your interests and values to aspirations and life stages, they will uncover the things that make you who you are and discover what it is that you want from a partner. Even the smallest of details will help them to weed out those matches that just aren’t right for you and instead find introductions that share similar interests, ambitions and aspirations all of which are hugely important when you’re looking for a long-term relationship.

Offer a personal concierge service

Not only is your matchmaker on hand to find and select the right introductions for you but they are also there to help love blossom when you have been introduced to that special someone. From arranging flowers and gifts to sourcing possible date venues, your dedicated matchmaker is able to arrange everything for you as part of the concierge service so you can sit back and relax knowing that it has all been taken care of.

Personal concierge service from using matchmakers

Impartial advice and support when you need it most

When using matchmakers, you’ll quickly find that they become a trusted and supportive friend too. Dating can be a tiring, emotionally draining and sometimes long journey so it is important that you have someone there who can support and guide you through the journey. The encouragement and support that they offer can be the difference between you giving up or having a dating journey that leaves you feeling confident, energised and safe.

Just like our individual preferences in a partner, everybody’s dating journey is different and the support that you require will be unique to you. Our expert matchmakers spend time getting to know you and what you are looking for to tailor-make a service that will set you up for success and help you achieve that ultimate goal of a long-term committed relationship. If you are looking for that special someone and could do with a helping hand, get in touch with our friendly team today and let us help you enjoy a dating journey that brings out the best in you.