
How open is too open?

Would you talk about your therapy experiences with a potential partner? While it may be the scene of nightmares for a lot of us, the openness of discussing therapy experiences on dates is a notable trend with no signs of slowing down. A recent survey highlights that many daters now seek partners who are willing to share their therapy journeys. But what is driving the trend and how open is too open when it comes to finding someone new?

The rise of therapy conversations

Discussing mental health, particularly therapy, was once considered taboo in social settings, let alone on dates. However, this has changed significantly. Recent years have witnessed a broader cultural acceptance of mental health care and its benefits. With many people now viewing therapy as a valuable tool for personal growth and relationship success. 

But where does that leave you when it comes to dating?

While the trend indicates a growing appreciation for emotional intelligence and self-awareness in romantic relationships, it also helps strengthen the foundation of any romantic connections that you have. 

Fostering openness and vulnerability

Sharing therapy experiences can create a foundation of trust and openness between you and your date. Not only does it allow partners to understand each other’s emotional landscapes better, but it also gives a clearer picture of your boundaries and why you may feel a certain way. While sharing can foster open communication between you both, be aware that oversharing can put people off. It’s much better to give small doses of information over time than use the date as another therapy session to offload everything. 

Promoting mental health awareness

Normalising therapy discussion helps reduce the stigma around mental health and encourages both partners to prioritise their emotional wellbeing. Taking time for yourself to look after your physical and mental wellbeing is necessary in today’s fast-paced world. By setting these expectations from the beginning, you can ensure a healthier and more open relationship both with yourself and your potential partner. 

Enhancing relationship quality

Couples who discuss their therapy journeys often navigate conflicts more effectively. They have each spent a lot of time working on themselves and as a result have learnt to open up to a stranger and communicate their feelings in a healthy way. They are more likely to develop healthy communication patterns from the start. Patterns that will in turn strengthen the foundations of the relationships and enable them to navigate and talk through even the most trying of situations together. 

While there are some clear benefits to opening the channels when it comes to therapy discussions with a potential partner, knowing how and when to bring it up is key. If you’re new to this trend and wondering how to bring it up in a date context, here are some practical tips:

Choose the right moment

Timing is crucial. Find a relaxed and private setting to initiate the conversation. The first date is probably not the place to start, instead open the communication channels once you feel more comfortable with that person and are open to the prospect of a future commitment with them. 

Be honest and respectful

Share your experiences sincerely and encourage your date to do the same but respect their boundaries. Whether they’ve been through therapy or not, not everyone is comfortable talking about their mental health. Don’t apply any pressure or push them to tell you more than they are willing to. 

Focus on personal growth

Therapy happens when we are often at our most vulnerable. Rather than focus on the negative situations that led you there, highlight how therapy has helped you grow and improve as a person. Focus on the skills that it has taught you and what you have learnt about yourself. 

Listen actively

Pay attention to your date’s reactions and be open to their perspective. Just as not everyone is open to talking about therapy, some people do not feel comfortable hearing about it. Take note of how your date is reacting and be careful not to share too much too soon. It’s better to give little bits of information over time than overwhelm them in one go. The right person will respect the value you place on your own mental wellbeing and share your values and emotional maturity. 

The trend of discussing therapy on dates is not just a passing fad; it reflects a deeper shift towards valuing mental health and emotional honesty in relationships. As more people embrace this openness, the dating landscape will continue to evolve, fostering healthier and more meaningful connections. Whether you’re navigating the dating world on your own or with the help of a matchmaker, being transparent about your therapy experiences can pave the way for a fulfilling and supportive relationship.

If you’re single and looking to build a stronger, more authentic relationship with someone who shares your values, lifestyle and aspirations for the future, then get in touch with our team of expert matchmakers today.


Staying safe when dating: a guide for successful singles

When it comes to modern dating, we’ve all heard the horror stories. The stories that grace the pages of tabloids and glossy magazines about dates that went wrong in the most sinister ways. While a lot of the time these sensationalised articles are written to evoke some form of fear, they also serve as a sobering reminder that while dating can be an exhilarating journey filled with excitement and the potential for deep connection, it also requires a level of vigilance and caution to ensure personal safety.

For successful singles embarking on their dating journey, understanding how to stay safe while dating is paramount. In the pursuit of romance and companionship, safety should never be compromised. Ensuring proper precautions not only protects you from potential physical, emotional, and financial harm but it also gives you peace of mind and allows you to feel more confident and in control and ultimately enjoy your dating experience more fully. 

We’ve shared our top tips and strategies to help you navigate the dating world securely. Whether you’re meeting someone through a matchmaking service or an online dating app, ensuring your personal safety is essential. 

