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Why lockdown is the ideal time to start your dating journey

Well, we all hoped it wouldn’t happen again but here we are – lockdown 2.0! The good news is, this time we’re older and wiser and we’ve all been here before and come out the other side stronger.

But if you’re determined that you’re going to make this lockdown a little bit better than the last one, this could be the perfect time for you to start your dating journey with Ignite Dating.

Now you might be thinking ‘what do you mean lockdown is the ideal time to start dating, you can’t meet anyone new in person?!’ and you would of course be right. But that could be exactly why now is the perfect time to get started.

Not convinced? Give us a chance to persuade you. Here are four reasons why lockdown is the ideal time to start looking for love and why Ignite Dating is the best way to do it.

1. You have more time to perfect your profile – and we’ll help you do it

Whether you’ve been furloughed or you’ve just found yourself with more time on your hands now everything is shut, lockdown is a great time to perfect your profile and get a confident start on your dating journey. We’re still running Zoom interviews and doing socially distanced photo shoots so that we’re able to work with you to put together a great dating profile.

Our top tip – before you begin, spend some real time thinking about who you are and what you’re looking for in a partner. Our matchmakers will also take their time to get to know you during these interviews, so they can put their expert skills towards finding you the perfect match.

2. We’ll help pair you with like-minded singles

Lockdown leads to bored individuals, some of whom will strike up conversations just to pass the time. You know the type, the serial swipers of Tinder that just need a quick ego boost and a bit of fun to get them through another evening at home. Time wasters, in other words. But if you work with the team at Ignite Dating, you’ll be safe in the knowledge that everyone we introduce you to and those that are using our services are on the same page as you – on their lockdown dating journey and looking for something more serious.

3. We offer a safe and stress-free service 

Lockdown can be a stressful time for everyone. Whether you’re working or not, being separated from friends and family and unable to go out and socialise can take its toll – especially if you live alone. So don’t let looking for love add to your stress levels! We can make getting started feel fun and stress-free by taking the hassle out of writing your profile, finding people who suit your preferences and matching you with like-minded people.

With Ignite Dating, we offer a safe space for you to build your profile and start getting to know other singles. We actually think that lockdown allows for a more relaxed “get to know you” time, chatting over the phone and on Zoom. And you’ll also feel safer when the time does come to meet as we run ID checks on every individual that signs up to our services.

4. We let your creative side shine

Through lockdown, we’ll be helping to set up virtual dates between you and your matches. We’ll lay the foundations and the rest is up to you! When you can’t meet up in-person, you have to find fun ways to make the most of dating from a distance.

And if things are going well, why not get creative with it, perhaps considering virtual happy hours, dinners or online games nights. Our team has gathered its top advice for fun virtual date ideas that can bring the two of you closer together, regardless of lockdown!

If we’ve convinced you and you’ve decided that lockdown is the perfect time to start your dating journey, book a chat with our friendly team at Ignite Dating today. This time around lockdown doesn’t have to feel like a lonely slog, and you can begin building genuine connections from the comfort and safety of your own home.

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All I want for Christmas is someone to share it with

You’ve heard the sayings ‘Christmas is a time for joy, for love and for sharing’. It’s the time when you come together with family and friends to celebrate another year gone and to overindulge in gift-giving, Christmas puddings and roast dinners. Couples swapping gifts and wearing matching novelty jumpers – it’s no wonder so many people like dating during Christmas!

But when you’re single, it can sometimes feel like there’s something missing; that special someone to wake up with on Christmas morning and to kiss at Midnight on New Year’s Eve. Sounds familiar? Well, it doesn’t have to be that way, if you’re looking for love this Christmas, we might just be able to help you out!

Start looking for love this month

Winter is here and you might have noticed that the shops have already begun to fill the shelves with Christmas items. So, if you’re hoping to find love in time for Christmas, don’t hesitate! Starting your dating journey this month will give you the best chance of having someone to hold when the festive season and New Year rolls around.

Make the most of the changing seasons

The colder seasons are here and though the weather might not be great, they do offer plenty of opportunities for dinners with friends, celebrations, glasses of mulled wine and cosy nights in front of a roaring fire. All whilst being mindful of government guidelines.

These are the perfect circumstances for any blossoming new relationship. From dates at your local pop-up ice rinks to sitting in pub gardens snuggled under warm blankets, this romantic time of year can be the perfect catalyst for finding love in time for Christmas.

Give yourself the gift of love this year

Meeting someone through agencies or online dating sites used to feel a bit taboo, but in today’s busy world it can offer you the best chance of finding the right person. After all, we are all busy people and most of us don’t have time to spend optimistically hanging around in bars, coffee shops or libraries every day just hoping to find the perfect partner.

