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Tips for dating during the Coronavirus

The recent lockdown means people have A LOT more time on their hands and not being able to go out and socialise in person has forced thousands to find comfort in their smartphones. And guess what? Dating agencies and apps have seen a huge influx in people looking for love and companionship during these strange times.

Of course, if you have recently begun dating someone or you do find a good match during isolation, you won’t be able to go out and meet in person for a while. But you will have plenty of time at home to get to know one another – virtually. So why not throw it back to the days when you’d spend hours talking on the phone and really get to know one another before starting a relationship.

If, like all of us, you’re just trying to make it through this difficult time as safely and sanely as possible, whilst trying to hold onto something that resembles a normal life, here’s how to keep dating during the Coronavirus pandemic.

1. Make the most of the Internet

Let’s face it, nowadays not many people start relationships by approaching one another in the street. We rely on dating sites, apps and agencies to help us juggle our busy lives with finding the right partner. But for most of us, our busy lives have now been taken away and we’re confined to our living rooms for the foreseeable future. So it’s the perfect time to jump on the internet and get yourself signed up for a dating agency, and perhaps even download some apps on your phone.

2. Talk the night away

Whether you choose to spend your nights texting one another, or you decide to brave it and go for a phone call, being stuck inside and miles apart doesn’t have to stop you from getting to know one another. You could even set a dedicated day and time for your phone date to make it feel more like an actual date.

3. Video apps have never been more popular

Whether this is someone you’ve met before or a new connection, there are video apps popping up from everywhere right now, making it easier for people to see each other from the safety of their own homes. Apps like House Party or FaceTime allow you to video chat with one another and after a while, it really begins to feel like they’re right there in the room with you. Again, you could set aside a dedicated time for your video date, perhaps even sit and have dinner or drink with one another through video.

This is a trying time, but technology has made it possible for us to still connect with one another despite being so far away. In fact, you might find that through this experience you actually talk more with your date than you normally would and really build a great connection before you’re finally able to meet in person again.

At Ignite Dating, we understand that dating is an important part of our social lives, but it’s also important that we listen to Government advice. During this period of uncertainty, it’s vital that you don’t try and meet up with someone new. Instead, make the most of modern technology and services like ours and by the time lockdown is over, you’ll be even more excited to meet one another face-to-face. Get in touch with our friendly team today.


Dating after 40 – The 8 mistakes you need to avoid

We’ve all been there, you’re getting ready for a first date or you’re discussing a new match with your friends and you’re going over and over that list in your mind.

There’s no denying that dating after 40 is a different experience. You’re not as young and carefree as you were in your 20s, you may well have gathered some baggage in your 30s and the dating world is a different place than it once was. Not to mention, if you’ve been single for a while you’ll probably be receiving dating advice from every Tom, Dick or Sally that stumbles across your relationship status. But at the end of the day, who knows you better than you?!

And the good news is, you’re not alone! So don’t feel pressured to jump back in just because your mum’s neighbour, Janet, has decided you’re running out of time and the dating pool is getting thin. Janet is wrong. In fact, some people find dating after 40 to be a very rewarding experience and it is at this age that many people meet their soulmate.

So if you’re currently looking for love but you’re feeling overwhelmed by the number of dating apps, the complexity of online profiles and the endless dating horror stories you’ve heard from your single friends; don’t give up yet.

That said, there are some common pitfalls that many over 40s fall into when trying to get back into the swing of dating. In this guide, we’ll talk you through some of the most common mistakes you need to avoid when dating after 40, so you can enjoy a better dating experience and find love. Check them out below.

1. Rushing to get back in

Making the decision to start dating again is a big one, but this doesn’t mean you have to throw yourself in headlong and arrange a date within the week. Finding love is not something you want to rush. So take your time, find a dating agency or site that’s going to work for you and ease yourself back in, or you could find yourself becoming over (or even under) whelmed by the dating world.

2. Being unwilling to try new things

Last time you were on the scene, dating might have been more traditional; meeting at a bar before being wined and dined and walked back to your front door. But times have changed and the dating world has changed, so don’t be afraid to try new things. For example, if a potential partner suggests something like Junkyard Golf or a night at the aquarium, don’t turn them down assuming they’re a bit ‘quirky’. Instead, keep an open mind and try new things. These fun and unique dates can be great ice breakers and a perfect way to find out more about someone than simply chatting over dinner.

