
Too many fish in the sea? Here’s why you should only date one person at a time

Are you tired of the constant swiping, answering the same questions over and over again and seeing potential partners fizzle out to nothing only to end up at the bottom of your inbox?

It sounds like you could be on your way to dating burnout, and there are probably several reasons for this.

Constantly starting new conversations, talking to multiple people at once and never knowing if someone is being honest with you can take its toll on even the most resilient singles. Yet, so many people are still taking this multi-approach to dating.

If any of this sounds familiar, this blog post is for you. Below, we’re going to take a look at why dating just one person at a time could actually be the answer to your dating problems and why the talented matchmakers at Ignite Dating prefer this approach.

Why do people default to dating multiple people?

In a recent news story, a young TikTok content creator shared how she had asked for feedback from a Tinder match when he ghosted her after just two dates.

His reply? Well, with so many options available, he didn’t want to be tied down.

And it seems to be the case for lots of people out there. This is just one of the key reasons that so many single people choose to use saturated dating apps and date multiple people at once, others include the fact that:

  • They are experimenting with dating
  • They are trying to avoid starting a relationship too quickly
  • They are not ready to start dating properly
  • They are looking for validation and attention from different sources
  • They are keeping their options open
  • They are letting their libido make decisions for them
  • They believe there are plenty of fish in the sea

Why dating multiple people can do more harm than good

Dating is the discovery phase during a (potential) relationship. It’s the point at which you ask questions, start getting to know one another and look for any major red flags. Without fully embracing this stage and giving each match the time to carry out this essential due diligence, you could end up with the wrong person.

After all, if you blindly bluster through the dating journey, seeing multiple people, you might find you end up ignoring red flags that could become an issue at a later date. Not only that, but you will find that by keeping your options open, you essentially become emotionally unavailable and sit on the fence when on a date. This means that you might miss out on some potentially great connections and relationships because you were too focused on whether something better is on the horizon rather than concentrating on the opportunity right in front of you. 

Worse still, if you have a pattern of being involved with, for instance, emotionally stunted partners or those who cheat, you might end up just dating the same person over and over again. And you should always avoid dating an ex (or someone very similar to an ex).

All of the above is exactly why multiple dating can be heartbreaking, confusing and, let’s face it, stressful!

Why our matchmakers believe in setting up one match at a time

Now, don’t get us wrong, we’re not saying that you can’t have fun on your dating journey, and you can’t meet multiple people before settling down. However, our talented team of matchmakers prefer to work on a one match at a time basis. Ultimately, this is a method that has proven successful time and time again.  

To do this, they will get to know you and what you want from a relationship by using the perfect combination of Myers-Briggs personality profiling, experience, intuition and their extensive private network. This way, they can match you with like-minded, successful singles who complement you and your lifestyle.

And by dating just one person at a time, you are more likely to be emotionally available, build genuine connections and be your authentic self when out on dates. You’re also more likely to recognise if someone isn’t right for you before you’ve dedicated too much time to the relationship.

So, if you’re tired of dating apps and you’re ready to find someone who you share a genuine connection with, get in touch with the team at Ignite Dating today. As an elite matchmaking consultancy, our expert team of matchmakers are on hand to help you every step of the way.


Why you shouldn’t be afraid to make the first move

We are taught very early on in our lives that men love the chase and that playing hard to get is the best way for women to capture their attention. But this is simply not the case.

In 2021, we must ditch those outdated rules that shame women who choose to make the first move. After all, it’s never easy to make the first move when you like someone, especially if you’re more of an introvert. But taking this step becomes a lot easier if you give yourself permission to do so.

So, if you’ve been debating whether to ask someone out for a while now or been wondering whether to be the first to express your feelings, we’re here to explain why you shouldn’t be afraid to make the first move and more importantly, why you shouldn’t judge yourself when you do.

Good things come to those who go out and get them

You’ve probably heard the famous saying, good things come to those who wait, but that just isn’t true.

Think about it; if you want a new phone, you don’t just sit at home hoping that someone will magically bring one to your door – you go out, and you get one. Much in the same way that when you want that promotion at work, you don’t just sit on the sidelines and hope for results. Instead, you speak to your boss, explain why you deserve it, and then work hard to prove it.