Research your date

As pointed out by Founder, Director of Operations and Training and Senior Security Consultant, Simon Morgan in our latest podcast “always do your research or allow someone else to do it for you, to make sure you’re completely satisfied with who you’re meeting.” Thanks to our digitally connected world, a simple online search can provide useful information about your potential date. Information that can then be cross checked with their social media profiles to ensure consistency and authenticity.

If you would prefer a more detailed insight into the person that you are potentially going to be dating, consider using a matchmaking service that offers digital footprint and ID checks. This additional layer of security ensures that your potential date has been vetted by a third party. 

Digital safety

Be mindful of the information you share with any potential dates. Avoid giving out your home address, work details, or financial information until you’ve met that person and are sure that they’re someone you see a connection with. 

Quite often it’s easy to forget that this information doesn’t have to be verbal or written. It can be just as easily given away in photos. Avoid using photos on your dating profile that are taken outside your home, include you in your work uniform or that are used on your social media channels or business profiles as these can easily be reverse image searched, allowing people to find out more about you than you may want them to know in those initial stages.

Meet in public places

For the first few dates, avoid secluded locations and instead choose public places such as cafes, restaurants, or bars as the backdrop for your meeting. These settings are safer and allow you to feel more comfortable and in control. Plus, thanks to national safety campaigns such as Ask for Angela, these venues often have staff trained to help you get out of an awkward situation easily – should the worse-case scenario arise.

Inform a friend or family member

Always let a trusted friend or family member know where you’re going and who you’re meeting. Share your date’s details and your plans for the evening including the date location, the time you are meeting and your expected time to arrive home. It’s also good practice to arrange to check in with them at a certain time. With the advent of technology, you can also share your location with loved ones, so they can track where you are. 

Use your own transportation

Drive yourself, use public transport or use a ride-sharing service to get to and from the date. This gives you the freedom to leave at any point if you feel uncomfortable. While it may be offered, avoid relying on your date for transportation until you trust them fully.

Trust your instincts

There’s a reason that people always tell you to trust your gut. Your intuition is a powerful tool. If something feels off, don’t ignore it. It’s far better to be cautious and end the date early if you’re uncomfortable than to ignore any red flags and live to regret the decision. The right person will understand your concerns, should you choose to share them at a later date. 

Personal boundaries

Set clear personal boundaries from the start. Communicate your comfort levels and respect your date’s boundaries as well. Healthy boundaries are essential for mutual respect and safety at all stages of the relationship, not just the initial early dates.

Dating is an exciting journey, but it’s crucial to prioritise your safety at every step. By following these tips and trusting your instincts, you can enjoy your dating experiences with greater peace of mind. Remember, the right person will respect your need for safety and appreciate your efforts to protect yourself. 

Stay vigilant, stay informed, and enjoy the journey of finding love.

If you’re single and looking to gain peace of mind when dating so you can enjoy a dating journey that will leave you feeling confident, energised and safe, then get in touch with our team of expert matchmakers today.


Meticulous matchmaking without the refund request

The modern world of dating can often feel like an endless routine of writing the perfect profile, never-ending swiping to find the ideal match for you, and spending countless hours trying to craft the perfect introductory message, all with the aim of avoiding the dreaded awkward encounter of a first meeting with the wrong type of person. A disappointing first date is never a pleasant experience, especially when you have taken the time to get ready, chosen the perfect setting, and more often than not, paid for the privilege. 

That said, in the ever-evolving landscape of modern dating, a curious trend has emerged that might leave many scratching their heads: dates asking for refunds. While this might sound like something out of a comedy sketch, it’s a real phenomenon that’s gaining traction. But what exactly is driving this trend, and more importantly, how can you safeguard your dating journey to avoid such awkward scenarios. 

Understanding the refund request trend

In the age where everything from groceries to holidays can be refunded, it seems the concept has seeped into the realm of dating. Imagine you’ve just spent an evening with someone new, only to receive a message the next day asking for their money back because the date didn’t go as expected. Bizarre? Yes. Increasingly common? Also, yes. 

Several factors contribute to this phenomenon. Firstly, there’s the growing prevalence of paid dating experiences – think high-end dinner dates, extravagant outings, or even paid events such as theatre performances or concerts. With the financial stakes higher, so too are the expectations. When a date falls short of those expectations, some individuals feel justified in requesting a refund, viewing the date as a transactional experience rather than an emotional or personal one. 

Secondly, there’s the rise of ‘ghosting’ and over less-than ideal dating behaviours that leave individuals feeling short-changed emotionally and financially. The perceived injustice of spending money on a date that leads nowhere has led some to attempt to recoup their losses. 

The role of matchmaking and personal introductions

While this may seem a fair request to some, here at Ignite Dating, we much prefer the practice of avoiding the scenario entirely, by matchmaking our clients with people they will connect with on every level. And we’re not alone. The traditional methods of matchmaking are making a strong comeback thanks in no small part to its more refined and reliable approach to finding love. 