By signing up to dating agencies and by getting yourself a dedicated matchmaker, you can massively boost your chances of finding love by Christmas. You’ll be able to build your profile and really get to grips with what it is you’re looking for in a partner.

How can we help?

At Ignite Dating, we understand that though you might want someone to kiss under the mistletoe this year, you also want a partner for life, not just for Christmas! That’s why our matchmakers work tirelessly to get to know you, so they can introduce you to like-minded
individuals. Someone who shares your interests and ambitions and wants to settle down.

We can help to take the stress out of dating and we to cut out the time-wasting serial swipers who ‘aren’t looking for anything serious’. So why wait? Make this the gift you give yourself this year and get in touch with our friendly team today for more information on how we can help you to find your perfect match, get in touch with our friendly team today for more information on how we can help you to find your perfect match.

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Dating advice for entrepreneurs

You’re an entrepreneur. You live and breathe your business and this means going above and beyond – for 9-5 read 24/7. Even when you’re not in the office you are thinking about the business, your plans and your employees because your company is like your baby, to the point where it’s difficult to tell where the business ends and you begin.

But that can take its toll. You might ask “How can someone so successful, dedicated and organised be so unlucky in love?”.

The answer is time – between the long hours, meetings and keeping the business afloat, it’s hard to steal a moment for yourself, let alone set aside time for someone else. After all, building a successful business (or two, or ten) takes a lot of time and dedication.

But while you might be a very successful entrepreneur, you’re also a human being and it’s totally understandable that you want to create meaningful connections and find love outside of your business. You will ask, can an entrepreneur really have both? Of course, if you want to! Much like a business, you just need to put in a little planning and persistence.

So if you’re still feeling like dating as an entrepreneur is almost impossible, let us help you. Check out our expert advice below.

Be prepared to give a bit of time

Although it can feel hard when you’re already juggling so much, you need to get your priorities straight and decide whether dating is really important to you right now. If it is, then you need to be prepared to dedicate a bit of time to your journey, otherwise, it won’t work. You can sign up to dating sites and agencies to take some of the time and effort out of finding a partner, but ultimately if you’re not prepared to make the odd sacrifice and find time and space, then it will be much harder to find the right person.

Don’t just leave it to chance

When the balance between your work and your private life is nice and relaxed, it’s much easier to meet people naturally. You have time to socialise in your favourite bars, sit and grab a coffee from your favourite shop or even just bump into someone in the supermarket. But when you’re living and breathing your business you often don’t have that luxury and leaving love to chance could mean you end up waiting a long time. So it’s best to treat your dating journey like you would any venture, with careful planning and the right investment. 

Have a game plan

Before you dive in, think about the different ways you can approach the dating world, and which of them are going to work for you as an entrepreneur. There are plenty of options out there, from speed dating to dating apps, but many of them can take up an awful lot of your time. And that’s before you discover that anyone can sign up for a dating app, and you find yourself bombarded with messages from unsuitable matches and people who won’t complement your lifestyle.

Instead, we’d recommend you look for a more professional service such as a dating agency. Take Ignite Dating, for example. You’ll be assigned a dedicated matchmaker who will get to know you and they’ll understand your unique position. They can help you to find someone that will understand and work with your lifestyle and they will to search for suitable matches when you’re busy running your business. They can take the noise away and protect your most valuable asset – time.

Choose a confidential dating agency

If you do opt for a dating agency (and you should!!), think about choosing an agency that values confidentiality. As an entrepreneur, you may well be well known or recognised in your industry (or if not, you’ll want to be!) and so you want to keep your private life private. Using an agency that values confidentiality protects you from public online dating profiles and means you can avoid the swipe lottery of dating apps.

Keep an open mind

When you’re used to being in control it can be hard to let go and you might have a very specific way of doing things at work but when dating, even more than in business, you have to keep an open mind. There might be certain aspects you want in a partner that you’re really not willing to budge on but beyond that try not to rule people out just because they don’t immediately tick all your boxes.

This is another benefit of using a dating service, your matchmaker will get to know you and using their expertise will connect you with people they think will be a good match, and they’ll challenge you in the process. This can help you to keep an open mind, because this is what they do for a living and sometimes they’ll see something you don’t. And hey, sometimes it can be nice to branch out and find someone that isn’t your typical “type” – especially if your “type” hasn’t been working out for you so far…

Let your friends and family know you’re looking for love

It also pays to let your friends and family know that you’re looking for a relationship. After all, you never know who they might know. They might have connections that they think would be a good match for you. If you and your friends swim in similar circles (or even better, completely opposite circles) they might be able to introduce you to someone they think could complement you and would not be put off by the entrepreneur lifestyle. It’s far from a foolproof way of dating but the fact that they know you can give you that extra advantage.

