5 tips for dating as a widow

When your partner passes away, the idea of dating and finding love again can be unthinkable. In fact, some people believe they’ll never date again because no one could possibly live up to the partner they have lost.

However, with time comes healing, and in most cases, widows and widowers will eventually open themselves up to the possibility of finding a new partner.

Ultimately, everyone grieves differently, and only you will know when you’re ready to start looking for love again.

But dating after you’ve been widowed can have its challenges, so we’re here to offer a word or two of advice for when you do decide to take that step. Below, we’ve pulled together five tips for dating after you’ve lost a partner.

1. There is no right or wrong answer

As we said, everyone is different, and there is no specific time period you have to wait before getting back on the dating scene. For some, it can take years, others just a few months, but in the end it is a very personal decision and no one can tell you that you’re moving too fast or slow. So just go at your own pace and don’t worry about what others think.

2. You might feel guilty at first

As you begin to date again, you might find that feelings of guilt creep in, and some people have even reported feeling as if they’re being unfaithful to their partner. These feelings are common, they are perfectly natural and they will subside over time, so don’t be too hard on yourself.

That being said, if these feelings don’t subside after a few dates, it might be a sign that you’re not quite ready. In that case, take a little break from the dating world and try again when you’re feeling up to it.

3. Don’t do this alone

Dating when you’re grieving can be tough, even for the strongest person, so if you’re struggling it’s important that you don’t do it alone. Firstly, think about reaching out to friends or family for support as they can be someone you feel comfortable talking to and confiding in.

Alongside this, choosing to work with an expert matchmaker can really help you to get back out there. For example, personalised matchmaking services such as those offered by Ignite Dating give you complete discretion, provide ongoing support throughout your dating journey and help to find perfect matches. This can take the hard work and stress out of looking for love, easing you gently back into the dating world.

4. Forgive yourself for forgetting dating etiquette

If you had been with your late partner for several years, it’s likely that the dating scene has changed somewhat since your last date and you might not remember (or not be familiar with!) some dating etiquette.

Again, don’t be too hard on yourself. Most dates will completely understand if they know you haven’t been on a date in a while, so just learn from your mistakes and make sure you don’t take these with you onto your next date with you. You’ll be surprised how quickly you pick it back up.

5. Remember, dating should be fun

Even though dating might feel awkward or challenging at first, remember, it is supposed to be fun. There is no reason that being a widow should hold you back and stop you from enjoying your life again. After all, life is for living, and your late partner wouldn’t want you to waste your years; they would want you to be happy.

So, if you’re a widow or widower and you’re ready to start looking for love again, our team of expert matchmakers can help. Get in touch today to find out more about how they can support you on your dating journey.

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