Personalisation and compatibility

We understand the significance of that initial meeting and the expectations that go with it, which is why in our matchmaking process we take the time to get to know you, your goals, your lifestyle, and your aspirations. We prioritise and conduct detailed interviews with every client that comes through our door, getting to know them as a person, what values they hold, and what their goals are in life, ensuring that the person you’re introduced to is a good match from the start. This reduces the likelihood of mismatched expectations and increases the chances of a successful date. When two people are more compatible, the date is less likely to end in disappointment and certainly less likely to result in a refund request.

Quality over quantity

In the realm of dating apps, it’s easy to get lost in the sheer volume of potential matches, leading to burnout and disillusionment. Matchmaking services prioritise quality over quantity, introducing you to fewer, but more carefully selected individuals. This targeted approach means that each date has a higher potential for success, making asking for a refund obsolete.

Expert guidance and support 

We understand the importance of having no hidden surprises, which is why every client at Ignite Dating has a digital footprint and identification check prior to any matchmaking being executed. Matchmakers also provide ongoing support and advice, helping you navigate the complexities of dating. We are with you every step of the way in your journey, getting to know you and your perfect match, providing a pillar of support after your dates, offering feedback, overcoming any obstacles, assisting as you refine your approach and most importantly, helping you plan for the future. With this level of support, you’re more likely to have positive dating experiences, reducing the likelihood of any party feeling short-changed.

Setting realistic expectations

One of the primary reasons behind the refund trend is unmet expectations. Matchmakers play a crucial role in setting realistic expectations for both parties. By ensuring that everyone is on the same page regarding what they are looking for and what they can offer, the potential for disappointment is minimised. 

Building genuine connections

Unlike the often-superficial interactions facilitated by dating apps, matchmakers focus on fostering genuine connections. They emphasise the importance of building a relationship on mutual interests, values, and long-term goals, rather than just a fleeting attraction. This depth of connection significantly lowers the chances of dissatisfaction and the subsequent desire for a refund. 

In a world where dating can sometimes feel like a high-stakes gamble, the emerging trend of dates asking for refunds highlights the need for a more thoughtful approach to finding love. Matchmaking and personal introductions offer a sophisticated solution, ensuring that each date is more than just an expensive outing – it’s a meaningful step towards a lasting relationship. By investing ion these services, you can navigate the dating world with confidence, knowing that your time, emotions, and money are well-spent.

If you are single and looking for love, you can trust in us to find you the right person with a stress-free experience, allowing you to simply sit back and enjoy the journey. Our highly skilled matchmakers are on hand to help you throughout the process, so skip the refund requests and get in touch today for a matchmaking service that truly understands the value of your romantic journey.


How efficient is your dating journey?

There’s no denying that dating can be time consuming. When you factor in the hours spent getting to know someone, arranging dates and not to mention the prep work that goes into actually getting ready for the date before you know it you’ve racked up hours and still might not be any closer to finding the one. 

In today’s fast-paced world, finding time for romance can feel like a daunting task. Between work commitments, personal errands, and social obligations, carving out moments for meaningful connections often takes a backseat. That is until the concept of errand dating (aka stack dating) – a new approach to finding love that aligns perfectly with our busy lifestyles. 

So, what is errand dating?

Errand dating is all about maximising your time by combining your daily tasks with dating. Instead of dedicating separate hours to meet potential partners, you merge these activities in with your everyday activities, making your quest for love more efficient and less time-consuming. Whether it’s grabbing a coffee while waiting for your laundry or taking a stroll through the park before meeting up with friends, errand dating allows you to weave romance seamlessly into your everyday routine. 

One of the most significant advantages of errand dating is in its ability to save time. For busy and successful professionals, every minute counts. By integrating dating into your routine tasks, you free up more time for other essential activities without compromising your love life. Not only that, but when you’re engaged in an activity, conversations tend to flow more naturally. There’s less pressure to fill those awkward silences, and the shared experience can serve as a great icebreaker. Add to this, the fact that this organic interaction can help build a stronger connection right from the start and it’s easy to see why many busy people are turning to the world of stack dating.

If you think about the errands you frequently run, which ones could be turned into a date? Common examples include coffee runs, a breakfast date or even attending a fitness class. The key is to choose activities that allow for conversation and interaction but that can also be slotted in around your busy schedule. While spontaneity is great, a little planning can go a long way. Coordinate with your date to find a mutually convenient time and activity. This ensures that both of you are on the same page and can make the most out of the experience.

Remember, the primary goal is to get to know each other in a relaxed setting. Don’t overthink the activity or try to impress your date with grand gestures. Simple, everyday tasks can be just as effective in fostering a connection and it gives you an insight into what life could be like when you’re in a relationship.