And the same rules apply in the dating world.

If you sit back and wait for someone to come to you, what’s to stop another successful single from snapping them up before you get the chance?

Nothing! This is why you should never be afraid to get out there and make the first move. Those that get up and chase what they want are more likely to succeed, and that applies to relationships too.

Don’t live with regrets

They say in the end that we regret the things that we don’t do in life, not the things that we do, and it is often those missed opportunities that hurt the most.

And when it comes to dating the same is true. Sitting back and waiting for the perfect partner to come to you could leave you lonely and full of regret, especially as you see those closest to you or even those old crushes settle down and enjoy happy, long-lasting relationships.

So instead of spending years thinking ‘what if’ or ‘what could have happened’, you need to take the chance yourself and make a move. And hey, even if it doesn’t work out in the end, at least you know you did all you could, and you won’t be left regretting the move you never made.

Don’t leave anything to chance

If you leave it to someone else to make the first move, there is a lot of ambiguity and room for confusion. While you may think that you are sending out all the right signals and flashing that green light, if the other person hasn’t picked up on them or the signs aren’t showing off how you’re really feeling, you’re leaving everything to chance.

After all, they might be confused about whether you’re open to a relationship or what you expect from them. And if they are just as unsure about making that first move as you, you could both find that the opportunity passes you by with neither of you ever taking that step. Whereas, if you make that first move yourself, you leave nothing to chance as you know exactly what you want and can start as you mean to go on in your new dating journey.

Timing is everything

Finally, timing is everything, and if you wait for the ‘perfect’ moment, you could find it’s too little too late.

While we understand that you might want to wait for a great hair day, for a day when the sun is shining, or for a day when Mercury is in retrograde, you may find that you will be waiting a while. And by the time all those perfect instances align; you might find that your crush has moved on and found someone else or perhaps even relocated too far from you.

So essentially, what we’re saying is, don’t sit back and wait for what you want or it might be too late. Make that first move and get your dating journey off to an exciting start – you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

If sitting around and waiting for that perfect partner hasn’t worked for you so far, get in touch with our friendly team and find out how they can give you the confidence to start your dating journey and change your dating game.


10 signs of true intimacy in a relationship

In the early stages of a relationship, cute morning texts, spontaneous lunches and surprise bouquets of flowers are great! But there comes a time in every relationship when you need something more.

You need your partner to be able to read your mood, support you emotionally and allow you to be your truest self. But developing an intimate relationship with someone doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, commitment, and trust.

If you’re not sure whether you and your partner have reached this level of intimacy yet, here are 10 signs of true intimacy to look out for in your relationship.

1. You can be vulnerable around them

One of the most important aspects of any relationship is being able to open up to your partner about anything and still feel loved. If you’re unable to truly say what you’re feeling and thinking for fear of them being judgmental or getting angry, it’s a surefire sign that your relationship might not have achieved true intimacy just yet.

2. Raw honesty doesn’t scare you

Following on from the last point, an intimate relationship requires partners to be honest with one another and to also offer honest feedback. For example, letting them know if something they do upsets you or if you’re not in a financial position to buy or do something they wanted to.

Though this might mean initial disappointment or the need to adjust and change to begin with, being willing to adapt in your relationship is a sign of true intimacy.

3. You appreciate nonsexual intimacy

In the early stages, sexual intimacy is often more heightened, but as time goes on you learn to appreciate physical affection outside of sex. This can be anything from holding hands to a kiss on the cheek or even a massage after a long day at work.

4. You respect each other’s boundaries

Being open and honest with your partner means sharing your insecurities and setting out your personal boundaries. Whether these boundaries are sexual, physical, or emotional, true intimacy means understanding and respecting these boundaries.

5. You don’t feel judged

If you can say or do anything (within reason, of course) without feeling judged, this is a sign of true intimacy. For example, being open about your sexual preferences or confessing when you need a break from their family or friends without being scared of hurting their feelings.

6. You can rely on them if things go wrong

Life can be tough and there can be unexpected challenges, so you need someone you can rely on to help and support you through these times. If you know you can whole-heartedly rely on them when things go wrong no matter what the situation, this is a sure sign that you’ve achieved true intimacy.

