
Seven deadly sins of dating: why wealth doesn’t guarantee relationship success

It’s a topic that sparks controversy when it comes to dating. Whether you’re the breadwinner in the relationship or your partner is, the financial standing of your cash and asset wealth is often an element of scrutiny when picking a partner. But what is it about financial status that makes us value the materialistic over the realistic when it comes to ideal attributes?

From the moment you start dating, socioeconomic status plays a role. And while the necessity for it may have changed over the years, there is no denying that when it comes to dating the wealth that you have could influence the type of partner you attract.

Looking back through history, women used to have to marry for money. With limited ways to make their own living and at times, no legal ability to hold and inherit property themselves, partnering up with a wealthy man could be the only way to find financial security. But despite society evolving and women becoming more educated and qualified and ultimately able to earn their own money and invest in their own assets, women are still four times more likely to focus on salary when considering a partner, than their male counterparts. But contrary to popular belief, financial compatibility does not mean you need to go looking for a partner with the same financial standing as yourself – it goes much deeper than that.

Money has long been known to be a leading cause of stress in relationships. Probably because, for the most part, it is a topic that we don’t talk about. Whether you’re new to the relationship and you’re scared to approach the subject for fear that bringing up something ‘real’ will put a dampener on the fun that you are having or maybe you’re in a long-term relationship and you’ve never considered discussing the finances with your partner as everything always seems to have a way of working itself out, not talking about money could become a sticking point in the success of your relationship.

After all, money is going to impact any choices that you and your partner decide to make in the future. From buying a house, to having children, going on holiday to plans to retire, all of these milestones in your relationship require a considerable amount of financial planning, and if you aren’t on the same page when it comes to how you spend your money it’s going to cause some major problems further down the road.

That said, financial compatibility isn’t about finding someone with the same financial standing as you or declining a perfectly good match simply because they don’t earn enough money. It’s about finding a partner who shares your attitude and habits surrounding money. How many times have you heard stories about wealthy businessmen or women who go bankrupt in the blink of an eye and have to start all over again, or people that earn a moderate wage but then work hard and become financially stable just a few years later – our guess, a lot.

So, next time you’re looking at someone’s profile or you’re having a drink with a potential partner, listen to where their priorities lie. The way somebody talks about and acts with their money can give you a much better insight into your compatibility than the numbers on their wage slip or the properties in their portfolio ever will.

After all, money can’t buy happiness.

Finding that perfect partner can be a chore, but it doesn’t have to be. With expert matchmakers and in-depth knowledge on your side, you can completely change the success of your dating journey and come to realise the things that really matter to you. Get in touch with our friendly team today to find out how they can make your plans a reality.


Seven deadly sins of dating: to marry or not to marry

What is the ultimate goal when it comes to a relationship? The one thing that you want to achieve above all else. Well, depending on who you ask the answers will differ. But despite that, society’s stereotypes still have us believing that when it comes to love and romance, marriage is the only deciding factor that counts when it comes to how ‘real’ your relationship is.

But with marriage rates declining, isn’t it about time that the stereotypes portrayed in TV shows, movies, literature and even in real life, caught up with the reality that not every couple wants to get married – and that it doesn’t make their commitment any less real.

While we may be hopeless romantics at Ignite Dating and swoon over stories of proposals and photos of brides and grooms looking happy and loved up as they take that first step into their new lives together, we are also realists that recognise that measuring relationship success is as unique to each couple as the journey it took to get there.

To marry or not to marry is a personal choice, but just like the other deadly sins we talked about it isn’t set in stone. Sometimes it just takes meeting the right person for your standpoint on marriage to completely turnaround. And certain activities in a relationship can increase the chances of that proposal happening, regardless of your feelings towards marriage beforehand.

When you first start dating, a bond starts to form between you and your prospective partner as you get to know each other better. As you navigate that relationship and enjoy rituals together, whether it’s celebrating a birthday, going on holiday or simply a Friday night movie marathon, you get to witness behaviour and interactions that might indicate where the relationship is going.    

Research has shown that a couple’s commitment to get married can increase or decrease depending on the nature of the interactions that they have between them. While you may think those routine dinners and snuggling up with a movie on the couch are just part and parcel of everyday life in your relationship, they could actually be the key to determining the success of your future together. After all, rituals can reinforce bonds and strengthen commitment, but they can also showcase conflict areas and make people less likely to see the relationship heading towards marriage. In short, they force us to slow down and take a better look at the relationship and who you are as a couple.