Relax and leave work behind

When you do secure a date, it’s important that you’re able to make time, relax and leave the office behind. The first few dates can set the tone for your whole relationship. If you’re always distracted, talking about work or cancelling dates because you’re too busy, it’s unlikely you’re going to land yourself a lasting relationship. So remember, it’s a bit of give and take. If you’re serious about finding love you need to be prepared to leave work behind sometimes, even if it seems impossible to switch off at the start, but you need to give your date the time and attention they deserve.

Let us help

At Ignite Dating, we’ve worked with people from all walks of life, including many highly successful entrepreneurs and we understand that discretion and a tailored service is important to you. We also know you’re short on time which is why we give you access to your own matchmaker and they will be with you every step of the way to guide you on your journey and help you find the perfect match. They will ask all the right questions and use their years of knowledge in the industry to get to know you almost as well as your friends do, and really focus on getting the best out of you. That way, they can find you the best matches. 

Because everyone is different, we make sure that our services are tailored to your specific requirements and your matchmaker will always be working away behind the scenes to find great matches, even when you’re going about your business as usual. We offer a safe and discrete environment for you to meet like-minded individuals so you can feel safe that all your personal information is kept completely private.

If you’d like to know more, get in touch with our team of expert matchmakers today.

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Date ideas to help you escape the city

September marks the beginning of autumn; it’s the time when children return to school, the leaves begin to change and the air is filled with the smell of pumpkin-spiced lattes. 

The city can be an exciting place to live, work, socialise and go out on dates, but every now and then it can feel a bit too busy or overwhelming and it can be nice to take a break and escape for a little while. This can be especially true when you’re dating someone new and
trying to get to know them away from all the hustle and bustle.

So if you’ve decided it’s time to swap the city for something a little different on your next date, we’ve got just what you need! In this guide, we’ve pulled together a list of some of our favourite alternatives when it comes to dating. But don’t worry, you won’t have to travel
too far, the UK has plenty of beautiful locations right on your doorstep for the perfect romantic date.

Read on to find out more about some of our top swaps and beautiful locations to help you escape the city on your next date.

Swap: London for

OK, this one’s a little cheeky because Brighton is technically still a city, but its quirky shops, winding lanes and seaside charm can make you feel like you’re a world away from the busy pavements of London. By choosing to spend a day or night out in Brighton instead, you can swap the busy bars for quirky pubs and a walk down the Thames path for a stroll along
the seafront.

From shopping in Churchill Square to dining at the Marina or zip-lining past the pier, Brighton is a diverse and vibrant city where you’re sure to find something perfect to do on your date. There are plenty of restaurants and bars to choose from and if you want to stay for the night, the city is home to a range of romantic hotels and rustic B&Bs.

Brighton is also famed for its events and its music in particular, and there is usually something going on. Whether that’s the Brighton Festival throughout the whole of May, a stand-up comedy gig in a cosy pub or live performance in one of the many quirky music venues, entertainment is never far away. Though you might be just a stone’s throw from
London (an hour on the train or two if you drive), choosing this seaside city can make a welcome change for your date.

Swap: Manchester
for the Peak District

There are plenty of great places to go for a date in Manchester but sometimes you just need to get away! So why not swap the city for the beautiful Peak District instead? The national park is just 25 miles from Manchester and yet you’ll feel like you’re in an entirely different part of the country.

As you can imagine, the Peaks are a great location for outdoor activities, even if that’s just relaxing walk in the great outdoors. Then, after a long day exploring, you can cosy down in a small country pub for some delicious pub grub and a drink (or two).

If you and your date love long walks, hiking, cycling or even camping, then the Peaks is the ideal place for you. Not only is it great to get back to nature, but there are also lots of lovely towns and villages to be explored. And if camping’s not your style, there are also lots of B and B’s, cosy cottages or holiday stays you can rent out for the night (or a weekend if
you want to extend the date).

Swap: Birmingham
for the Cotswolds

Trade the bustle of Birmingham for the rolling hills and breathtaking panoramic views of the Cotswolds. About an hour and a half away by car, it won’t take you long to reach your chosen destination and there are a number of beautiful spots to choose from in the region. Made up of quaint little villages, towns, beautiful walking trails and even the birthplace
of Shakespeare, there’s plenty to see and do while you’re there – so you might want to make a weekend of it!

The Cotswolds also boasts some beautiful hotels, cottages and spas. So why not take it one step further and have a truly relaxing break from the city. Book yourselves in for a day at a local spa or wellness centre for a very indulgent date they won’t forget. 

Swap: Leeds for the

Another one of the UK’s great national parks, the Yorkshire Dales could be the perfect alternative to a date in Leeds city centre. If you’re looking for something different to do and you want to spend some time out in nature, the Dales offers countryside walking trails, castle ruins and even what remains of a 12th-century monastery.