7. You have an unspoken language

Can just one side glance tell you exactly what they’re thinking? Perhaps you can read their facial expressions like a book, and they don’t even have to say a word? This unspoken language and way of communicating shows that you know each other inside and out.

8. You make each other a priority

When you’ve been together a while, it’s easy to fall into a daily routine. Between juggling work, hobbies, friends and family, you might find that you stop making time for one another.

But itt has been proven that couples that make time for each other with at least one date night a month are less likely to break up. By prioritising each other and spending quality time together regularly, you can achieve deeper intimacy and increased levels of communication.

9. They’re always the first person you want to talk to

Whether you’ve heard juicy gossip, something upsetting, a funny joke or life-changing news, your partner is always the first person you want to share this with. If this is the case for yourself and your partner, this is a sign that your intimacy is strong and that, ultimately, they are your best friend.

10. You actually put your phones down

Finally, it might sound like the bare minimum to expect but putting your phone down when talking to your partner,  has become a real issue in relationships in today’s digital age. In fact, a study found that 70% of people confess that mobile phone usage frequently interferes with their relationships.

But if you’ve found a partner that puts down their phone when you’re spending together and gives you their undivided attention, this is a more modern sign of true intimacy.

If you’re single and need help finding that partner to achieve true intimacy with then look no further. Get in touch with our expert team and find out how they can help you achieve that long-term, successful relationship that you’ve been searching for. 


Matchmaking: is it an art or a science?

“Oh, I think you’d really like my friend Tom from work; you have a lot in common.”

“Did you want me to set you up with my sister’s roommate? She’s such a lovely girl.”

Do these conversations sound familiar?

When you’re single, it can feel like everyone you know suddenly turns into a matchmaker trying to help you on the quest to find that perfect partner.

The problem is, this can lead people to think that the matchmaking process is simple and easy – you just find two people that like similar things and set them up, right?

Well, the reality is quite different. It’s not as straightforward as just connecting two people that you like and hoping that they like each other too. Matchmaking requires a careful mixture of intuition, expertise, personality profiling, technology, and networking for the best results.

It is a careful balance between art and science, and we’re going to share with you how the two elements combine in more detail below.

How is science used in matchmaking and the dating industry?

Successful matchmakers rely on important scientific principles to help them determine the success of a match and connect the right people.

At Ignite Dating, we use Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to better understand the personality type and preferences of our clients. For example, how they get their energy, how they learn, how they make decisions and how they like to organise their time. This information can then be used to help match them with like-minded individuals who complement their personality type.

MBTI is not specific to the team at Ignite Dating, it is in fact a type of psychometric testing that is commonly used in recruitment and corporate environments. Although it is common in matchmaking too, some dating agencies prefer to use other scientific principles and tools to help them with their dating services.

This may be the use of algorithms and databases as part of their matchmaking processes, another good example of how science and, more specifically, technology has become a key part of the dating industry. After all, no matter whether you are a traditional agency or an elite matchmaking consultancy like ourselves, technology still has a part to play in successful matchmaking.

At Ignite Dating, our matchmakers use a unique mix of intuition, industry expertise, knowledge, and MBTI to select a potential introduction, based on the qualities and traits that are important to their clients. However, it is not simply enough to rely on this. In addition, to ensure the prospective relationship has the best chance for success long-term, all matches are run through an industry-specific algorithm to check that it is a good match and only those that achieve over 90 percent match will be presented as an introduction.

What about the art side of matchmaking?

As well as relying on psychometric profiling and technology, there is also a certain amount of knowledge and instinct that needs to be applied to effective matchmaking. To be a successful matchmaker you need to have strong emotional intelligence and a sixth sense when it comes to people – a skill that you are usually born with and not something that can be taught or learnt.

This is a trait that the team at Ignite Dating all possess. Matchmakers can use this intuition to quickly decide if two people are likely to work well together, saving their clients’ time, effort and awkward dates with people who are not right for them.

They also spend their time getting to know each client on a very personal and individual basis (including the use of MBTI to understand their personality). This helps them to find a suitable match that shares the same values, aspirations, and lifestyle as their client, as well as a complementary personality type.