3. Lying about who you are

If you are going to be creating online profiles, the temptation can be to tell a few white lies. Perhaps use an outdated photo of yourself or leave off some pretty important information from your profile. But this can backfire badly. If you aren’t honest, how can you expect to make a genuine connection with someone and find a partner who has similar ambitions and goals to you? So if you’re going to use sites that require you to build a profile, just make sure you’re always truthful about who you are.  

4. Not keeping an open mind

When you’re 21 and your whole life is ahead of you it’s easy to dream up your ideal mate. But over time you come to realise that everyone has their quirks and there’s no sense being with someone if you want to change big parts of their personality. So it’s important to keep an open mind when meeting new people, don’t get stuck on your ‘shopping list’ of what makes a perfect partner, otherwise you set your expectations too high and more often than not, will be left feeling disappointed.

5. Going for someone exactly like your ex

When you’re dating after 40 it’s likely that you’ll have had a serious relationship (or two) in the past. You may have even been married before. But there’s always a reason why your ex is, well, your ex! And you don’t want to fall into the same trap this time around. So if you begin to notice a new love interest is displaying similar behaviour to a previous partner, it might be time to call it off before history repeats itself.

6. Relying on dating apps

Literally millions of people across the globe are using dating apps, which is great for creating a huge dating pool. The problem is, a lot of the people that use these apps aren’t always honest about who they are or what they want. Not only this but with hundreds of suitors at your fingertips, it becomes harder to make any real, meaningful connections. Not to mention they could be speaking with 10 other people at the same time as they’re chatting to you.

So while dating apps do work for some people and couples have been known to fall in love, get married and start families as a result, these apps have also led to a string of unsuccessful dating horror stories. And while these tend to be a favourite amongst the younger generation, if you’re dating after 40 you might want to consider all options before pinning all your hopes on a swipe.

7. Not knowing what you want

Before you begin dating again, it’s important that you know what you want from a partner and your future. This doesn’t have to be set in stone and you should definitely be flexible, but it’s a good place to start. Especially as some things in life can be non-negotiable. For example, have you got children or do you want to find someone who has children? Are you looking for someone who might want to get married someday or are you looking for someone who just wants fun? With this in mind, it’s important that you have some idea of what you’re looking for before you begin the search.

8. Taking it too seriously

We’re not suggesting that you throw all caution to the wind, meet up with a string of potential partners and party like it’s 1999. We understand that after 40 your priorities change. Perhaps you’ve got children, perhaps you’re hoping to find someone who still wants children, perhaps you’re divorced. Whatever the case, we know you’re not the same person you were 20 years ago.

That said, you’ve got to try not to take dating too seriously in the early stages. Otherwise, you could find yourself becoming too attached, feeling disappointed or feeling like there’s no one out there for you. This simply isn’t true, but sometimes it takes a while to find the right person. So as we’ve already said, be open-minded, prepared to try new things and don’t take it too seriously. Remember, dating should be fun!!

At Ignite Dating, we appreciate that age is just a number and that dating after 40 can be just as exciting as in your 20s. Our matchmakers will work closely with you to get a real understanding of what you’re looking for in a partner so we can ensure you meet with like-minded individuals and those you share similar interests and aspirations with. Get in touch with our friendly team today.


Why it’s important to be open-minded about dating

We’ve all been there, you’re getting ready for a first date or you’re discussing a new match with your friends and you’re going over and over that list in your mind.

What if they’re not tall enough?

What if they’re not very sporty?

What if they don’t earn as much as me?

What if they don’t like to read books?

What if they’re really into football?

Well, when you find yourself stuck in this train of thought and you begin going through your laundry list of ‘what ifs’ in your head, we challenge you to answer your own questions with – so what?!

It’s time to be realistic

From a young age we begin painting a fairytale picture of our ideal mate in our heads, over the years we add or tweak their personality a little to match our own, but the new version rarely strays far from the original.

And of course, we all have ‘types’ and certain things that we find attractive in a partner, but if you’re not willing to budge even slightly from the Prince Charming or Cinderella you’ve created in your mind, then I’m sorry to say you might be disappointed.

It’s a fact of life that not everyone can live up to our expectations, especially if you’ve set the bar pretty high! So when you’re dating it’s important that you meet every potential partner with an open mind.