If you’re interested in errand dating but don’t know where to start, here are some ideas of potential dates that you could consider. 

1. Coffee and catch-up

Meet at a local coffee shop, grab your favourite beverages, and take a stroll while you catch up on each other’s lives and find out more about each other.

2. Market mingle

If you love food, why not head to a farmers’ market, pick out fresh ingredients, and discuss your favourite recipes. You can even plan to cook a meal together later.

3. Fitness Fun

If you both strive for a fit and healthy lifestyle, why not join a yoga class, hit the courts for a game of tennis or go for a jog together. Physical activities can break the ice and help you bond over shared interests, while also allowing yourselves to indulge in a little friendly competition.

4. Pet Playdate

If you both have pets, arrange a playdate at a nearby park. It provides a great distraction for any awkward silences and is a great way to see how your furry friends get along while you chat.

Errand dating offers a fresh, efficient approach to modern romance, perfectly suited for the busy lifestyles of successful individuals. By merging daily tasks with dating, you can make the most of your time while forming meaningful connections. Errand dating is all about making dates work for your lifestyle, and part of that means that you must show up as you on the dates, not some idealised version of you or who you think your date wants you to be. Those facades fade quickly, but by combining your dating journey with your everyday errands you’ll not only save yourself tons of time, but you’ll also weed out the wrong matches and find those that you’re truly compatible with.

Ready to revolutionise your dating life? At Ignite Dating, we specialise in hand-selected introductions, helping you navigate the dating world with ease and confidence. Get in touch with our team of expert matchmakers today and find out how we can help you find that special someone who shares the same values, aspirations, and lifestyle as you.


Date ideas in Scotland

Scotland, with its rich history, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant culture, offers an array of enchanting date ideas that cater to all tastes and interests. Whether you’re an adventure seeker, a history buff, or a lover of fine dining, Scotland has something special for every couple. Here are some delightful date ideas to help you and your date create unforgettable memories in this captivating country.

Explore Edinburgh’s historic charm

Start your romantic journey in Scotland’s capital, Edinburgh. Stroll hand in hand down the Royal Mile, discovering hidden closes and historic landmarks. Visit the majestic Edinburgh Castle, perched atop an extinct volcano, and enjoy panoramic views of the city. For a touch of mystery, take an evening ghost tour and delve into the city’s haunted past. Finish the day with a cozy dinner at one of Edinburgh’s many charming restaurants, where you can savour traditional Scottish cuisine.

Wander through the gardens of Glasgow

Glasgow, known for its vibrant cultural scene, also boasts beautiful green spaces perfect for a romantic outing. Spend a leisurely afternoon at the Glasgow Botanic Gardens, where you can wander among exotic plants and serene pathways. For art lovers, a visit to the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum is a must. This stunning building houses an impressive collection of artworks and historical artifacts. Cap off your day with a riverside walk along the Clyde, enjoying the city’s modern architecture and lively atmosphere.

Escape to the Highlands

For couples who crave adventure, the Scottish Highlands offer an unparalleled escape. Hike through the rugged landscapes of Glencoe, where towering mountains and deep valleys create a dramatic backdrop. If you’re visiting in the summer, take a boat trip on Loch Ness and keep an eye out for the elusive Nessie. Wintertime brings a different kind of magic, with opportunities for skiing and snowboarding at resorts like Aviemore. After a day of exploration, retreat to a cozy Highland inn and warm up by the fire with a dram of whisky.

Discover the Isle of Skye

The Isle of Skye is a haven for nature lovers and romantics alike. Drive along the scenic Skye Bridge and be greeted by a landscape of rolling hills, jagged cliffs, and serene lochs. Visit the enchanting Fairy Pools, where crystal-clear waters cascade over rocks, creating a series of picturesque pools. Take a walk to the Old Man of Storr, a striking rock formation that offers breathtaking views of the island. For a truly magical experience, book a stay in a charming cottage or a luxury glamping site, where you can stargaze and soak in the tranquillity of Skye.

Enjoy a coastal adventure in St Andrews

St Andrews, renowned as the home of golf, also offers plenty of romantic activities. Begin your day with a visit to the stunning ruins of St Andrews Cathedral, once the largest church in Scotland. Take a leisurely walk along the West Sands Beach, famous for its appearance in the film “Chariots of Fire.” If you’re both golf enthusiasts, play a round at the legendary Old Course. For a more relaxed experience, enjoy a picnic in the beautiful St Andrews Botanic Garden or explore the quaint town centre, filled with charming shops and cafes.

Savor whiskey tasting in Speyside

For a date that combines culture and indulgence, head to Speyside, Scotland’s premier whiskey-producing region. Embark on a whiskey trail, visiting renowned distilleries like Glenfiddich, Macallan, and Aberlour. Learn about the whiskey-making process and enjoy guided tastings that allow you to savour the distinct flavours of Speyside malts. Pair your whiskey adventure with a stay in a luxurious countryside hotel, where you can relax and enjoy gourmet meals featuring local produce.