So, is matchmaking an art or a science?

Ultimately, matchmaking should not be classed as either an art or science. Instead, the two factors must work in harmony for the perfect process and a successful match.

This way, matchmakers can ensure that they’re introducing their clients to like-minded individuals who share not only their passions and ambitions, but also personality types that will complement one another.

This is important for the bigger aspects in life, as well as the smaller details that make up our every day. After all, relationships aren’t just about the big romantic gestures or life-altering moments; they are also about being happy together on a daily basis and working through any issues in a healthy manner when life throws a curveball your way.

If you’re single, have found that the alternative ways of dating aren’t working for you or simply looking for a new way to date then get in touch with our expert team today and find out how they can use art and science to help find that perfect partner for you. 


What is Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and how does it help you find love?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) was developed by Isabel Myers and her mother, Katherine Briggs, during World War II.

Their work came off the back of Jung’s theory of psychological types, as well as their own observations of the marked differences between personality types. They began researching and developing the concept and then tested their theory on their friends and family.

This led to extensive research, and the pair quickly realised that the theory could have real-world applications. They penned their first version of the assessment in the 1940s, and continued to develop the tool over the next couple of decades.

But what exactly is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)?

The MBTI assessment is a psychometric tool that was created as a way of identifying a person’s personality type, strengths and preferences. The assessment is conducted using a questionnaire, and the results provide insight into what makes you who you are.

It is one of the most popular and widely recognised personality assessments used today. It has a number of applications, for example, in business, educational and counselling settings to support recruitment, build teams, develop self-awareness, and of course, in the dating world.

The MBTI helps us to understand personality preferences in key areas, including: 

  • Extraversion Vs introversion – How you get your energy
  • Sensing Vs intuition – How you absorb information and learn
  • Thinking Vs feeling – How you make decisions
  • Judging Vs perceiving – How you like to organise your time and environment

In doing so, people can better understand themselves. Myers and Briggs believed this would be important for helping people select their occupation, lead healthier lives and find love and happiness.

What are the different personality types?

After taking the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment, you will be given a four-letter score that represents your personality type. There are 16 different types as identified by Myers and Briggs, and though we won’t outline them all below, some examples include: 

  • ESFP – Performer, entertainer, artisan
  • ISTP – Crafter, operator, artisan
  • ENFJ – Teacher, mentor, idealist
  • INFP – Healer, advocate, idealist
  • ENTJ – Field marshal, coordinator, rational
  • INTP – Architect, engineer, rational
  • ISTJ – Inspector, administrator, guardian

How is MBTI used in dating?

At Ignite Dating, we conduct MBTI as part of our interview process. This can be done either verbally or via online self-assessment, but either way, the test will generate your four-letter score (as outlined above).

We then add this score to your profile and use it to get a better and deeper understanding of your personality, preferences, behaviours and communication habits. This helps our matchmakers find your perfect partner!

Are you ready to take the test?

If you want to know more about your personality type so that you can make more informed decisions moving forward, or if you’d like to boost your chances of finding the perfect partner, it might be time that you took the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment!

And if you’d like to know more about how we apply MBTI and use your results to help you find love, get in touch with the team at Ignite Dating today. If you think this approach is right for you, the team can help you to complete your assessment right away.


5 tips for dating as a widow

When your partner passes away, the idea of dating and finding love again can be unthinkable. In fact, some people believe they’ll never date again because no one could possibly live up to the partner they have lost.

However, with time comes healing, and in most cases, widows and widowers will eventually open themselves up to the possibility of finding a new partner.

Ultimately, everyone grieves differently, and only you will know when you’re ready to start looking for love again.

But dating after you’ve been widowed can have its challenges, so we’re here to offer a word or two of advice for when you do decide to take that step. Below, we’ve pulled together five tips for dating after you’ve lost a partner.

1. There is no right or wrong answer

As we said, everyone is different, and there is no specific time period you have to wait before getting back on the dating scene. For some, it can take years, others just a few months, but in the end it is a very personal decision and no one can tell you that you’re moving too fast or slow. So just go at your own pace and don’t worry about what others think.