And no, we’re not saying you should compromise on the important aspects of a relationship. Of course you need to find your partner attractive and share the same dreams, but what we’re saying is don’t turn someone down because they don’t conform to your usual ‘shopping list’.

Find someone who isn’t your typical ‘type’

If you’ve been chasing the same ‘type’ of person for years now without being particularly lucky in love, this should be a sign that perhaps you need to update your dating profile. And no, we don’t mean the one you have on Tinder, we mean how you profile others and what you’re looking for in a partner.

By being more flexible and open-minded while dating, or perhaps even steering clear of your typical ‘type’ altogether (if you’ve had nothing but a string of toxic relationships), could be the key to finding love.

Life is not a list – but it is too short!

If there’s one thing you should take away from this article today, it’s that life is not a tick-list, not everything goes to plan and sometimes we have to grow and adapt. And this is how you should approach the dating world. Life is too short to spend it lonely and looking for the ‘perfect’ partner.

Because let’s face it, no one is perfect and that’s what makes us all unique! So next time you look at someone’s profile or you’re told ‘Sam is great but…’ be a bit more open-minded. Decide whether these things are deal-breakers. And if they’re not, then meet with them and do it with an open mind. You might even find something you never knew you were looking for!

At Ignite Dating, we use a mixture of Myers Briggs personality profiling, intuition and our expertise to match you with potential partners. Using this system we’ll find individuals that we believe will complement your lifestyle – even if they’re not your typical ‘type’. If you’d like to know more about our services or if you’d like to join Ignite, get in touch with our friendly team today.


Perfect first date venues in London

Online dating can be an easy way to meet potential partners and with an estimated 91 million people worldwide using dating sites and apps, you certainly won’t be stuck for choice of potential suitors. But as with everything online, this type of dating doesn’t come without its risks and the problems of online dating continue to affect thousands of unsuspecting users.

There are 9.3 million people in London and you just want to meet one great person to share your life with – is that so hard to ask?! Of course, you can always download the latest app or attend one of the hundreds of speed dating events that take place across the city every week, but how much can you really get to know about someone in five minutes?

The truth is, once you’ve found someone whose lifestyle complements yours or who shares similar passions and ambitions to you, you want to take your time to really get to know them – and London is the ideal place to do that! As well as offering a huge range of memorable date ideas there are also so many great places to wine and dine if you want to go for a traditional dinner date. 

In fact, did you know that it is estimated that there are over 39,300 places to eat in London? There’s pretty much nothing you can’t find in this great city if you really look for it (including a partner). So if you’ve got a big date coming up, we’re here to help you narrow it down. We’ve chosen six of our favourite first date venues in London, which we think is pretty impressive given there’s more than 39,300 to choose from!

1. Dishoom

There are currently five Dishoom restaurants across Central London, from Shoreditch to Kensington, so you’ll be able to find the location that best suits both of you. This delicious Indian food is a firm favourite of many Londoners and has been described by its founders as a ‘loving homage to the Irani cafés that were once part of the fabric of life in Bombay’. Perfect if you love authentic Indian food – and who doesn’t!

2. Pont De La Tour

If French cuisine is more your style, look no further than Le Pont de la Tour. Not only is the menu made up of traditional yet innovative French dishes, but you can enjoy a romantic evening overlooking the River Thames as you dine. A little pricey, but a great experience.

3. Madison

If you’re looking for a more lively venue, the Madison boasts incredible views of the London skyline, a real Manhattan style restaurant and a vibrant rooftop terrace and bar. Here you can expect an evening of great food, signature cocktails and music from in-house DJs or acoustic acts, all on eye level with the dome of St Paul’s. 

4. OXO

Located on the eighth floor of London’s iconic OXO Tower perches the tower restaurant, bar and brasserie. This is the ideal first date venue in London if you’re looking for something refined and elegant but not too formal. The menu offers the best of British fine dining, while the bar offers a range of fabulous cocktails for after-dinner drinks.

5. Clos Maggiore

If you want to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, Clos Maggiore is the first date venue for you. Described as ‘an oasis of calm in the heart of Covent Garden’ and possibly the world’s most romantic restaurant, Head Chef Marcellin Marc creates dishes inspired by his love of Provence and Tuscany, using only the freshest, locally sourced ingredients.