When it comes to somebody’s viewpoint on marriage, it is usually determined by their own experiences and the opinions of those close to them, such as their parent’s marriage, previous relationships and even the relationships that their friends have. But that doesn’t mean that it can’t change over time.

We have seen it happen multiple times, where somebody has said that marriage is not something that they’re interested in, only to go ahead and find the woman or man of their dreams and take a walk up the aisle. Don’t rule out somebody who isn’t prioritising marriage right now, but instead remember that they haven’t met you yet and for all you know, you could be that person who completely changes the game for them.

And if on the other side of it, you have a great relationship, you’re committed and loyal to each other and make the decision that marriage isn’t for you, then that’s ok too. Every love story and relationship is different, so don’t try to mould yourself to what everybody expects you to be as a couple and instead enjoy the moments that you share together – after all, that’s all that really matters.

If you’re single and looking for a relationship that is fulfilling, committed and based on the traits and qualities that matter most, then get in touch with our friendly team today. With their expert advice and support, they can guide you away from the barriers that you’re subconsciously putting into place and open your eyes to a completely new way of dating. 


Seven deadly sins of dating: why men prefer slim women

When it comes to physical appearance and attractiveness in a partner some things will never change – no matter how much we evolve. And none more so, than the commonly debated topic of body types.

Just as women tend to place more importance on their partner’s height, men put more emphasis on their partner’s shape. But why?

It’s an everyday scene amongst couples; a gentleman with a slim, attractive partner. But what is it about the average to curvy physique that causes such a sticking point when choosing the right life partner? Historically, when choosing a mate, a man would opt for a woman with a body fat percentage of 30%, which for today would be deemed a curvaceous figure.

The reason being women with a higher fat percentage were perceived to be a better prospect for the role of a mother, but the crucial point came as to where the fat was situated on her body, with the most attractive being the hips and thighs and not the waist.

However, as time went on the definition of fitness changed too. Fitness in evolutionary terms comprises of two things; survival and the ability to reproduce. A BMI of between 17 and 20 corresponds to the average BMI of someone aged 18-20 with maximal fertility and minimal risk of future disease. So evolutionarily speaking, the reason that men find slimness in females so attractive is because they equate it with youth. Even if they do not want more children, it’s in their subconscious. 

That said, there is such a thing as too skinny. You will rarely find a man pawing over a copy of vogue or watching fashion shows and scouting out the ultra-skinny models. Instead, they are more likely to be looking for a relatively slim physique coupled with that highly admired hourglass figure.

Of course, whether someone prefers a partner who is taller or heavier can vary depending on how tall or heavy that person is themselves, but ultimately just like body types there is no one size fits all.

Having a low BMI, while it may lower the risks of certain health issues such as diabetes and heart disease, it doesn’t guarantee that you are going to be free from disease later in life or able to have children. There are stories galore of slim women that have trouble to conceive or struggle with health issues, just like there are stories of more curvaceous women who have no problem living fit and healthy lives as a mother.

So, let’s start looking at body types and weight as just what they are. A figure that is not static. As we get older our body types change thanks in no small part to hormones, lifestyle changes, dietary requirements, and life stages. The chances are while your dream partner may be a petite size 6 now, 20 years down the line will they look the same? Our guess is probably not.

Next time you’re looking at a profile, disregard the photo completely. Instead, look at what it really says about the person, their values, their aspirations, their lifestyle, and their outlook on life. These are the things that will tell you all you need to know about the person and will give you far more insight into the compatibility of a relationship than a number on the scales ever will.

If you are single and looking for a more holistic way to date, then get in touch with our friendly team of expert matchmakers today. With their ongoing guidance and support, you’ll realise the things that really matter to you and find that your dating journey is far more successful with your eyes wide open.


The seven deadly sins of dating: why women prefer tall men

It’s a common sight amongst couples; a tall gentleman walking down the street holding hands with a lady shorter than him. But what is it about height that seems to cause such a stir when choosing the right partner?

Looking back through evolution, it can be argued that women preferred to partner up with a taller man as they were deemed stronger and more capable of fighting off physical threats towards his family. But despite humanity becoming more civilised over the centuries and physical threats at a minimum, that idea of a taller gentleman being a better mate seems to remain.

History has shown that there is something appealing about taller men. From TV shows to movies and even in real life, men in successful positions (whether Company Directors or Prime Ministers) are more likely to be of a grander stature than their colleagues.