2. You might feel guilty at first

As you begin to date again, you might find that feelings of guilt creep in, and some people have even reported feeling as if they’re being unfaithful to their partner. These feelings are common, they are perfectly natural and they will subside over time, so don’t be too hard on yourself.

That being said, if these feelings don’t subside after a few dates, it might be a sign that you’re not quite ready. In that case, take a little break from the dating world and try again when you’re feeling up to it.

3. Don’t do this alone

Dating when you’re grieving can be tough, even for the strongest person, so if you’re struggling it’s important that you don’t do it alone. Firstly, think about reaching out to friends or family for support as they can be someone you feel comfortable talking to and confiding in.

Alongside this, choosing to work with an expert matchmaker can really help you to get back out there. For example, personalised matchmaking services such as those offered by Ignite Dating give you complete discretion, provide ongoing support throughout your dating journey and help to find perfect matches. This can take the hard work and stress out of looking for love, easing you gently back into the dating world.

4. Forgive yourself for forgetting dating etiquette

If you had been with your late partner for several years, it’s likely that the dating scene has changed somewhat since your last date and you might not remember (or not be familiar with!) some dating etiquette.

Again, don’t be too hard on yourself. Most dates will completely understand if they know you haven’t been on a date in a while, so just learn from your mistakes and make sure you don’t take these with you onto your next date with you. You’ll be surprised how quickly you pick it back up.

5. Remember, dating should be fun

Even though dating might feel awkward or challenging at first, remember, it is supposed to be fun. There is no reason that being a widow should hold you back and stop you from enjoying your life again. After all, life is for living, and your late partner wouldn’t want you to waste your years; they would want you to be happy.

So, if you’re a widow or widower and you’re ready to start looking for love again, our team of expert matchmakers can help. Get in touch today to find out more about how they can support you on your dating journey.


Dating agency lingo and how to find the right agency for you

So, you’ve taken that first step and made the decision to join a dating agency and that’s great news! But how do you go about finding the right one?

With hundreds of dating agencies out there all offering slightly different services but promising the same results, it can be overwhelming to decide which one to go with. Well, the good news is there are some subtle but powerful ways that you can determine whether an agency is going to be right for you, and a major part of this lies in the lingo they use.

Often, you’ll find that each agency uses its own language to describe its service offering, so when it comes to choosing the right agency for you it is important to remember that age old saying “the difference between something good and something great, is attention to detail.”

Why dating agencies use different language

Dating is an industry that plays host to dynamic trends and ever-changing lingo. From benching and catfishing to breadcrumbing and ghosting, dating trends and the way we talk about them is getting increasingly creative.

However, this difference in language isn’t just specific to the individuals that are looking for love. Dating agencies also use different language patterns and trends to highlight their services and entice new members to sign up.

By understanding and interpreting this language, you can determine whether an agency is going to be right for you.

Decoding the lingo

In order to be successful in your dating journey, you need to choose the right agency and matchmaker for you. Some agencies use salespeople to sell the service and you may never actually meet your matchmaker face-to-face. We believe that the connection between you and the person finding your future partner, is just as important as the relationship itself. At Ignite Dating, the person you meet will be the person that is partnering you on your journey, not a salesperson who you will probably never hear from again.

Once you understand the various roles that agencies have in order to sell service, it makes finding the right one that little bit easier. the next step is to determine the language that the different dating agencies and websites use and more importantly what it means. By diving deeper into these examples below, you’ll get a better understanding of how you can identify and choose the right agency for you.

1. Making matches

Lots of agencies, and particularly those that offer database matching rather than headhunting, offer a ‘like it or lump it’ approach when it comes to matching. It is easier to spot these types of agencies by carefully examining their website or literature to see what language they use. For example, ‘we select matches for you’ and ‘we put forward an unlimited selection of profiles for you to choose from’ might sound good on first impression, but it very much puts the control on the matchmakers and leaves little room for input from yourself. The likelihood is that if you decline that introduction, you will have to wait a while for your next one.  

At Ignite Dating, in order for a match to be deemed an introduction, three boxes must be ticked. Firstly, the client has to agree that it is a good match, then the introduction has to give permission that they would like to go ahead with the match, and finally, the man has to make contact. If these three key points are not met, it won’t be counted as an introduction.