6. Anywhere in the Shard!

OK, this is cheating a bit because there are six restaurants and bars to choose from in the Shard and we couldn’t pick just one! But whether you’re looking for fine dining or just drinks with a view, you can’t go wrong anywhere in this magnificent building.

If you’re considering joining a dating agency in London, Ignite could help! We know that city life is busy, so we can take some of the hard work out of dating by finding you great matches with hand selected individuals. If you want to know more about our services getting in touch today.


5 of the biggest problems with online dating

Online dating can be an easy way to meet potential partners and with an estimated 91 million people worldwide using dating sites and apps, you certainly won’t be stuck for choice of potential suitors. But as with everything online, this type of dating doesn’t come without its risks and the problems of online dating continue to affect thousands of unsuspecting users.

In fact, an extensive report from Kaspersky found that a staggering 55% of people who have tried online dating have experienced some form of threat or problem, ranging from a security incident to meeting with someone who lied about their identity. You may have even fallen victim to an online dating scam yourself.

Below we outline five of the biggest problems with online dating and how to spot the signs

1. Scammers prey on vulnerable individuals

Sadly, there will always be scammers and fraudsters out there looking to exploit trusting, vulnerable individuals who are just looking for love. These might be people hoping to steal your identity, extract money from you or gain access to your personal, sensitive information.

This can be done through a range of tactics but a common one is asking seemingly harmless questions to gather as much information about you as possible. In fact, the same study found that over one in 8 (13%) of those who use dating sites have been tricked into sharing sensitive information with a fraudster.

Remember, if you’re talking to someone genuine they should never ask you to part with your money or give away any sensitive information like your address or bank details. So be careful not to share too much and sadly, if someone seems too good to be true, it’s probably because they are.

2. People lie

A whopping 57% of people that use online dating sites confess to lying on their profiles. This can range from white lies like adding a few inches to their height, to lying about their marital status, name or even who they are altogether.

This is one of the biggest problems with online dating. Anyone can create a profile and say whatever they want about themselves – true or not! This has become known as ‘catfishing’ – the practice of creating fake online personas to trick people into forming romantic relationships.

3. Hackers can access your information

Those that use dating websites are twice as likely (41% compared to 20%) to fall victim to a cybersecurity incident than those who don’t. This is because cybercriminals can use the apps to gain access to their devices or to infect their devices with viruses. This can lead to them accessing or tampering with sensitive, personal information stored within – for example, accessing bank details or your home address through a smartphone

4. You could be putting yourself in danger

It’s a sad reality that there will always be unsavoury people out there and some of them choose to use online dating as a way to prey on unsuspecting individuals. This means when setting a date with a stranger you met online, you could be meeting quite literally anyone and you could be placing yourself in real danger.

If you choose to meet with someone you found on an online dating site, be sure to always meet in a public place and think about taking someone with you in the first instance to ensure your date is who they say they are.

5. Dating scams can be extremely costly

The BBC revealed that scams rose by over 64% in 2019. In fact, between January and June of last year, as much as £7.9 million was lost to dating scams, with only £500,000 of that being returned to the victims.

These staggering figures show the extent of online dating fraud and sadly, while we all like to think we’re sensible, criminals are always finding new ways to steal money from unsuspecting individuals. This could be by asking for money to sign up to their dating site, or perhaps users of the dating site who you’ve formed a relationship with then asking for money for a visa or as insurance on a date.

Whatever the scam, it’s clear that many people are still losing out to these callous schemes.

The alternative: Choose dating agencies instead

If you’re looking for a partner but you want a safer way to do it, dating agencies can be the perfect answer. They will ensure potential suitors have been properly checked and verified to make sure they are who they say they are. Plus, dating agencies don’t require extensive profiles full of your personal information and they reduce the likelihood of you falling victim to a security breach or scam.

At Ignite Dating, we offer a safe environment for you to meet single, like-minded people. Our service is confidential, offering complete discretion and there’s no need for you to create an online profile. If you want to avoid the perils of online dating, find out how we can help by getting in touch


5 Great First Date Venues In Birmingham

Birmingham has a population of over 1.2 million people and it is one of the most culturally diverse regions in the UK! Which is great news is you’re looking for love in the city. In fact, in 2017 Birmingham was voted the best place to find ‘the one’ in the UK.

