Dating agency lingo and how to find the right agency for you

So, you’ve taken that first step and made the decision to join a dating agency and that’s great news! But how do you go about finding the right one?

With hundreds of dating agencies out there all offering slightly different services but promising the same results, it can be overwhelming to decide which one to go with. Well, the good news is there are some subtle but powerful ways that you can determine whether an agency is going to be right for you, and a major part of this lies in the lingo they use.

Often, you’ll find that each agency uses its own language to describe its service offering, so when it comes to choosing the right agency for you it is important to remember that age old saying “the difference between something good and something great, is attention to detail.”

Why dating agencies use different language

Dating is an industry that plays host to dynamic trends and ever-changing lingo. From benching and catfishing to breadcrumbing and ghosting, dating trends and the way we talk about them is getting increasingly creative.

However, this difference in language isn’t just specific to the individuals that are looking for love. Dating agencies also use different language patterns and trends to highlight their services and entice new members to sign up.

By understanding and interpreting this language, you can determine whether an agency is going to be right for you.

Decoding the lingo

In order to be successful in your dating journey, you need to choose the right agency and matchmaker for you. Some agencies use salespeople to sell the service and you may never actually meet your matchmaker face-to-face. We believe that the connection between you and the person finding your future partner, is just as important as the relationship itself. At Ignite Dating, the person you meet will be the person that is partnering you on your journey, not a salesperson who you will probably never hear from again.

Once you understand the various roles that agencies have in order to sell service, it makes finding the right one that little bit easier. the next step is to determine the language that the different dating agencies and websites use and more importantly what it means. By diving deeper into these examples below, you’ll get a better understanding of how you can identify and choose the right agency for you.

1. Making matches

Lots of agencies, and particularly those that offer database matching rather than headhunting, offer a ‘like it or lump it’ approach when it comes to matching. It is easier to spot these types of agencies by carefully examining their website or literature to see what language they use. For example, ‘we select matches for you’ and ‘we put forward an unlimited selection of profiles for you to choose from’ might sound good on first impression, but it very much puts the control on the matchmakers and leaves little room for input from yourself. The likelihood is that if you decline that introduction, you will have to wait a while for your next one.  

At Ignite Dating, in order for a match to be deemed an introduction, three boxes must be ticked. Firstly, the client has to agree that it is a good match, then the introduction has to give permission that they would like to go ahead with the match, and finally, the man has to make contact. If these three key points are not met, it won’t be counted as an introduction.

2. Ensuring your safety

Just like the lingo itself, the onboarding process of clients can vary greatly from agency to agency. For the most part, if you are looking for an agency that offers personal introductions it is likely that an interview process will take place before the registration is complete. The extent to which this interview process looks to ensure the safety of its clients differs greatly and you’ll probably find that a lot of sites and agencies will claim that their members are ‘vetted’ before finally being added to the database.

While this obviously isn’t a bad thing, in a world where it’s all too easy to create fake online accounts or personalities (we all remember the catfishing trend), singles today are looking for more safety and security in their dating journey. While no agency can guarantee 100 percent the safety of its clients, there are a number of steps that they can take to ensure the highest possible levels of security are achieved.

At Ignite Dating, we stipulate that all of our clients are ID-checked rather than simply ‘vetted’. Our matchmakers carry out a thorough interview process for any potential clients. This includes ID and address checks, questions around health, addictions and criminal convictions as well as an in-depth digital footprint check. Clues like this will give you a better insight into how seriously a dating agency takes the security and protection of its clients.

3. Using science to back it up

While having similar goals, hobbies and attributes may be important things to consider when dating, it’s not enough to match people on these alone. As such, it’s a good idea to look out for agencies that back up the art of matchmaking with scientific practices.  

At Ignite Dating, we understand the importance of personality types when it comes to matching individuals together. As such, psychometric testing and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are referenced throughout our literature and conversations as we firmly believe that intuition and years of experience should be supported by science to help find our clients their perfect match.

Helping you make the right choice

Now, these are by no means the only language trends that you need to look out for when choosing a dating agency., but they do highlight the importance of reading through the websites and small print carefully. We also recommend having an open conversation over a coffee with the matchmaker who you will be working with, allowing you to ask any questions and clarify anything you are unsure of to get a better understanding of the services that they offer in order to decide which agency is right for you.

If you are single and have made that decision to join an agency, but are not sure where to start then get in touch with our friendly team today for an open and honest chat about how we can help you on your dating journey.

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