If you want to see the best that nature has to offer you can enjoy the
natural wonder that is the Aysgarth Falls in Wensleydale, take a guided tour through the White Scar Cave or explore the geographical splendour of Malham Cove. Or, if you love taking in a bit of the culture and history of our great nation, why not explore Bolton Castle or Fountains Abbey. It certainly makes a change from the bustling streets of Leeds and the
hustle of a night out at busy bars and restaurants.

That said, it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy great food and drink in the Dales! From the Black Sheep Brewery to the Wensleydale Creamery and all the cosy country inns along the way, there’s plenty of hearty and traditional treats to try during your date.

Swap: Bristol for

Although Bristol is a city on the water it does not have its own beach. So if you fancy a change from the city and you love nothing more than an evening stroll on the sand, Weston-super-Mare could be a great alternative location for your next date.

This beautiful town in Somerset has an incredible stretch of sandy beaches, and whether you’re travelling by car or train, the journey should take you around 45 minutes, so you don’t have to go far to reach the sea. The classic seafront means you have the opportunity to swap the Michelin star restaurant for the traditional fish and chips or tea rooms by
the seaside, but if you fancy something a little classier, there are plenty of quality eateries and romantic bistros serving global cuisines.

Then at night, you can tuck yourself away in a cosy corner at one of the town’s local pubs, enjoy live music from local bands or even try your hand at singing yourself at one of the regular karaoke and open mic nights.

Finally, if you want to stay the night (or the weekend), there are plenty of options there too. You could choose a quaint B&B, luxury hotel or even go glamping if you fancy something a little different. If you love to be by the coast, then Weston-super-Mare should definitely be on the list to think about for your next date.

If you’re looking for love in the city but you still haven’t found the right person, let us help! Ignite Dating has hubs across the UK so we’re able to bring people together and help them find the perfect match. Not only this, but we love to share our top dating advice, so we can be with you every step of your dating journey. If you’d like to know more about our services and how we can help, get in touch with our team of expert matchmakers today.

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Why September is a good time to start your dating journey

September marks the beginning of autumn; it’s the time when children return to school, the leaves begin to change and the air is filled with the smell of pumpkin-spiced lattes. 

For many people, between the ‘back to school’ mentality and the changing of the seasons (plus the slight guilt of overindulging over the summer), September also ushers in a period of change. 

And more than that. It’s less than 4 months till Christmas – and as well as causing panic buying and gift anxiety, that can trigger many people to look more seriously for a partner to potentially share the festive season.

This is perhaps why the month has been dubbed ‘cuffing season’ (and not in a Christian Grey type way!!). It’s the time when many individuals feel ready to let go of their single status and find someone to settle down with. 

In fact, September is one of the best times to start looking for love and below we’ll look at four reasons why you should start dating this month and how a matchmaker can help you on your dating journey.   

1. Summer is drawing to a close 

As the long summer days begin to disappear, people look for new excitement and new things to look forward to in the upcoming colder months. More people decide to start their dating journey at this time than any other, meaning there are more potential partners out there also looking to take things more seriously.

2. Autumn is a romantic season 

Though it’s not quite woolly jumper season, the days get shorter and often the temperature begins to drop. This can leave people craving hearty meals, autumnal walks in the park and cosy nights at home in front of the fire (or at least the telly!). Autumn can be such a romantic time of year – so make the most of it!

3. Life changes pace 

Summer is a busy time for most people. Between summer holidays, days spent sunbathing in the park, family barbecues and having just one more pint in the pub garden, it can be hard to fit everything in!

By the time September rolls around we’re usually ready for a change of pace. Plans slow down and people aren’t as busy as they were, meaning they have more free time to dedicate to finding love.

4. Looking for love ahead of the winter 

Finally, people are more inclined to couple up in the colder months, looking for someone to keep them warm during the winter. This might date back to prehistoric days but it’s just as true now!

And as we’ve said, it’s also approaching the festive season and many like to have a partner to share this time of year. Starting your dating journey in September gives you the best chance of finding love for the winter and having someone to pull your cracker on Christmas Day!!

Start your dating journey this September with the help of a matchmaker 

It’s easy to see why September can be the best time to start dating, but before you panic that the clock is already ticking, let us help! By choosing a dedicated matchmaker, you can set yourself up for dating success.

Your matchmaker will get to know you and what you want in a partner, they will then deliver the best matches to you, taking the hard work out of dating.

At Ignite Dating, we love the change of pace that Autumn brings, which is why we are dedicated to using this time wisely to help you find the right partner, just in time for those cold winter months! If you’d like to know more about our services or our talented matchmakers, get in touch today.