And it seems there is a psychological explanation for this. Their leadership abilities may lie in the fact that generally, taller men have higher self-esteem, are happier and less likely to feel jealous or insecure around other men. As a result, women tend to gravitate towards men over 6ft tall, believing that they are more successful and secure than their counterparts.

But with the average height of a UK man being 5ft 9”, where does that leave our shorter counterparts today?

Firstly, height is just a number. If you think about it logically, being tall doesn’t necessarily mean you are stronger, smarter, or more successful. It also doesn’t guarantee that your relationship is going to be any more long-lasting than if you were to date a gentleman who was three inches shorter. The only certainty it offers is that you are dating a gentleman who is taller than you – and really in the grand scheme of life that isn’t anything to write home about!

Secondly, if you take a moment to stop and think about the things that are really important to you, where would height come into it? Our guess (and from proven experience) when everything else aligns such as values, aspirations, lifestyle, those lack of inches are not as vital as first perceived to be.

After all, would you rather have a gentleman who is the same height or slightly taller than you but who loves you, supports you, works with you towards your shared goals and is respectful and loving or someone who doesn’t share much in the way of values and aspirations but who is that perceived perfect height of 6ft plus?

Obviously, the answer is a no brainer!

So next time you’re looking over a profile and you catch sight of their height, ignore it. Instead look at the things that really matter; the kind of person they are, the dreams they wish to achieve in the future and envision how you fit into their storyline. We can promise you, only then, will you achieve a more fulfilling and stronger relationship.

If you are single and looking for a way to declutter that checklist and concentrate on the important things, then get in touch with our friendly team today. Our expert matchmakers are on hand to bring clarity to your dating journey and open up your expectations to allow that perfect partner to walk into your life and enjoy a happily ever after together.


The seven deadly sins of dating: how important are common interests really?

When it comes to relationships, it’s a misconception universally acknowledged that to find your happily ever after you need to be a mirror of your partner. From your music, TV and film tastes through to your hobbies and interests, single people often believe that the more common interests you have, the more successful your relationship is likely to be.

But research has shown that this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Yet, despite this it remains one of the most common reasons for declining a potential match, with both online and offline agencies alike. How often have you looked over someone’s profile and declined or skipped over it simply because they had the ‘wrong’ taste in music, or they were too active and outdoorsy for you? Our guess? Quite a lot.

Although shared interests offer a common platform for you both to be excited about something and a good starting point for those initial conversations, it doesn’t guarantee that your relationship will achieve long-term success. In fact, according to psychology, there are only two things that a couple really needs to make a relationship work: a shared meaning in the relationship and to show an interest in one another’s hobbies and passions.

What is shared meaning in a relationship?

Successful relationships are built on so much more than common interests. Values, aspirations, and lifestyle are just as important, if not more so. These are the foundations that build a shared meaning in a relationship; knowing who you both are, what you are both about and what values are important to you.

But it’s important to remember that having a shared meaning in a relationship doesn’t mean you are abandoning the values and goals that you had when you were single. Instead, the best couples focus on the dreams that you both had before the relationship and work out as a partnership how you can help each other achieve them, whilst also making new goals for your future together.

Different passions doesn’t mean you’re not compatible

Just because you’re into 80s pop and your partner is more of a heavy metal fan, doesn’t mean that you can’t work as a couple. The same can be said if your idea of fun is climbing up mountains and camping on the weekends, but your partner would prefer a luxury break at a spa. These differences in our passions and interest are what make us all unique.

Although common interests can give you something to enjoy together, the important part and the compatibility between you comes from understanding and respecting the interests that your partner has – even if they are completely different to your own.

The difference between the couples that make it and the couples that don’t, isn’t down to the number of differences that they have, it’s how they manage and talk about those differences. So, next time you’re about to decline somebody based on their interests, take a moment to stop and think about traits that do align. Because if the important things are there surely, it’s worth putting up with their love for Country music or whatever else they may be into!

Dating doesn’t have to be a guessing game. If you’re single and looking for a new way to date that will help you find the true meaning of a relationship and discover what’s really important to you then, then get in touch with our team of expert matchmakers today. With their expert knowledge and guidance you can find a relationship that will be fulfilling and long-lasting, even if you have different interests.


The seven deadly sins of dating: why age is just a number

Ageing. It’s a topic that ticks away quietly in the background as a natural element of life. Everyone knows that it plays a huge part in dating, but nobody ever has an honest conversation about it – until now.

Think about it, how many times have you heard someone say they’re a ‘young 54-year-old’ so looking for a partner who is younger than themselves? No matter what age you are, men and women over the age of 50 feel a need to deny the fact that they are ageing. But why?

