
What is future-proofing and how can this help you find true love?

There’s no denying that as we get older, the dating landscape seems to get more complex. There is so much more to think about, from finances and family to careers and emotional well-being; there’s a lot more at stake than the carefree dating of your early 20s. 

As a result, more singles are being extra cautious with how and who they date this year. In fact, a staggering 95% admit that worrying about the future impacts their dating life, and many prioritise emotional stability above all else when looking for a partner. 

This has led to an important new trend known as future-proofing. 

What is future-proofing in dating? 

Future-proofing is all about proactively building a relationship with long-term compatibility in mind. It involves leading conversations and asking questions about the future after the first couple of dates, helping you to determine if the relationship is a good match in the long run. 

This could involve discussing career goals, living situations, children, and any other huge decisions that could impact your life. Taking this proactive approach to your love life might feel a bit forward or forceful, but it can actually be the perfect way to find true love. Here’s how: 

Sharing a vision for the future 

Most importantly, discussing long-term plans like marriage, children, or lifestyle choices means you will be in agreement on big-picture goals. This can minimise the risk of conflict or upset later in the relationship, allowing love to flourish without hidden tensions or uncertainty. 

Making sure your values align

Because future-proofing involves discussing your goals, ambitions and priorities in this way, you can ensure that your core values align. 

As we know, true love thrives when there’s mutual respect and a shared sense of purpose. 

However, if you can identify mismatched values or misaligned futures early on, you’ll save yourself time and emotional investment. 

Encouraging effective communication 

Encouraging open and honest communication right from the start of your relationship is always healthy, and in most cases, it allows you and your partner to address issues constructively. 

This can also help to prevent small niggles from escalating and create a bond based on trust and understanding.

Setting realistic expectations

Focusing on compatibility rather than idealised standards is so important to ensure the future of your relationship. 

Unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment. But by being open, transparent and accepting your partner’s unique qualities (and occasional flaws), you can create genuine love and a deeper connection.

Supporting adaptability and growth

Having these big conversations early on in the relationship makes it possible to recognise that both individuals will change over time, and being open about this means you can adapt and grow together.

As love often deepens through shared experiences, being prepared to evolve together ensures that the relationship remains fulfilling long into the future, even as your circumstances change.

Are you ready to find true love? 

If you’re excited to have these open, honest conversations about the future with a partner, that’s the first step to a great relationship! But first, you need to find someone that you can click with, someone who shares your values and future life goals. 

Our trained and globally accredited team of matchmakers can help you on your journey to finding true love. So, if you’re ready to begin meeting like-minded individuals and making genuine connections, get in touch with the Ignite Dating team today.


What is playing house in a relationship? Avoid these pitfalls

Playing house is a common trend for too many couples and can be a very subtle yet damaging behaviour. 

It happens when couples mimic the behaviours of a long-term, committed relationship without actually having the deeper conversations that are crucial for establishing a solid foundation.

While these relationships might feel genuine and fulfilling for a short while, they have the potential to lead to confusion and heartbreak. 

That’s why we’re here to share more details on the impact of playing house and how you can avoid this in new and existing relationships. 

What does playing house really mean, and how can it impact individuals?

Playing house can look (and feel) as real as living together, sharing expenses, and even acting like a married couple. However, this is all done without addressing long-term compatibility, giving full commitment or discussing plans for the future. 

The trouble is, this can lead to emotional dependence without accountability, which can result in superficial connections and, usually, one partner that is more invested than the other. 

The dangers of playing house

When one or both partners engage in this behaviour, the relationship (and the individuals) can suffer in a number of ways. 

For example, one person might believe they’re building a future together, while the other is simply enjoying the convenience of the arrangement. 

It might also take time for deeper incompatibilities to become apparent. This delayed realisation of misaligned goals can mean that one or both partners have invested significant time, energy, and emotion into a relationship that has no future.

Ultimately, this can cause resentment and heartbreak. 

Why has this behaviour become so common 

This phenomenon is certainly becoming more common in modern relationships, and this is because our fast-paced world makes it easier to fall into patterns and routines that feel like a relationship milestone. 

For example, moving in together or combining finances without actually taking the time to evaluate long-term compatibility and shared goals.

Then there is the fear of difficult conversations as more people shy away from discussing topics like marriage, children or financial goals early on in the relationship. This is usually through fear of commitment or a worry that having this deeper conversation could scare their partner away. 

Lastly, movies, social media and today’s societal expectations have romanticised relationships, showing the more superficial side of simply acting the part. Many don’t realise that while romance is important, relationships do require work, and open communication is vital for them to succeed. 

