What does 2022 have in store for dating?

After a year of uncertainty, anxiety, loneliness, and isolation, 2022 is bringing with it a blank slate for dating. A chance to start afresh, refocus on what is really important and find the best channel for you to tie down the one.

But unlike previous years, next year’s dating trends have got us feeling more optimistic and hopeful about the future of love. While ghosting, apocalypsing and breadcrumbing may still be around in small doses, bigger and better trends are coming and bringing with it a re-invigoration of the dating game!

Here are just some of the dating trends, coined by our team of matchmakers, to watch out for in 2022.

Agecentric (eyj-sen-trik) – a person’s obsession with being a young age, even if they are in their more mature years e.g. a young 65. When dating, people see the age and whether you are young or old looking, but instead of focusing on the year they were born, it’s time to focus more on the person.

Aggrandising (ag-gran-di-zing) – when a single person widens their criteria to increase their own-personal attractiveness amongst the opposite sex.

Intendating (in-ten-date-ing) – focusing on the long-term goal of the relationship e.g. marriage, children etc. and dating accordingly to make that happen.

Prelimidating (pre-lim-e-date-ing) – acting exclusive and enjoying the constant companionship and regular dates, allowing you to trial what a relationship would be like before making it official.

Quixotic (kwik-sot-ik) – the process of declining perfectly matched introductions because they don’t meet a criteria of unrealistic expectations that are out of reach.

Love is back in style

From aggrandising to prelimidating and intendating, dating just got serious. Long-term committed relationships are not just the must-have accessory for the season, but they are here to stay. Gone are the fleeting days of casual dating and seeing what happens, instead next year is bringing with it a stronger desire to find ‘the one’.

Expect to see more single people playing the long game when it comes to dating and taking the time to really get to know one another gradually before they make a decision as to whether they are the right partner for them. There will also be an increase in people taking more consideration into what their long-term goals are and how a partner fits into those, making intentional dating a key trend across all age groups and genders.

Whether you are new to the dating scene or been here a while, it seems the dating game is having a bit of a shake-up in 2022 and love is back in style and we couldn’t be happier. After all, there is someone out there for everyone, it’s just a matter of finding them.

If you are single and want to make 2022 the year that you find success in love, get in touch with our expert team today. Your dedicated matchmaker is ready and waiting to guide you through these new trends and make sure that you have everything you need to find that partner you have been searching for.

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