10 signs of true intimacy in a relationship

In the early stages of a relationship, cute morning texts, spontaneous lunches and surprise bouquets of flowers are great! But there comes a time in every relationship when you need something more.

You need your partner to be able to read your mood, support you emotionally and allow you to be your truest self. But developing an intimate relationship with someone doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, commitment, and trust.

If you’re not sure whether you and your partner have reached this level of intimacy yet, here are 10 signs of true intimacy to look out for in your relationship.

1. You can be vulnerable around them

One of the most important aspects of any relationship is being able to open up to your partner about anything and still feel loved. If you’re unable to truly say what you’re feeling and thinking for fear of them being judgmental or getting angry, it’s a surefire sign that your relationship might not have achieved true intimacy just yet.

2. Raw honesty doesn’t scare you

Following on from the last point, an intimate relationship requires partners to be honest with one another and to also offer honest feedback. For example, letting them know if something they do upsets you or if you’re not in a financial position to buy or do something they wanted to.

Though this might mean initial disappointment or the need to adjust and change to begin with, being willing to adapt in your relationship is a sign of true intimacy.

3. You appreciate nonsexual intimacy

In the early stages, sexual intimacy is often more heightened, but as time goes on you learn to appreciate physical affection outside of sex. This can be anything from holding hands to a kiss on the cheek or even a massage after a long day at work.

4. You respect each other’s boundaries

Being open and honest with your partner means sharing your insecurities and setting out your personal boundaries. Whether these boundaries are sexual, physical, or emotional, true intimacy means understanding and respecting these boundaries.

5. You don’t feel judged

If you can say or do anything (within reason, of course) without feeling judged, this is a sign of true intimacy. For example, being open about your sexual preferences or confessing when you need a break from their family or friends without being scared of hurting their feelings.

6. You can rely on them if things go wrong

Life can be tough and there can be unexpected challenges, so you need someone you can rely on to help and support you through these times. If you know you can whole-heartedly rely on them when things go wrong no matter what the situation, this is a sure sign that you’ve achieved true intimacy.

7. You have an unspoken language

Can just one side glance tell you exactly what they’re thinking? Perhaps you can read their facial expressions like a book, and they don’t even have to say a word? This unspoken language and way of communicating shows that you know each other inside and out.

8. You make each other a priority

When you’ve been together a while, it’s easy to fall into a daily routine. Between juggling work, hobbies, friends and family, you might find that you stop making time for one another.

But itt has been proven that couples that make time for each other with at least one date night a month are less likely to break up. By prioritising each other and spending quality time together regularly, you can achieve deeper intimacy and increased levels of communication.

9. They’re always the first person you want to talk to

Whether you’ve heard juicy gossip, something upsetting, a funny joke or life-changing news, your partner is always the first person you want to share this with. If this is the case for yourself and your partner, this is a sign that your intimacy is strong and that, ultimately, they are your best friend.

10. You actually put your phones down

Finally, it might sound like the bare minimum to expect but putting your phone down when talking to your partner,  has become a real issue in relationships in today’s digital age. In fact, a study found that 70% of people confess that mobile phone usage frequently interferes with their relationships.

But if you’ve found a partner that puts down their phone when you’re spending together and gives you their undivided attention, this is a more modern sign of true intimacy.

If you’re single and need help finding that partner to achieve true intimacy with then look no further. Get in touch with our expert team and find out how they can help you achieve that long-term, successful relationship that you’ve been searching for. 

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