4 reasons you should avoid getting back with your ex at all costs

Ben and Jennifer, Katy and Orlando, Khloe and Tristan, Gigi and Zayn – is it just us or has getting back with your ex become the new dating trend in 2021?

While it can feel all too easy and familiar to rekindle an old relationship, especially following 18 months of limited dating options, it’s important to remember that you broke up for a reason.

And much like many of the insane diet trends out there, just because the celebs are giving it a go, it doesn’t mean you should too, right?

So, if you are about to give up on the dating world and go back to a past love, we are here to remind you that if you want something different, you are going to have to do something different. Here are just four reasons why you should avoid getting back with your ex at all costs.

1. Some people don’t change

Have they told you it will be different this time around? Well, unfortunately, this very often isn’t the case. One of the things that makes us human is the fact that we are all creatures of habit, and typically people don’t change overnight.

So, although it’s easy for them to promise that they’ve changed and for you to believe that you’ve both grown and moved on as people, the reality is that the same problems are likely to emerge in the future. Once that happy, loved-up, honeymoon period is over, you could find yourself falling back into the same damaging behaviours and cycles as before, leading to a sense of déjà vu and another break-up.

2. The trust has been broken

Trust is so important in a relationship; it takes a long time to build and, sadly, not very long to break. If you’ve already broken up once, it’s likely that there will always be that underlying fear that it could happen again.

This can often be amplified, particularly if it was as a result of infidelity, lying or keeping secrets. More often than not, that  major reason that you broke up often remains as the elephant in the room and is brought up in the heat of an argument, whether related to the current heated discussion or not. This is a surefire sign that the trust is still lacking, and that is no way to start a relationship.

3. You can’t move forward if you’re moving backwards

Unfortunately, you can either move forward or backwards, but you can’t do both – otherwise, you’re just standing still!

So, if you want to start a new life, find yourself, be happy and fall in love again, going back to an ex is not the way to go about this. 

You want to look forward to the future, to the new adventures ahead of you with new people and focus on building new relationships that are much more positive and beneficial for your life.  

4. There are so many other people out there

Finally, you might feel like you’ve been on the dating scene for a while now without much success, but let’s face it, there are quite literally millions of people out there that are single and looking for love, just like you, so why are you going back to an already proven unsuccessful relationship?

You’ve heard the cliché that there’s plenty more fish in the sea, and while it might be cheesy and overused, it is also true. There are so many people out there that could be better suited to you, sharing the same values, aspirations and lifestyle that you hold dear, so don’t settle! Keep at it, and you’ll find someone new who is much better suited to you, or better still enlist the help of an expert matchmaker to take the hard work out of it for you and find that person that you have been searching for!

At Ignite Dating, we understand that the dating journey can take time and that there will be moments when you want to give up and go back to a relationship that’s familiar. But our expert team of matchmakers can help you on your dating journey and offer you support when times get tough. So, if you’re hoping to find the perfect match this year, get in touch with our friendly team today.

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