As part of this study, it was deemed one of the greatest places to be a single person, because Brummies are the least likely people to lie about themselves when trying to find a partner. Something which is refreshing in this competitive dating world where everyone feels the need to lie about themselves to feel good in this post-Tinder swiping culture.

And not only is Birmingham the place to find love, but it also offers an incredible range of venues where you can get to know one another. With everything from Michelin-star restaurants to Victorian gin parlours, you’re sure to find the perfect place for your date night. To help get you inspired, here are five of our favourite first date venues in Birmingham for you to consider.

1. Laurent Perrier Champagne bar at The Cube

Dating in Birmingham gives you plenty of choice for classy venues, but if it’s complete sophistication and beautiful views over Birmingham that you’re looking for, look no further than Laurent Perrier Champagne Bar. Here, you’ll spend your night along side Marco Pierre White’s restaurant in Birmingham’s iconic landmark, The Cube. 

2. Purnell’s 

Another great first date venue in Birmingham is the Michelin-starred Purnell’s Restaurant, headed up by Michelin-star chef, Glynn Purnell. This glamorous restaurant is right in the centre of Birmingham and you can enjoy an evening of fine dining, innovative cooking and gourmet adventures. Later, why not leave the dining area and head over to the bar for some after-dinner cocktails. 

3. The Orange Tree  

If a rustic country pub is more your style, the award-winning Orange Tree in Solihull offers an exquisite menu including steaks, salads and seafood. The charming and relaxed atmosphere could be the perfect location for a more casual (but equally delicious) dining experience.

4. Lasan Indian Restaurant and Cocktail bar

Lasan has an incredible vibe that’s difficult to resist. Here you can soak up the fun and playful atmosphere as you enjoy delicious Indian food, alongside a cold beer or cocktail. Often referred to as one of the best Indian restaurants in the whole of the UK, this could be the perfect place to begin your love story – especially if you’ve both got a penchant for Indian cuisine.

5. The Bracebridge

Birmingham is a busy city and sometimes it can be nicer to escape the hustle and bustle, especially when you’re trying to get to know someone. Set in the beautiful Sutton Park, The Bracebridge is a relaxed restaurant on the edge of the beautiful Bracebridge Pool. If you’re planning a date on a sunny afternoon, this could be the perfect first date venue in Birmingham for you.

If you’re dating in Birmingham but you’re struggling to find the time to make a real connection with anyone, why not let us help! As a dating agency in Birmingham, we are here to do the hard work for you. We will get to know you and what you’re looking for in a partner, so we can match you with like-minded individuals. Get in touch today to find out more about how we can help.


Ready to take the leap? Why you should make 29th February the day you sign up to find love

Have you heard of Bachelor’s Day? This old Irish tradition states that every four years on the 29th February, the 366th day of the year, it’s time we turn the traditional proposal on its head as women are encouraged get down on one knee and pop the question. Yep, that’s right, Bachelor’s Day is a chance for the ladies to propose to their partner and as this year is a leap year, there could be lots of men out there about to have the most romantic night of their lives. 

But if you’re not in a relationship right now (or if you could use a little luck of the Irish) why not make this Bachelor’s Day the day you choose to sign up for love instead. You never know, by 2024 you might be planning your big proposal! But if you’re still not sure you’re ready to take the leap, here’s just three reasons why you should. 

1. Love can wait… but why should it? 

There is no better time like the present to take the leap and sign up for love. You never know, this time next year could be congratulating yourself on one of the best decisions you ever made. So don’t keep putting it off or praying that you’re going to find love at the end of the rainbow, go for it this Bachelor’s Day and start being proactive about your dating life. 

2. It’s time to choose meaningful connections

Don’t be just another name on a dating app. By signing up with dating agencies like Ignite, you can meet people you will have a genuine connection with. Thanks to our expert team of matchmakers you could be matched with like-minded individuals, people who share your interests and ambitions. 

3. Find a service that suits you 

Thanks to the plethora of dating shows and apps out there, the dating world is increasingly becoming a form of entertainment rather than a genuine way to meet a potential partner. The good news is, not every channel is as saturated as Tinder or ‘Take Me Out’ and by choosing the right service you’ll hugely increase your chances of finding the right person for you. 