After all, with age comes experience, knowledge, and maturity. While our bodies may be ageing physically, it doesn’t mean that you are any less dateable than someone in their twenties.

Age is just a number.

How old you are doesn’t stop you from doing the things that you love. We work with clients that are in their fifties and sixties that enjoy extreme sports or adventure activities, clients in their seventies that are still as switched on as they were in their thirties and still successfully running their businesses and clients in their twenties and thirties that love nothing more than a cosy night in.

The point is your age doesn’t determine who you are and what you like to do. And the same can be said for your potential partner. While you may class yourself as a ‘young 54-year-old’, everyone’s interpretation of youth is different. Although society and the media may lead us to believe that life stops after 50, it doesn’t. Ultimately though, you are still 54.

Your age isn’t something that you should be embarrassed about. It’s just a number – a date that you were born. The important point to remember is whether you choose to grow old gracefully or have a little work done to make yourself feel better, you can be just as attractive and dateable as you were before you reached your fifties – because deep down it’s the person that counts not the number.

So, next time you are looking at a profile of a prospective match, ignore the age. Read about the person and recognise the commonalities that you have, not only in terms of interests and hobbies but also the more important factors like values, aspirations, and lifestyle choices. Because when you get older and the looks fade for both of you, these will be the characteristics that matter most.

If you’re single and looking for a new way to date that recognises the value that you have to offer a partner away from your age, then get in touch with our friendly team today. Our expert matchmakers are here to help you realise just what you have to offer that special someone and ensure that you meet the right person in a safe, honest and enjoyable way.


Dating Sunday: 5 reasons why now is the perfect time to start dating

It happens every year, the clock strikes midnight, a new year rolls round and everyone is filled with an urge to achieve everything they couldn’t last year – and dating is no different. That first Sunday of the year, affectionately named throughout the industry as Dating Sunday (which falls on January 2nd this year), dating apps and agencies worldwide are flooded with singles searching for ‘the one.’ With the motivation of a new year dawning after another lonely festive holiday, it’s easy to see why it is the busiest day of the year when it comes to that search for love.

If you’ve made it through ‘cuffing season’ alone and are searching for a reason to jump back into dating, why not take a leap of faith and get involved in Dating Sunday this New Year. After all, 2022 brings with it a new host of possibilities so get off on the right track and start your dating journey today!

New year, new you

It’s time to put yourself out there and put yourself first. Think of the new year as a fresh start and a blank slate to really focus on what you are looking for, not only from your life but also your relationships. If you really feel like you are ready to date and are looking to make this year the year that you find love, then don’t let fear hold you back.

To help, it may be best to identify what’s been going wrong in the past. Is it your habits? Are you not giving people a chance? Are you giving too many people a chance? Are you searching for the impossible? Why not ask your nearest and dearest, the ones who know you best, for their honest feedback? With their input and your own self-reflection, you can break those bad habits this year and turn your dating journey around.

Connecting has never been more important

With the social isolation that COVID-19 brought upon everyone, that special connection and building of relationships has been missed more than ever. At the end of the day, humans are sociable creatures, and we naturally crave that interaction and communication with others.

The time spent alone has reinforced those natural impulses and sparked a greater desire for companionship and someone to share our lives with. So, after the uncertainty and loneliness of the last two years, it’s only fair to give yourself that chance to find someone special – you deserve it!

Dating will be more fun

Again, with the onset of the pandemic lockdown had us all cooped up in our houses, thirsting for any form of outdoor fun. While last year saw the rise of virtual dates, from cooking classes to cocktails and dinner over Zoom, they simply don’t compare to a good old-fashioned, in-person date.

But hopefully with the new year that is all set to change, and we can continue to enjoy the variety of dates possible and not just those that are socially distanced outdoors. Whether it’s a simple coffee in the park or an adventure-filled day of exploring a new city, the world is your oyster when it comes to date possibilities. If the pandemic has taught us one thing it’s to never take anything for granted and make the most of every opportunity.

There’ll be plenty of fish in the sea

Dating Sunday is set to be the busiest day on the dating scene. Take this opportunity to launch yourself into romance as there’ll be plenty of single people, just like you, looking for love. The most you’ll come across all year!

While this can be a daunting thought, particularly for those that haven’t been on the dating scene for a while or are starting the process following a divorce or bereavement, think of it as a positive. Dating is a numbers game. The more people that are looking for love, the bigger the opportunity for dates and the higher chance you have of finding that special someone who ignites that spark.