Scotland’s diverse landscapes and rich cultural heritage provide endless opportunities for memorable dates. Whether you’re exploring historic cities, embarking on outdoor adventures, or indulging in fine dining and whiskey tasting, Scotland promises romance and enchantment at every turn. So, grab your partner and embark on a Scottish adventure that will leave you both spellbound.

If you’re based in Scotland and looking for a new way to date, then get in touch with our team today to find out more about how we can help on your search for love.


The Importance of Self-Love in Dating

We’ve all heard the phrase that “the most important relationship you will ever have, is with yourself,” and it’s true. In the journey to finding love, self-love is the fundamental foundation of a healthy, fulfilling relationship. In this blog we will explore why self-love is crucial in dating, the ways in which you can improve your relationship with yourself and how embracing it can transform your romantic life.

What is self-love and why does it matter?

Self-love is about valuing and caring for yourself and ultimately loving who you are and everything that makes you, you. It means accepting your flaws and strengths, setting boundaries, and prioritising your own well-being. When you practice self-love, you recognise your worth and refuse to settle for less than you deserve. Isn’t that what we all want when it comes to dating?

Self-love plays a vital role in your dating journey because it brings out the best version of you in the best possible way. Self-love breeds confidence. When you know your worth, you are less likely to settle for unhealthy relationships or fall victim to those with traits within the dark triad. Confidence attracts the right partners and sets the tone for mutual respect and admiration in a relationship.

Not only that but understanding and respecting your own needs helps you set boundaries within the relationship. Healthy boundaries ensure that your relationship is balanced and that both partners’ needs are met. This prevents co-dependency and fosters mutual respect. It also ensures that you don’t lose yourself in the relationship. As Nick Feeney said in our latest podcast, “you are a complete human by yourself. Someone can add value to what you already have, by joining you as a partner in life. But no-one will ever complete you. You are complete.”

When you love yourself, you are also better equipped to love others. Often those that do not see their own self-worth, struggle to let their guards down and let others in because they don’t understand what that other person could possibly see in them. Self-love allows you to be emotionally available, which is essential for a deep, meaningful connection. It helps you communicate your feelings honestly and openly and allows you to experience every new relationship with a blank slate and solid foundation on which you can both build. 

How to cultivate self-love

Self-care is a practical way to show yourself love. This can be as simple as taking time for a hobby, exercising, enjoying a pamper session or simply ensuring you get enough rest. Regular self-care boosts your mood and helps maintain your overall well-being, which in turn will have a positive effect on your life. 

And while self-care covers many aspects including physical, emotional, and mental self-care activities, don’t forget to also look at how you speak to yourself. Your inner dialogue significantly impacts your self-esteem. Replace negative self-talk with affirmations and positive statements. Remind yourself daily of your strengths and achievements and eventually you won’t have to fake it ‘til you make it, because you’ll realise just how amazing you are.

And finally, remember to forgive yourself. Everyone makes mistakes. Holding onto past mistakes can hinder your ability to not only love yourself but also to move on from them onto newer and brighter opportunities. Practice self-forgiveness and understand that mistakes are part of growth – that includes relationships and dates too! Every date or relationship is a journey. The key lies in what you take from it. So, whether you’ve come out of an unhealthy relationship, or you had a disastrous date, don’t worry. Listen to what the experience taught you and forgive yourself as that will allow you to close the door on that chapter and start afresh with someone who deserves everything you have to offer. 

The impact of self-love on relationships

When you practice self-love, you emit positive energy that attracts like-minded individuals. If you are confident, set healthy boundaries and appreciate all the unique traits that make who you are, you are more likely to meet partners who respect and value you. 

Relationships flourish when both partners are secure and confident in themselves, and it is one of the most common traits that someone looks for in a partner. After all, self-love leads to healthier communication, deeper emotional connection, and overall relationship satisfaction. 

Self-love also helps in reducing insecurities and anxiety within a relationship. When you are confident in yourself, you trust your partner more, leading to a more stable and loving relationship. And who wouldn’t want that?

Self-love is not a luxury; it’s a necessity in the dating world. It sets the stage for healthier, more fulfilling relationships and leads you to understanding who you are and the type of person that you would like to settle down with. At Ignite Dating, we believe that every successful relationship starts with loving yourself first. By prioritising self-love, you enhance your dating experience, attract the right partners, and build lasting, meaningful connections.

Take the first step towards a healthier love life by embracing self-love. Remember, the journey to finding the right partner begins with the most important relationship of all –the one with yourself.