2. Ensuring your safety

Just like the lingo itself, the onboarding process of clients can vary greatly from agency to agency. For the most part, if you are looking for an agency that offers personal introductions it is likely that an interview process will take place before the registration is complete. The extent to which this interview process looks to ensure the safety of its clients differs greatly and you’ll probably find that a lot of sites and agencies will claim that their members are ‘vetted’ before finally being added to the database.

While this obviously isn’t a bad thing, in a world where it’s all too easy to create fake online accounts or personalities (we all remember the catfishing trend), singles today are looking for more safety and security in their dating journey. While no agency can guarantee 100 percent the safety of its clients, there are a number of steps that they can take to ensure the highest possible levels of security are achieved.

At Ignite Dating, we stipulate that all of our clients are ID-checked rather than simply ‘vetted’. Our matchmakers carry out a thorough interview process for any potential clients. This includes ID and address checks, questions around health, addictions and criminal convictions as well as an in-depth digital footprint check. Clues like this will give you a better insight into how seriously a dating agency takes the security and protection of its clients.

3. Using science to back it up

While having similar goals, hobbies and attributes may be important things to consider when dating, it’s not enough to match people on these alone. As such, it’s a good idea to look out for agencies that back up the art of matchmaking with scientific practices.  

At Ignite Dating, we understand the importance of personality types when it comes to matching individuals together. As such, psychometric testing and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are referenced throughout our literature and conversations as we firmly believe that intuition and years of experience should be supported by science to help find our clients their perfect match.

Helping you make the right choice

Now, these are by no means the only language trends that you need to look out for when choosing a dating agency., but they do highlight the importance of reading through the websites and small print carefully. We also recommend having an open conversation over a coffee with the matchmaker who you will be working with, allowing you to ask any questions and clarify anything you are unsure of to get a better understanding of the services that they offer in order to decide which agency is right for you.

If you are single and have made that decision to join an agency, but are not sure where to start then get in touch with our friendly team today for an open and honest chat about how we can help you on your dating journey.


5 things I have learnt from building a business in a pandemic

When I look back to 18 months ago when I first launched Ignite Dating, I never could have imagined just how successful it would be after just one year. Even though we now have two offices – a head office in central London and a regional office in Rutland, a team of nine and accreditation from the Matchmaking Institute under my belt I still have to pinch myself as I can’t believe that this is real.

What a lot of people don’t know about me is that I suffer massively from imposter syndrome. Contrary to the evidence of all that I have achieved over the last year and a half (despite the pandemic), I still have those moments where I feel that familiar wave of self-doubt wash over me and struggle to recognise my competence and skills – and I know that I’m not alone in this.

As I reflect on all that I have achieved so far and continue to achieve, I feel so lucky that despite the challenges that have seen many industries and businesses suffer the Ignite Dating brand continues to go from strength to strength.

My secret? Staying true to my values for an ethical and moral industry, listening to my clients and what they really wanted and building a network of the most supportive, smartest, and passionate people who share my aspirations and dreams for the future of Ignite Dating.

1. Set your goals and stick to them

From the moment I decided to launch my own matchmaking agency, I knew what I wanted to achieve and how to get there. Having worked with one of the UK’s largest introduction agencies, I realised that the dating world was going through another transition. Educated and successful people were bored of labour-intensive online dating, had perhaps found that database matching wasn’t quite hitting the right note and wanted to be more prescriptive as to what they wanted in a partner. So, I set myself one rule, always listen to my clients and develop a personalised service that meets their needs.

If the pandemic taught me anything, it’s that not everything goes to plan. You can never fully know what is going to happen in the future, so it is important to remember that if the plan doesn’t work, change the plan but never change the goal.

2. Never stop pushing no matter what challenges you face

When I set up Ignite Dating, I had no idea what was to come in just a few short months. Ten weeks after launching, the whole country went into lockdown. For an industry that thrives on personal contact and building relationships, there was no way of knowing the true impact that this situation was going to have on not only Ignite Dating but the industry as a whole and everyone seemed to have a bleak outlook on the future.