You will learn a lot along the way

No-one is promising that you’ll find your soulmate on your first date; however, dating is a wonderful experience and can help you learn a lot about yourself as you navigate your way through your own dating journey.

What is it that you really want in a life-partner? What are the absolute deal breakers for you? How do you envision your future relationship? All these questions will be answered as you meet different people and narrow down your search and the things that are important to you.

And don’t forget, dating can also be an opportunity to build your confidence. The more dates you experience, the more prepared you’ll be when the time comes, and you find Mr or Mrs Right.

If you feel you’re ready to get back into dating and make the most out of 2022, get in touch with our expert matchmakers today. They are on hand every step of your journey to help find you the most compatible partners and make your dating journey as smooth, safe, and enjoyable as possible.


What does 2022 have in store for dating?

After a year of uncertainty, anxiety, loneliness, and isolation, 2022 is bringing with it a blank slate for dating. A chance to start afresh, refocus on what is really important and find the best channel for you to tie down the one.

But unlike previous years, next year’s dating trends have got us feeling more optimistic and hopeful about the future of love. While ghosting, apocalypsing and breadcrumbing may still be around in small doses, bigger and better trends are coming and bringing with it a re-invigoration of the dating game!

Here are just some of the dating trends, coined by our team of matchmakers, to watch out for in 2022.

Agecentric (eyj-sen-trik) – a person’s obsession with being a young age, even if they are in their more mature years e.g. a young 65. When dating, people see the age and whether you are young or old looking, but instead of focusing on the year they were born, it’s time to focus more on the person.

Aggrandising (ag-gran-di-zing) – when a single person widens their criteria to increase their own-personal attractiveness amongst the opposite sex.

Intendating (in-ten-date-ing) – focusing on the long-term goal of the relationship e.g. marriage, children etc. and dating accordingly to make that happen.

Prelimidating (pre-lim-e-date-ing) – acting exclusive and enjoying the constant companionship and regular dates, allowing you to trial what a relationship would be like before making it official.

Quixotic (kwik-sot-ik) – the process of declining perfectly matched introductions because they don’t meet a criteria of unrealistic expectations that are out of reach.

Love is back in style

From aggrandising to prelimidating and intendating, dating just got serious. Long-term committed relationships are not just the must-have accessory for the season, but they are here to stay. Gone are the fleeting days of casual dating and seeing what happens, instead next year is bringing with it a stronger desire to find ‘the one’.

Expect to see more single people playing the long game when it comes to dating and taking the time to really get to know one another gradually before they make a decision as to whether they are the right partner for them. There will also be an increase in people taking more consideration into what their long-term goals are and how a partner fits into those, making intentional dating a key trend across all age groups and genders.

Whether you are new to the dating scene or been here a while, it seems the dating game is having a bit of a shake-up in 2022 and love is back in style and we couldn’t be happier. After all, there is someone out there for everyone, it’s just a matter of finding them.

If you are single and want to make 2022 the year that you find success in love, get in touch with our expert team today. Your dedicated matchmaker is ready and waiting to guide you through these new trends and make sure that you have everything you need to find that partner you have been searching for.


Scrapping The Christmas Wish List

When you’re little and December rolls around, the same age-old Christmas traditions come alive, none more so than Santa’s wish list. From a young age, the list seems to be crammed with the latest crazes and things that at that moment in time are the most important things to you, so why is it we still take this childhood tradition into our adult dating lives?

Did we not learn that items on those wish lists, no matter how important they may seem at the time, are often a short-lived fad, soon to be replaced by something deemed more valuable as our personalities and tastes evolve?

And the same can be said for dating. After all, we can guarantee that how you pictured your perfect partner when you were younger is completely different to the image you have in your mind now. Evolution and changes to our preferences and tastes as we mature are normal, so this year maybe it’s time to scrap the Christmas wish list and head into the New Year with a clear slate, with the possibility of opportunity and here’s why.

How do you know you don’t like something if you’ve never tried it?

Without a list of preconceived expectations and ideas, you can open yourself up to so many different opportunities and possibilities – not just in your potential partner but also yourself.

Just like the question your parents used to ask when you were younger and they wanted you to try something new, “how do you know you don’t like it if you haven’t tried it?” While rock climbing or trekking may not have been on your must-do list previously, trying something new could unlock passions and interests that you had no idea about before.