If you’re single and looking to meet someone special who complements your self-worth and adds joy to your life, then get in touch with our team of expert matchmakers today. 


Could bad grammar be hindering your search for love?

Whether you’re looking for love online or enlisting the services of a dating agency, one thing is certain, your profile needs to be written perfectly. After all, that is the first glimpse that a potential love interest is going to get into who you are. And we all know that first impressions matter. 

It is becoming increasingly apparent that both men and women are deterred from dating a person if their messages and profiles are riddled with slang, bad grammar, and spelling mistakes. And quite often the most common errors that put people off are the simple ones. Using ‘your’ instead of ‘you’re,’ and improper use of ‘there,’ ‘they’re’ and ‘their,’ are among the most common annoyances when it comes to dating. The biggest ick however, comes down to poor grammar or text speak in text messages. While they are designed to be quick, that doesn’t mean that you should write things like ‘u r’ instead of ‘you are,’ as it gives the impression that the recipient is not worth the effort. 

Have you ever considered that perhaps your spelling and grammar are playing a part in your failing chances of a fairytale forever after? 

For most people, improper use of grammar and misspelling of words is often perceived as sluggish, lazy, inexperienced, and unattractive. Since evolving from meeting in bars to embracing the culture of matchmaking, the key thing to remember is that the first impression a person will have of you is which words you use and how you use them. Your words say a lot about you as a person, therefore it’s important that you take your time to present yourself in the best possible way. 

Let’s consider things differently. When getting ready for a date night, you take the time to get ready and choose an outfit that flatters you and makes you feel amazing. You wouldn’t throw on your Sunday lounge suit to meet a romantic interest because you want to look and feel like the best version of yourself. Similarly, proper grammar helps you express yourself with elegance and clarity. It shows that you are eloquent, sophisticated, intelligent, and self-aware. It’s a way to showcase yourself on the highest pedestal and truly stand out from the crowd.

That said, there are simple tricks that you can bear in mind that will ensure your dating profile and messages portray you in the best possible light.

1-     Proofread. It’s not necessary to rush anything that you publish or send. Take a moment, read what you have written, and make corrections before committing. Those few extra moments aren’t going to put someone off, but a gibberish message might!

2-    Spellcheck. Thankfully, most devices have a spellcheck built in these days, making spotting incorrect spellings easy to pick up and a quick fix. Always run a spell check if you can, but be sure to use correct English, as using US English spelling when you’re not American can be perceived as bad spelling.

3-     Utilise the internet. When it comes to writing your profile take the time to make sure it is right before publishing. With a plethora of online tools like Grammarly dedicated to perfecting your writing at the click of a button, it is easy to ensure that your profile is error-free.

If spelling and grammar simply aren’t your forte, fear not, we have you covered. We have a team of professionals on hand to create an outstanding and error-free dating profile for you. All you have to do is answer a few questions about your lifestyle, goals, and aspirations in your meeting with your matchmaker and then leave the creation in our hands.

While a perfectly punctuated profile may not be the sole determinant of your romantic success, it will undoubtedly contribute to making an everlasting positive first impression. 

Here at Ignite Dating, your dedicated matchmaker will be with you every step of the way, working with you to highlight what is important for you. From the first meeting through to your blossoming relationship, they are always on hand to ensure your dating experience is as streamlined as possible, leaving you to embrace and enjoy the process every time you meet someone new. Get in touch with our team of dating experts today to find out more about how we can help you with every element of your dating journey. 


Love Is In The Air: Global Love Conference 2024

In May, our Managing Director and Founder, Michelle Begy, and International Matchmaker, Ellie Harrison, headed to New York for the Global Love Conference – an annual event organised by the Global Love Institute to bring together experts in the dating industry. 

Surrounded by over 120 other professionals from all aspects of the dating industry, the team had a packed two days filled with insightful discussions and meaningful connections where they were able to network, collaborate, exchange knowledge, and acquire valuable insights into the latest trends, strategies, and best practices in the dating industry right now. 

With speaker sessions on a range of topics including psychological theories behind attraction, lessons in international matchmaking, the art of ethical collaboration and the art of styling a client for relationship success amongst many more, there was plenty of alignment with the ethical and client-focused approach that Ignite Dating prides itself on. 

The post-conference party, graciously hosted by the lovely Bonnie Winston was definitely among the highlights of the trip. Bonnie’s ongoing support for the conference is well-known and this year’s party was a testament to her commitment to not only the Global Love Conference but also the dating industry as a whole. The atmosphere was vibrant, and everyone was enjoying themselves, making new friends and celebrating the success of the event. 

The whole event and the food were incredible throughout and has truly ignited the spark that drives Ignite Dating forward and we can’t wait to let you know about all the exciting possibilities we have in the pipeline. So, stay tuned for those!