Faced with a situation where we couldn’t meet face-to-face to interview clients, and they in turn weren’t able to meet up to date, I was concerned with the impact this would have on the new business. However, rather than give up at the first hurdle I took a “push harder, work longer and build faster” approach.

When many people in the industry decided that they would concentrate solely on the clients that they had already taken on to see them through the pandemic, we took a different approach. Instead of waiting to see what happened as the pandemic unfolded, we embraced the opportunities of lockdown and the more traditional relationship approach that it necessitated. This determination to stay positive and swim against the tide allowed us to come out of lockdown stronger and in a better position than ever – something which looks set to continue.

3. Networking is the foundation to a successful business

Those first few months of launching Ignite Dating passed by in a haze of networking events and business meetings. From morning through to late evening, I would be meeting other matchmakers, potential ambassadors and clients that were interested in the unique way in which Ignite Dating works and the service that we offer. I networked relentlessly, and even to this day a huge part of my day is spent growing my network, seven days a week.

4. Don’t underestimate the value of sisterhood

Working in a very female-heavy industry, sisterhood and community are vital when it comes to building a business in the dating sector. Over the years I have formed fundamental relationships and a close-knit community, and we support each other with all aspects of growing a business. From collaboration on the services offered to swapping skillsets and supporting one another, those connections have been my driving force to achieve success, especially Genevieve Gresset our in-house coach who has been my ongoing sounding board and Peter Brodnicki who has had constant belief and passion in what we do.

Even in these modern times, only 1 in 3 UK entrepreneurs are female. This highlights the importance in increasing opportunities for women to be able to start their own businesses and it is something that I am deeply passionate about. To help combat this, we offer women a business venture that is truly their own, allowing them to fit work seamlessly around their personal life to give them time to focus on their children or give them a more balanced work and social life – something that can prove quite difficult when employed. After all, just because you’re a mum doesn’t mean you can’t also have your own successful business!

5. Build a supportive and passionate team

Not every day in a new business is going to be a good one – that is just reality. But with a strong team around you keeping you connected, focused and healthy you can face anything – no matter what life throws at you. This is something that is very important to me and part of the key building blocks behind the Ignite Dating brand.

To drive the team and keep morale boosted, we have implemented strategies to ensure that all Ignite Dating Angels maintain a happy and healthy work life. From a compassionate workplace to flexible hours, promotion of a good work-life balance to team building activities and small gestures on birthdays or when they achieve their first sale, these strategies make the world of difference to morale and encourages both employees and franchisees alike to achieve a happy and healthy work-life balance.


7 key signs you need to get a dating coach (and how to find the right one)

When you’re looking for a long-lasting relationship, there are certain challenges you might come up against. One of the biggest, but one you might not anticipate, is that you’re not in the right mindset to find love and genuine connections.

Being in the right frame of mind is crucial if you want to attract the right person. After all, if you’re putting out negative or cagey vibes, you’re likely to attract partners in a similar situation – and that is not going to result in a happy, healthy relationship!

People who are trying to date when they are not ready will only attract the wrong people, and they will continue to attract the wrong people until they break these patterns and reframe their way of thinking.

Often, finding a dating coach can be a helpful way to break the bad habits and patterns that haven’t served you well in the past.

Signs it might be time for you to get a dating coach

If you notice that you have any of these dating habits (and especially if you have more than one), then this is a sure-fire sign that you need some professional help.

A dating coach will work with you to change your mindset, and they will support you on your journey towards finding a happy and healthy relationship.

The seven key signs you need a dating coach include:

  1. Feeling anxious about dating
  2. Trying to fast track the dating journey and establish a relationship within the first three to five dates
  3. Always finding faults with those you meet and feeling like no one will ever be good enough
  4. Cancelling dates and even making up excuses for why it’s not the right time for you to date
  5. Obsessing over an ex and comparing everyone you meet to them
  6. Always going to your friends for dating advice and doing your own thing anyway
  7. Constantly seeking approval and validation from others about your dating life

If any of these signs sound familiar, it might be time to address the problem. But how can you go about finding a dating coach that will support you and help you get back on track?

How to find a dating coach

If you’ve never even considered a dating coach before, let alone hired one, it can be tricky to know where to start. The good news is, there are lots of simple ways you can find a dating coach and determine whether they’re going to be able to support you on your dating journey.