The same can be said for music, literary and film preferences, dating with an open mind can give you room to grow and develop as an individual too. So next time you are reading over someone’s profile and their music or film choice is causing you to consider declining, take a moment to pause and remember that we don’t have to have everything in common with our partner because actually, those differences in the beginning could be something we grow to love ourselves in the future.

You could be the hurdle in your future happiness

It’s a well-known fact that nobody is perfect. Every one of us has our own little quirks, foibles and imperfections that make us who we are, so why do we expect our partners to be perfect and tick every box on our ever-growing list before we’ll even consider them as a match?

Those little things that you deem important all add up and soon enough you’ll realise that you’re creating the impossible for you, your matchmaker, and your future. For those that are avoidant in their attachment styles, coming up with barriers and reasons why someone is always not quite right is common – but it doesn’t have to be.

If you set off on your dating journey with a long list of criteria, you’re setting yourself up for failing. Each one of those qualities is a barrier that you are putting in place that is getting in the way of your happily ever after.

So instead of starting with a list, when thinking about that perfect partner for you, take a moment to consider what is really important to you. Things like age, height and even location are often the first things pushed aside when focusing on what you need from a partner. Instead, they are often replaced with more important values and aspirations such as the desire for a family in the future.

With a new year comes new opportunities

While having a short but loose list of criteria might help you get your dating journey started, don’t set it in stone. Instead make a resolution to head into the new year with a new approach to dating. Throw away that extensive list of traits and qualities that your new partner must meet and instead enjoy the possibilities that each new date brings – whether they are ‘the one’ or not. After all, all dates are good dates and great practice!

From new date venues and activities to introductions to new favourites, dating should be fun! So, start 2022 with a blank page and no preconceptions and we guarantee that you’ll see a huge turnaround in the success of your dating journey and who knows you might be pleasantly surprised when Mr or Mrs Right turns out to be everything that you didn’t think you wanted – trust us, you wouldn’t be the first!

If you’re single and ready to scrap that Christmas wish list and date more authentically then get in touch with our friendly team today. Our expert matchmakers can guide you every step of the way to help you to determine what really matters and find that perfect partner for you.


Why playing the long game is the new way to dating success

There’s no denying that over the last few decades, we have become a nation expecting instant gratification across all areas of our lives. From food venues to dates, we want everything there and then and if we can’t get it, we move onto the next thing without a second thought.

While technology and society’s behavioural changes have paved the way for this to happen, it has made us colder and less human than we ever were before. No sooner than we’ve found something and given it a chance, have we moved onto the next thing. Even those that have been quietly content with what they have, often find themselves wondering if the grass is greener on the other side.

But thankfully, this is all starting to change.

Slow and steady wins the race

Just like in the fable, the tortoise and the hare, rushing to complete things quickly doesn’t guarantee that you are likely to succeed. In fact, in the majority of instances in life, taking things slow and steady is more likely to see you achieve what you are hoping to – whether it’s relationships, fitness or careers, taking it slow will pay off in the long run.

The days of rushing through life and making hasty decisions when dating for fear of being alone are fast-becoming a thing of the past. If the pandemic and subsequent restrictions taught us anything this year, it’s that we shouldn’t settle for less than we deserve. While the feelings of isolation and loneliness were amplified amongst single people that were living alone, it also gave them a moment to reflect on what they really wanted in a relationship and allowed them the opportunity to take it slow with any new dates that they met.

Fast-forward six months and despite lockdowns being an awful nightmare from the past, it seems playing the long game is here to stay. From socially distanced walks in the park to drive-in movies, date ideas that became all the rage in the pandemic are still amongst some of the favourites for that all important first date.

And it’s not just the dates that are taking on a slower pace. Before the pandemic dating was done with high speed and efficiency in mind. From the moment you ‘matched’, it was a race against time to meet in person and figure out what the person was actually like. But now, a slower pace has taken hold. People are choosing to date slowly and spend time getting to know someone gradually before making a decision on whether they are the right person for them.

The result?

Stronger, more trusting, and longer-lasting relationships.

Commitment is the new must-have accessory

Interest in casual flings and one-night stands are lower than they have been in a long time, with single people across all ages readjusting their focus to find that long-term, committed relationship over settling for a short-term fling.

Dating and relationships became a much bigger priority for single people worldwide following the restrictions forced upon them in the last two years and unlike our uncertainty of what is going to happen with the pandemic, one thing we do know for certain is that love and relationships are firmly back in style.

If you are single and looking for that special someone to build a future with, then get in touch with our friendly team today. Our expert matchmakers are ready and waiting to make sure that 2022 is the start of a new adventure on your road to love and happily ever after.