But even better than that, you’ll actually enjoy the experience of doing so, not swiping through hundreds of profiles a night or trying to cram a 15 minute coffee date with someone you met on the tube, into your busy schedule. Looking for love can be fun if you let it, you just need to find the service that best suits your lifestyle. 

So why not get a head start on next Bachelor’s Day and sign up for love this February 29th – after all, they only come along once every four years! So make it a special day. Make it the day you said yes to love.

At Ignite Dating, we pride ourselves on the support we offer to our clients from the moment you sign up to our services and throughout your dating journey, so you can feel totally supported every step of the way. If you’d like to know more about how we can help this Bachelor’s Day, get in touch today.


15 Ideas For Memorable First Dates

When it comes to first date ideas, the easiest option is usually to arrange to meet at your favourite pub or bar, and enjoy a bit of liquid courage while you get to know one another. Problem is, these dates are a dime a dozen (you’ve probably been on a few yourself) and if you really want to impress your date and get to know more about them, it’s a better idea to think outside the box.

The good news is, if you’ve been working with a dating agency or you’ve been messaging your date a lot beforehand, you’ll probably already have a pretty good idea of what they do and don’t like. After all, if the two of you have been matched together you’re probably interested in similar things. So using what you already know about them to your advantage, you can plan a first date that they’ll never forget.

But if you’re feeling stuck for ideas, don’t text them directions to your local Pizza Express just yet! We’ve put together a list of 15 fun and memorable first date ideas that are sure to bag you a second meeting.

1. Hit it off at Junkyard Golf

You’ve probably enjoyed a round of crazy golf in the past, but now you can take your golfing skills to a whole new level with Junkyard Golf. With multiple locations around the UK including in London, Manchester and Leeds, the courses are made up of junk (as the name suggests) like cars, bathtubs and old fairground equipment. And if you’re still not sold on the idea, you can enjoy a selection of beers or cocktails as you make your way around the course – this may, or may not, improve your game!

2. Get lost at an art gallery

If you’ve got a good eye for art and you love nothing more than wandering galleries in your spare time, then turn this into the perfect first date opportunity. Just be sure that your date has similar tastes and appreciates fine art just as much as you, otherwise you might find they quickly become disinterested!!

3. Cook up a storm together

Think Matt Damon and Minnie Driver swapping Pickles in Good Will Hunting, Julia Roberts being fed strawberries and champagne in Pretty Woman and of course, the unforgettable spaghetti scene from Lady and The Tramp. It’s true, food really is the way to our hearts. So what better way to spend a first date than creating something delicious together at one of the many cookery schools across the country. Plus, you can use this opportunity to get to know more about their favourite foods and whether they’re a dab hand in the kitchen… or not as the case may be.

4. Fall for each other at abseiling

An ideal date for thrill-seekers and something very different from your usual dinner and drinks, why not arrange to go abseiling on your first date? Whether you choose an inside venue or you want to take it one step further and abseil cliff faces or waterfalls, there are plenty of locations around the UK to choose from. So you’ll be able to find the perfect place for you and your date.

5. Get cosy at the (outdoor) cinema

A drive-in movie has been a classic first date since back in the 50s. Admittedly it didn’t go so well for Danny Zuko in Grease, but done right this can make for a very cosy first date. Sit back in your deckchairs or take your own picnic blanket, snacks and a bottle of fizz to relax with as you watch the movie.

6. Keep calm and do some yoga

Is your date an enthusiastic yogi? If you’re both fond of practising yoga, then why not find your zen together on a relaxing first date. Sign yourselves up to a class and you can show off your tree pose while they impress you with their inner warrior.

7. Take them for a bike ride

If you and your upcoming date both love the great outdoors, then why not enjoy a bike ride together – Great British weather permitting of course. You could take a picnic with you, stop for lunch or grab a drink at your favourite pub along the way. This gives you plenty of opportunities to stop, refresh and get to know more about one another.

8. Find yourself a quirky brewery

Unique craft beers and flavoursome ales have become very popular recently, with quirky microbreweries seeming to pop up on every corner. But these breweries aren’t just for the bearded hipsters among us, the cosy atmosphere and variety of taps to try make for a great first date – if they’re into beer of course! Just be sure to check that with them first.