Firstly, do some research online to find out which dating agencies operate in your area, as this is the best place to start. After this, you should:

  • Check out their website to see what it says about them, and look out for their credentials and experience
  • Look at their blog (if they have one), as this can often reveal whether they are a knowledgeable and reputable source within the industry
  • Look for reviews and testimonials from other people they have helped in the past

If you do all of this, you should be able to get a good feel for whether a dating coach or service provider is right for you.

And don’t just settle for the first website you find. Getting the right coach is important, so do some looking around and compare a few agencies before you sign up. This will ensure you find the best possible dating coach for you.

At Ignite Dating, our expert team of matchmakers and dating coaches are on hand to help you reframe your mindset and champion success on your dating journey. They are there to listen to your needs and help you find the perfect partner. So, if you think the time has come to get some support, get in touch with our friendly team today to see how they can help you find love.


How to achieve a long-term relationship when you’re a successful businesswoman

Until very recently, women were always seen as the caregivers, who should stay at home and take care of the family. For most people, this has shaped our perceptions of gender roles and how we traditionally understand relationships.

And because successful businesswomen challenge these norms, they often struggle to find loving, long-term relationships.

Does this sound familiar?

If so, then this article is for you. Below, we are going to uncover the changing role of women in recent years and what they can do to achieve success in both their professional and personal lives.

We will share our tips and advice on how you can find love without compromising the life you have established for yourself or the goals you have yet to achieve.

You need to be able to switch off

One of the key challenges that businesswomen face is finding it hard to switch off.

What do we mean by this?

Well, for lots of women in the workplace, it is a common conception that they have to work harder to be taken seriously and to gain the respect they deserve.

As such, many continue to take this more ‘masculine’ energy with them into their dating life, as they feel they have to work hard to find love just like they do in their career.

But rather than applying this energy and coming across as overly forceful, driven and in control when dating, businesswomen need to learn to lead with their ‘feminine’ energy. It’s about realising that you are loved for who you are, not what you do, and instead allowing yourself to switch off, relax and be yourself – away from your professional persona.

Love requires a certain level of vulnerability

One of the things that many of us struggle with when it comes to dating is the ability to be vulnerable and to open our hearts to someone new. Even the toughest of us need to learn to be vulnerable in love in order to develop deeper connections with a potential partner, particularly strong businesswomen.

And this can be understandably hard when you’re used to having your guard up at work all the time and keeping people at a distance. 

So, although it can feel unnatural at times, it’s important that you’re able to let your guard down when dating and show that vulnerable side of yourself. Otherwise, you’re unlikely to form genuine, long-lasting relationships.

Look for love in the right places

A hugely important part of finding love as a successful businesswoman is making sure you’re looking in the right places. If you’re looking for someone that shares the same values, lifestyle and aspirations as you, it is unlikely that you will find them by frequenting bars, coffee shops, art galleries, etc. hoping that they will just walk in.

Instead, you need to be using the right platforms to help you look for a partner. For example, online dating apps are not likely to be the right place either, because let’s face it, the calibre of people on there probably aren’t quite what you are looking for.

And who has time to sit and swipe for hours on end anyway?

As such, dating agencies and matchmaking services like Ignite Dating are going to be far more beneficial for successful businesswomen. Working on a headhunting basis, they allow you to share exactly what you’re looking for in a partner and in turn introduce you to like-minded individuals who have similar aspirations and dreams to you.

Find a partner who’s going to support your success

Finally, it’s important that you look for and appreciate a partner who is willing to support and champion your success rather than compete with it.

This means holding out for someone who has similar career goals or achievements as you, or at the very least, someone who won’t be intimated by your success, even if they are yet to reach their own goals.

Working with a dedicated matchmaker means that you have someone that fully understands what you are looking for, not only in a partner but also in your future. They can use their intuition and expertise to find that potential match that supports your goals and aspirations and is willing to work towards them with you.

So, if you’re a successful businesswoman who is looking for love, don’t just settle. Get in touch with our talented team of matchmakers today to see how they can help you achieve a loving and long-term relationship.