But the biggest highlight for both Michelle and Ellie, was meeting our New York clients and the enthusiasm that they had for their dating journey. When it comes to dating, clients often go through a range of emotions – especially if they have been out of the dating arena for a while, but thankfully Ignite Dating’s support goes far beyond simply getting them a date. Instead, they are with you every step of the way, using personality profiling, experience and intuition to provide a dating journey that will leave you feeling confident, energised, and safe.

Now, with another event over, it’s time for the team to take what they have learnt and put it into practice to further enhance the multi award-winning service that our clients receive. As a sponsor and guest speaker at the event, Michelle and the team will also be attending the Global Love Conference when it comes to London in September to further enhance their skills and knowledge. After all, by continually learning and developing our service in line with what our clients need and the ethical approach we strive for, we can be sure that we are best placed to work with you to find your perfect partner and together make steps towards the ultimate goal of a committed relationship. 

Wherever you are in the world, if you are single and looking for love but don’t know where to start, then get in touch with our team of highly qualified expert matchmakers today. Using their skills, expertise and knowledge may be just what you need to get your dating journey on the right track.


The Deceptive Allure of Future Faking

For the most part, dating can be an exhilarating and enjoyable adventure, filled with the excitement of new connections and the promise of future possibilities. However, it can also be a minefield of emotional pitfalls and avoidable dating trends – one of the most deceptive being future faking. 

The term, which has gained popularity in the dating world in recent years, refers to the actions of one partner making grand promises about the future to create a false sense of security and investment in the relationship, without any real intention of following through. But, when you’re in the initial stages of getting to know somebody, how can you be sure their actions are genuine?

Whether you are brand new to the dating world or been navigating it for a while, understanding and recognising the signs of future faking is crucial to the success of your goal of meeting a long-term, committed partner. 

So, what is future faking?

Future faking involves the action of making huge promises or speaking extensively about the future of a relationship in order to manipulate and secure a partner’s commitment. The tactic is often used by individuals who are either unsure of their own intentions or who seek to control the dynamic of the relationship and can manifest itself in various forms. Whether you’re talking about moving in together, planning far-off vacations, discussing marriage, or even naming potential future children, if these conversations are happening within a brief period of dating, there’s a chance that they could be signs of future faking. 

The emotional impact

While in the beginning it may create a euphoric sense of connection and excitement, as time passes, and the promises remain unfulfilled the deceived partner can experience confusion, insecurity, and deep hurt. This emotional impact can lead to a significant loss of trust and self-esteem, making it even more challenging for them to navigate future relationships. 

But how do you recognise the signs?

Recognising future faking can be tricky, especially when you’re caught up in the whirlwind of a new romance. However, there are some common red flags that you can watch out for:

  1. Rapid advancement: if your partner is pushing for you to take the next step in your relationship, like moving in together or talking about long-term plans incredibly early on, then proceed with caution. The quick progression in a relatively brief time frame could be a sign of future faking. 
  2. Inconsistency: pay close attention to whether your partner’s actions align with their goals. When you’re together, do they talk about what the future will look like or how they plan to do certain things like a proposal or moving close-by, but make no concrete steps towards it? If the answer is yes, it may be time to look a little closer as to whether their words are genuine. 
  3. Too good to be true: we all know when it comes to buying something, if the offer seems too good to be true it quite often is. But why when it comes to relationships do we gloss over that fact? If the promises seem excessively idealistic or too perfect, it might be a case of future faking. 

How to protect yourself

When it comes to the early days of a relationship, it can be easy to get swept up in the moment. After all, you’ve had several dates, the chemistry is there and you have a deep connection, but it’s important to not let your heart run away with you. Here are some top tips to safeguard you from the possibility of future faking in your new relationship:

  1. Take your time: allow relationships to develop naturally without rushing into major commitments. Part of the fun of dating is in those initial stages where you’re getting to know each other and enjoying each other’s company without the pressure of knowing where it is heading. 
  2. Observe actions: we’ve all heard the age-old saying that “actions speak louder than words,” and dating is no different. Trust their actions over the words that they say. Consistent behaviour is a far better predictor of a person’s true intentions than lavish promises. 
  3. Communicate openly: foster open communication about your expectations and concerns in your relationship. A genuine partner will respect your need for clarity and transparency about how they’re feeling and where the relationship is going. 
  4. Trust your instincts: if something doesn’t feel right, don’t ignore it. Your intuition is a powerful tool when it comes to recognising manipulation, so if something doesn’t feel right in your gut, mention it, and remember the above point when it comes to the response. 

If you are a victim of future faking, it can tarnish your dating journey and have a deep emotional impact on not only that relationship but also future relationships that you enter into. But, by being aware of it and being able to recognise the signs will go a long way in protecting you and empowering you to navigate the dating world with greater discernment. 