9. Get creative at a pottery class

If Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze haven’t already sold you on the romantic art of pottery, then why not try it for yourself? Whether you’re throwing some pots or just decorating some ceramics, this can be a really fun and memorable way to get to know someone. And you don’t really have to sit behind each other!

10. Play to win at the arcade

Who hasn’t spent a great evening at the arcade as a child, playing Pac Man or Space Invaders, challenging your friends to the Dance Mat or playing endless games of air hockey? Apart from being a memorable first date, this can also be a great way to have fun, leave the stress of adult life behind and spend the night recapturing your youth.

11. Sing it loud at a karaoke bar

Karaoke dates can go one of two ways, because much like Marmite, you’re either a Karaoke lover or hater – so choose this date with caution. But if you’ve been working closely with your dating agency or you’ve conversed a lot with your future date, you may already know enough about them to know that they’d love a night on the mic.

Just make sure you warm up your vocal cords and practise your favourite song to ensure you make a good impression. Either that or make sure your rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody, Wonderwall or the Spice Girls ‘Wannabe’ is so energetic that they’ll be able to look past those bum notes.

12. Get them hooked at the aquarium

Fish. Not always the first thing you think of when you’re planning a romantic date, but the aquarium can make for a surprisingly charming evening. You can take a slow stroll around looking at some of the most weird and wonderful creatures the ocean has to offer and this can be the perfect location if you know your date loves animals.

13. Stroll along the beach

If you live near the coast, or you’re within driving/travelling distance, a romantic walk along the beach can be the perfect way to set the mood. And after, why not follow it up with one of Britain’s best loved traditions and grab yourself some fish and chips, or perhaps stop at a nearby pub for some delicious pub grub.

14. Dance the night away

Always been a little bit jealous of Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey? Well, the undeniable romance and chemistry that comes from dancing together can be yours too. Start your love story with a salsa lesson or try your hand at the Tango. But just be sure that your date loves to move as much as you do, because dancing can be a bit full on otherwise. Memorable – yes – but not for everyone, so just be sure you know enough about them to know that this is something they’d enjoy.

Alternatively, you could arrange to go dancing in a less formal situation, perhaps have a few drinks before hitting a club for a night of dancing. Just make sure you’re both wearing the right shoes!

15. Choose a hilarious team name at your local pub quiz

Want to impress them with your general knowledge? Then why not arrange to go to the quiz night at your local pub. These can be a really fun way of getting to know each other while having a laugh and a few drinks. Just be sure you don’t get too competitive!

Thinking of quirky and memorable first date ideas is much easier when you know more about the person you’re meeting with. At Ignite Dating, we take our time to get to know you, so we can ensure we match you with like-minded individuals who share similar interests. If you’d like to know more about our services, get in touch today.


Dating in London is hard – here are 6 tips for dating in the capital

With a population of around 8.9 million people, you’d think finding love in London would be like shooting fish in a barrel, although much more romantic and with (hopefully) fewer fish involved.

But the truth is, dating in London is hard. The crowded, bustling city is the perfect metaphor for our busy lives. Lives that don’t leave a lot of spare time for hanging around romantic bars or flirting with strangers in coffee shops.

Not to mention if you smile at someone on the tube you’re more likely to be deemed a crazy person than a potential partner.

But this doesn’t mean you should give up hope! With so many eligible individuals in the capital, here are our top tips for finding love in London.

1. Use a dating agency

There are quite literally millions of people in London on dating apps like Tinder and Bumble, and you certainly won’t struggle to find a single individual looking for love (or at least a hookup) nearby.

But if you actually find the time to sit and use these apps, you might also find this shallow approach to dating rarely ends in a meaningful connection.

Using dating agencies like Ignite, however, you’ll work closely with a dedicated matchmaker who will connect you with like-minded individuals with the same lifestyle and aspirations as you.

2. Choose the right first date venue

London is a big city and it’s home to thousands of award-winning restaurants, quirky pubs and unique experiences, which sounds like it should be ideal but can actually make choosing a first date venue even harder.

Firstly, Activity or dinner? Highbrow or low key? Then think about your location and theirs, and choose a venue that works for you both. Plus, you’ll want to take them somewhere memorable.

Armed with this knowledge you can choose a date night that you know they’re going to love.

3. Always make sure you’ve booked

If you’ve arranged to go out on a date, it’s probably a good idea to book a table or tickets to avoid disappointment. This is particularly true if you’re going out in the city on the weekend when restaurants and bars can become full to capacity.

