How to achieve a long-term relationship when you’re a successful businesswoman

Until very recently, women were always seen as the caregivers, who should stay at home and take care of the family. For most people, this has shaped our perceptions of gender roles and how we traditionally understand relationships.

And because successful businesswomen challenge these norms, they often struggle to find loving, long-term relationships.

Does this sound familiar?

If so, then this article is for you. Below, we are going to uncover the changing role of women in recent years and what they can do to achieve success in both their professional and personal lives.

We will share our tips and advice on how you can find love without compromising the life you have established for yourself or the goals you have yet to achieve.

You need to be able to switch off

One of the key challenges that businesswomen face is finding it hard to switch off.

What do we mean by this?

Well, for lots of women in the workplace, it is a common conception that they have to work harder to be taken seriously and to gain the respect they deserve.

As such, many continue to take this more ‘masculine’ energy with them into their dating life, as they feel they have to work hard to find love just like they do in their career.

But rather than applying this energy and coming across as overly forceful, driven and in control when dating, businesswomen need to learn to lead with their ‘feminine’ energy. It’s about realising that you are loved for who you are, not what you do, and instead allowing yourself to switch off, relax and be yourself – away from your professional persona.

Love requires a certain level of vulnerability

One of the things that many of us struggle with when it comes to dating is the ability to be vulnerable and to open our hearts to someone new. Even the toughest of us need to learn to be vulnerable in love in order to develop deeper connections with a potential partner, particularly strong businesswomen.

And this can be understandably hard when you’re used to having your guard up at work all the time and keeping people at a distance. 

So, although it can feel unnatural at times, it’s important that you’re able to let your guard down when dating and show that vulnerable side of yourself. Otherwise, you’re unlikely to form genuine, long-lasting relationships.

Look for love in the right places

A hugely important part of finding love as a successful businesswoman is making sure you’re looking in the right places. If you’re looking for someone that shares the same values, lifestyle and aspirations as you, it is unlikely that you will find them by frequenting bars, coffee shops, art galleries, etc. hoping that they will just walk in.

Instead, you need to be using the right platforms to help you look for a partner. For example, online dating apps are not likely to be the right place either, because let’s face it, the calibre of people on there probably aren’t quite what you are looking for.

And who has time to sit and swipe for hours on end anyway?

As such, dating agencies and matchmaking services like Ignite Dating are going to be far more beneficial for successful businesswomen. Working on a headhunting basis, they allow you to share exactly what you’re looking for in a partner and in turn introduce you to like-minded individuals who have similar aspirations and dreams to you.

Find a partner who’s going to support your success

Finally, it’s important that you look for and appreciate a partner who is willing to support and champion your success rather than compete with it.

This means holding out for someone who has similar career goals or achievements as you, or at the very least, someone who won’t be intimated by your success, even if they are yet to reach their own goals.

Working with a dedicated matchmaker means that you have someone that fully understands what you are looking for, not only in a partner but also in your future. They can use their intuition and expertise to find that potential match that supports your goals and aspirations and is willing to work towards them with you.

So, if you’re a successful businesswoman who is looking for love, don’t just settle. Get in touch with our talented team of matchmakers today to see how they can help you achieve a loving and long-term relationship.

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