Privacy Policy

Who are we?

We are Ignite Dating Group Limited 

As we decide how your personal data is processed and for what purposes, we are responsible for taking care of your data and making sure it is only used for the reasons we set out here. 

Our contact details are:

  • Ignite Dating Group Ltd, 61a South Street, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6BG 
    Tel: 0333 366 0640
  • Email:

This policy, together with any other documents referred to in it, sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us. Please read the following to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it.

The rules on processing of personal data are set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”).

We are committed to protecting your personal data and take the security of your information very seriously.  We have strict security measures to protect your personal data.  

If you have any concerns or would like to contact us about any aspect of this policy, please get in touch through the contact details at the bottom of this statement. 

The Information we collect about you and its sources?

We collect personal information about you when you connect with us, with a view to using our services.  

When you make an Enquiry: Personal data (name, email, address, telephone number, age, marital status, occupation).

When you book and interview: Personal data (height, weight, education, smoking, age range of potential partners, location of potential partners, political views, income)

When you meet us for face-to-face interview:

Personal data (homeowner, time at address, details of your past relationships, any dependent children and custody arrangements, nationality, hair and eye colour, employer, hobbies, interests, personality type, income, education and what you’re looking for in a partner, images and records of our interactions).

We will also ask for your sensitive personal details about your (sometimes called “Special Categories of Personal Data) such as your ethnic group, health history, criminal offences, strong political and religious views).  We will ask for your consent before we collect any information of this nature but if you are unable to provide this, it may severely affect about ability to provide a comprehensive service. 

When we search affiliate websites for potential matches:  Your online profile, photographs, records of our interactions.

How we use your personal data

We will use your personal data for the following reasons: 

Purpose of the processingJustification
To provide you with the services you have requested We enter into a contract with you for the provision of our services and need your personal data to ensure we both can fulfil our obligations. 
To meet our legal obligationsWe have legal obligations such a Company law, Employment Law, Health & Safety laws  
To promote our business and keep you up to date on matters that we believe will be of interest to you – this may include contacting you about offers and events that we are hosting. It is in our legitimate business interest to promote our success and to keep you engaged through our relationship.You can ask us to stop contacting you at any time in respect of offers and events by contacting at the details below.  
To source potential matches from associate online and offline agencies.It is in our legitimate interest to identify potential perfect matches to our clients from other sources.  We will however always be clear with you who we are and what we are doing if we reach out to you on another site and will only add your details to our records if you consent. 

Automated Decisions 

Some of the decisions that we take about you may be through fully automated mean.  For example, we will ask you to take a personality test to help us identify what type of person you will get on with.  We also automatically exclude clients from certain matches where they don’t meet the criteria of a member, such as location, income, education and smoking.  These automated processes are always overseen by a member of the team to ensure they there is no undue bias or unfair decisions being applied. 

Who we may pass your data on to:

Where appropriate, we may disclose your personal data to 

  • Agents and consultants who support our work;
  • Service Providers and external parties that help us deliver the service;
  • Financial institutions such as banks and credit card companies’
  • Our professional advisors such as a legal representatives and accountants. 

We may also disclose your personal information to third parties in the following circumstances:

  1. Where we sell any of our business and/or assets to a third party 
  2. Where we are legally obliged to disclose your information.

We do not share your information with third parties for commercial purposes without your permission but may generate anonymised and statistical information from your data.

In exceptional circumstance law enforcement agencies may also request your information from us and we will provide them with your information only when there is a legal basis to do so. 

If we suspect someone has committed fraud, we’ll note it in our records and may share the information with others that we deem relevant – such as the Police. 

International Transfers 

Your personal data may be stored or accessed by our staff or service providers in other locations across the world, some of which do not have the same laws in place to protect data.  In this case we will take steps to protect your data, which include approved safeguards as set out by the Information Commissioner’s Office.  Further information about these safeguards can be accessed [here]


DataRetention TimeFurther Information
Client Records6 years after termination of the service Statute of limitations on contractual performance 
Client and MBTI enquiries2 years If you reconnect with us in this time period, we can pick up where you left off.
Interview Records on enquirers who did not join6 Years after interview date 
Marketing Consents 2 years after last contact 

Your Rights 

We respect the rights that individuals are granted through the GDPR.  These rights include:

  • The right to be informed about the processing of your personal information and to know what data we hold; 
  • The right to access your data and in some circumstances the right of data portability;
  • The right to be forgotten;
  • The right to withdraw any consents you have previously given to us; 
  • Rights to object to processing or to stop certain activities (such as marketing)
  • The right to have human intervention in fully automated decisions;
  • The right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office.

How to contact us

  • If you have any questions about the processing of your data, have any concerns or complaints or to exercise any of your rights, you can contact our Data Protection Officer at Email:
  • If we fail to resolve your issue, you are within you rights to contact the Information Commissioners Office on 03031231113, via email or at the Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF, England

Changes To Ignite Dating’s  Privacy Policy

This policy is dated 1st July 2024. Any changes we may make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail. Please check back to see any updates or changes to our privacy policy.

IP addresses and Cookies

Cookies identify the computer you are using not you personally. On our website(s) we use session cookies to store your current session details. We may use a 30-day cookie to store a campaign or referrer that might have sent you to the site. We may also use a more persistent cookie if you logged in to the site to access your profile. We use an analytics tool to understand which website pages you are visiting and to help us improve the customer journey through the website(s) and site effectiveness. This data allows us to improve the quality of your visit and develop programmes, navigation and content that will be of interest to you.

We collect information about your computer (not your name, address, email address or telephone number) through your permanent cookie file for the purpose of assessing the effectiveness of site content and traffic. This data allows us to improve the quality of your visit.

Google AnalyticsAllows us to analyse visitor data for our marketing.
Google Tag ManagerSimplifies the process of using Google’s analytics tools.