Enlisting the help of a matchmaker can provide an added layer of security and expertise in your dating journey, helping you find a genuine, committed partner. Everybody that they introduce you to will have been ID-checked and interviewed to ensure that they are who they say they are and that their intentions are genuine when it comes to finding a partner. 

The key thing to remember is, the foundation of any successful relationship is built on trust, honesty, and mutual respect – qualities that no amount of future faking can replicate.

At Ignite Dating, your dedicated matchmaker is with you every step of the way, working with you to understand what is important to you in a partner and to make sure your dating journey is as streamlined and enjoyable as possible. They are on hand to help you navigate the trickier parts of dating, so you can relax every time you meet somebody new. Get in touch with our team of expert matchmakers today to find out how we can help you on your dating journey.


What does quality look like in the dating world?

If you type dating agencies in the UK into Google, you’ll be met with an overwhelming number of possible agencies that all claim to be the ‘perfect partner’ for your dating journey. But with hundreds of agencies out there all offering slightly different services but promising the same results, how do you weed out the good from the bad and find the right agency for you?

While it can be overwhelming to go through them all, there are some subtle but powerful ways that can determine whether an agency is going to be right for you, and a major part of it lies in how they are set up.


Over the last few years more and more boutique agencies have been popping up with promises of extensive networks and resources to help you find your partner, but the problem with these is that they are usually run by one person. While you may be fooled into thinking that working with a single matchmaker will provide you with personalised 1-1 support whenever you need it, in reality it reduces the amount of time that they can spend working for you as that time needs to be spread across all their clients. 

To give you more insight to this, you can have a look on Companies House. If the agency you are considering has a low turnover, then it is often a reflection of the amount of clients, team and resources that they have to deliver service. Matchmaking, when done effectively, is a team effort and it takes a number of different people with varying skillsets and professional qualifications working together to provide a safe, enjoyable, and successful dating journey. From our copywriters to our coaches, stylists to matchmakers and everyone else in-between, our team works together to ensure that your journey is seamless from start to finish. 


Matchmaking goes far beyond the practice of simply matching two people together. After all, anyone can do that, but it doesn’t mean it will be successful. Instead, you should be looking at agencies that invest in industry training and relevant qualifications for their matchmakers. At Ignite Dating, our team of matchmakers all undergo qualifications with the Matchmaking Institute in addition to extensive in-house training. Add to this the fact that the agency’s founder, Michelle Begy, is Myers-Briggs and FIRO certified and a science based coach, our matchmaker Samantha Rowland-Jones is not only a qualified matchmaker but also a Myers-Briggs certified coach, along with Julie Drummond, an established and accredited dating coach. This means you can be sure that your introductions are based on recognised and psychologically backed profiling and matching techniques, as well as many years’ experience in the trade.


Dating is a personal journey, and you want to make sure that the agency you select has stringent policies around data compliance and security of your personal information. Ignite Dating places a strong emphasis on discretion, privacy, and confidentiality. Our agency is ICO compliant and utilises the highest levels of security for its database, which means that you can be sure that any information you provide remains private and secure at all times. Our team is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and discretion, providing our clients with peace of mind as they embark on their search for love.

Personal touch

Having a team of people around you doesn’t mean that you lose the personal touch. In fact, at Ignite Dating we pride ourselves on offering award-winning customer service to our clients from the moment that they enquire through to them finding true love. Everyone that joins, has been met face-to-face with a dating consultant, regardless of where you are based and your availability as we offer evening and weekend appointments around the UK as standard. This gives us the chance to meet you at a place and time that suits so we can get to know the softer aspects of your personality as well as what you tell us during the meeting, so that we can work with you in a way that is right for your personality and your individual needs. 

Not only that, but there are multiple touch points along the way before you’re even ready for matching. This is to ensure that you not only understand what to expect from your dating journey, but also ensure that you have everything you need to leave you feeling confident, energised, and safe throughout. At Ignite Dating, we don’t just take anyone on. Our clients have all been verified and ID-checked to ensure that they are indeed single and suitable matches for our other clients. This thorough interview process includes ID and address checks, questions around health, addictions, and criminal convictions as well as an in-depth digital footprint check. If a potential client doesn’t meet these standards, then we will decline them engaging our service  as we take the security and protection of our clients very seriously. 

Helping you make the right choice

Now these are by no means the only considerations you need to look out for when choosing a dating agency, but they do highlight the importance of reading through websites and conducting your own research carefully. We also recommend having an open conversation over a coffee with the matchmaker who will be working with you, allowing you to ask any questions and clarify anything that you are unsure of to get a better understanding of the services that they offer and how they work in order to decide which agency is right for you.

If you are single and have made that decision to join an agency, but are not sure where to start then get in touch with our friendly team today for an open and honest chat about how we can help you on your dating journey.