4. Try to ditch crowded places

As we said, London is a busy city! So finding a quiet venue can feel like hard work. But do your best to choose a relaxed atmosphere and don’t arrange to meet your date somewhere too crowded or noisy. Shouting at each other from half an inch away isn’t the ideal way to get to know each other!

5. Avoid public transport if possible

Public transport is the perfect way to get across the city. Problem is, fighting for the tube or sitting on a crowded bus can really take the romance out of a date, so give yourself time to get there. Even better, try to choose venues within walking distance or treat your date to an Uber instead! This will make for a much more relaxed date, free from fumbling with your Oyster card or waiting on crowded train platforms.

6. Make the time for yourself and your date

Last but certainly not least, we understand that dating in London is hard, so you do need to make time for this aspect of your personal life. If you often find yourself working long hours late into the evening, make sure that you give yourself extra time on date nights to get ready and feel relaxed.

The likelihood is you’ll find someone who just like you, has to carve out time in a busy schedule, so be forgiving if you’re struggling to find a time that suits you both and be willing to be a little flexible.

If you’re looking for love in London, choosing a dating agency like Ignite Dating could be the key to finding happiness. Your dedicated matchmaker will work closely with you to help you find the perfect match.


Top 5 First Date Venues in Manchester

Are you looking for love in your city? Maybe you’ve signed up to the latest dating apps, you’re looking to join a dating agency in Manchester or you’re just about ready to hire a giant billboard in the city centre like (the very creative) Mark Rofe did. For many, finding love in this bustling city can feel like searching for that proverbial needle in a haystack.

Yet in 2018 it was revealed that Manchester had the highest concentration of single people in the UK, of which, 51% had been single for as long as 10 years. And unless cupid has been putting in some serious overtime since then, it’s fair to assume that this is still the case. So in theory, there’s plenty of eligible people looking for love in Manchester.

Perhaps, but we understand that finding the perfect match isn’t as simple as swiping right on your smartphone. So when you do have a date lined up, especially if it’s your first date, it’s natural that you want to make a great first impression.

The good news is, Manchester is the perfect place to get to know a new partner, from Salford Quays to Didsbury, it is full of classy restaurants and chic bars for every taste and mood. If you’ve got a first date coming up soon, these five restaurants should be top of your list for first date venues in Manchester (and if things go well, perhaps over time you’ll get to try them all!).

1. 20 Stories

20 Stories Restaurant is located on the 19th floor of the iconic No.1 Spinningfields. The glamorous restaurant and rooftop terrace make this the perfect place to gaze out over the twinkling Manchester skyline. Plus the delicious menu, featuring locally sourced ingredients, aims to showcase the best the Northwest has to offer.

2. Asha’s

Championing traditional Indian cuisine, Asha’s is another delicious Central Manchester venue for you to consider for your date. Founded by Bollywood legend, Asha Bhosle, with the glamour to match, you can guarantee this will be the best Indian dining experience you’ve ever had (outside of India, of course).

3. Yu

The best part about using a dating agency in Manchester to help you find your perfect match is that you can get to know more about your date before you meet with them. So if you know for a fact that they love Chinese food, then take them a little way out of town to Yu, Alderley Edge – they will not be disappointed! The perfect blend between traditional recipes and modern cooking, you and your date can enjoy an unforgettable fine dining experience.

4. Rosso

When it comes to choosing first date venues in Manchester, they don’t get much more opulent than Rosso. The Italian restaurant boasts that it is the city’s ‘most luxurious and sought after dining experience’. The unique style of the Grade-II listed building, as well as the long list of fine wines and Italian dishes steeped in tradition, are a sure-fire way to make a good impression on your date! 

5. Adam Reid at The French

Last but certainly not least, another great dinner destination for dating in Manchester is Adam Reid at The French. A delightfully traditional British menu of hearty comfort food, with a Northwest twist. The restaurant can be found at the Midland Hotel and the luxurious interiors marry perfectly with creative culinary talents of Adam Reid for a truly romantic date.

If you’re looking for a partner in Manchester, working with a dedicated matchmaker could be the key to finding love. At Ignite Dating, we take our time to get to know you, so we can handpick the perfect potential matches. Get in touch to find out more.