Why is mono-manic dating the trend you need to be aware of in 2021?

This year has had a fundamental impact on dating and as new lockdown restrictions came into play and social distancing was enforced, new dating trends emerged. From apocalypsing to ghosting, 2020 saw a manner of dating trends arise and as we enter into a new year of even more uncertainty, it seems mono-manic dating (or MMD for short) is the trend that we need to watch out for.

The mono-manic approach to dating really hinders a person’s chances of finding not just a partner but more importantly the right partner. A mentality that is often more common in women than in men, mono-manic dating is when an individual forms an obsession with one aspect of a person – whether it be their age or height for example – which in effect blinkers them from being able to see the whole package of a prospective partner.

How many people do you know that are insistent that they only find men over 6ft attractive, only to discover later that their actual chosen life partner and soul mate ends up being 5ft 8”. Or those that insist that they do not find women their age desirable and then end up falling in love with a woman a few years older? The answer, lots.

By fixating on one aspect of a person, you are missing out on all the other great qualities and traits that they have, leading you to potentially decline the perfect life partner for you all for the sake of one criteria that you have become attached to. It’s a fact of life that not everyone can live up to our expectations, especially if you’ve set the bar pretty high. So, when you’re dating it’s important that you review every profile and meet every prospective partner with an open mind.

Once people can get past the mono-manic dating mindset and see people for who they are rather than focusing on the number in their heads, the happier and more successful their dating journey will be. After all, life is too short to spend it lonely and looking for the ‘perfect’ partner that ticks every box on your checklist. So next time you look at someone’s profile and say to yourself “they’re great but…” be a bit more open-minded and ignore the mono-manic way of dating, because let’s face it, you might find something you never knew you were looking for!

Here at Ignite Dating not only do we guide you through the dating minefield, but our matchmakers will also recommend matches that may be different to your usual ‘type’, therefore steering you away from possible mono-manic dating. Many of our success stories have come from introductions that haven’t necessarily been the perfect fit on paper, but the sparks and chemistry have been there from the moment they met. Trusting your matchmaker to do their job and get the right outcome for you is imperative and the results can be highly rewarding. Don’t fall victim to mono-manic dating, let our matchmakers help steer you in the right direction to find your perfect life partner today.

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