How to avoid playing house in a relationship

If you want to build a genuine and meaningful relationship, you need to avoid falling into the trap of playing house. To do that, you should: 

Be open and honest 

Have open and honest conversations early on in your relationship to discuss long-term goals and expectations. This includes being upfront about marriage, kids, career plans and any other big life decisions. 

While these conversations may feel intimidating, they are so important for understanding compatibility and ensuring you’re both on the same page. 

Make sure to define the relationship 

Just because you live together or spend a lot of time together, don’t assume this equals commitment. It’s important to explicitly discuss what commitment looks like to each of you, continuing these open and honest conversations. 

This may also include setting boundaries for living together or financial arrangements to avoid misunderstanding.

Pace yourself 

Try not to rush into domestic routines or significant commitments without fully understanding your partner’s intentions and future goals. Take time to evaluate compatibility beyond surface-level habits and take things slowly to ensure no one is misled or hurt. 

Look for actions, not just words

Yes, these conversations are critical, but it’s also vital that you pay attention to how your partner behaves rather than just what they say. 

Are they consistent in showing commitment, or do their actions suggest they’re only in it for convenience? 

Similarly, do they actively work towards their individual goals, as well as your shared aspirations? If not, they may not truly be committed. 

Don’t fall victim to playing house 

While playing house may seem harmless, especially when everything feels comfortable and fun in the moment, too often, it leads to disappointment. 

The key to a successful relationship lies in open communication, clear boundaries and mutual respect. By addressing the tough topics or questions early on and ensuring that you’re aligned on your intentions, you can create a relationship built on trust, honesty and lasting commitment. 

If you’ve been the victim of playing house before, or you’re simply on the lookout for a more genuine and meaningful relationship, let our expert matchmakers help. 

Get in touch today to start meeting like-minded individuals, those who share common interests and future ambitions for a committed relationship.


Could the new year provide the perfect opportunity to find love?

With the glitter of New Year’s Eve fading behind us and normal life returning post-Christmas, a quiet transformation begins. Many of us will set ourselves new goals for the year ahead and take some time to recover from December’s festivities. 

This is the exact reason that the new year is often overlooked as a good time for romance, but it can be one of the best times of the year to make new connections. 

The perfect blend of reflection, renewed energy and societal trends means that the new year actually marks a golden opportunity to find love – and here’s why. 

A season of fresh starts

The new year always carries an undeniable sense of renewal. After the late nights, endless party food, and the whirlwind of the festive period, people naturally tend to reflect on the past year and set new goals and resolutions for the future. 

For some, finding love may be at the top of the list; for others, it may be working on themselves. Whatever the case, this collective mindset of making a fresh start can be the grounds for meaningful connections, as many others are also motivated to open their hearts to new relationships.

Not only that, but the energy of January is quite unique. It’s hopeful and forward-looking. This means that you’re more likely to meet someone who, like you, is committed to making positive changes and connecting with new people. 

It is the extended ‘cuffing’ season

With many looking for something new in January, cuffing season often creeps on for another month, with people seeking companionship to stave off the cold winter. While cuffing season is not without its problems, there are still those who are looking for genuine relationships and are ready to invest in something lasting.

As a result, you can take advantage of the extended cuffing season to start meeting new people and making new connections. 

Adopting a mindset of growth and reflection

As well as a fresh start, the new year brings with it a mindset that is all about growth and reflection. This could include looking back at past relationships, bad habits, and things you wish to improve about yourself. This self-awareness can lead to healthier and more fulfilling connections.

On top of that, as you work on your own resolutions, whether that’s improving your fitness, being more active, learning a new skill or anything else for that matter, you are more likely to become more confident and magnetic to others. Plus, you’ll have more talking points for those all-important early dates! 

Less pressure, more authenticity

January also lacks the high stakes of romantic holidays like Christmas, New Year’s Eve and Valentine’s Day. There’s no pressure to perform, impress or rush into any grand gestures. This makes it easier to build connections that are based on authenticity rather than societal expectations.

How to make the most of the positive New Year energy 

With lots of positive New Year energy floating around, you should make the most of this underrated time of year. 

Set your intentions for January  

You don’t have to set solid resolutions as such, but be clear about what you want to achieve this year. In particular, what are you looking for in a partner and relationship? A clear and positive mindset and openness to new experiences can make all the difference to your dating journey.

Expand your social circles

Whether you choose to join a club, take a class, attend events or sign up with a dedicated matchmaking service like Ignite Dating, take this opportunity to expand your social circle. 

New environments bring new people into your orbit, and with more optimistic people looking for change, you’re more likely to make genuine connections. 

Focus on self-love

The best way to attract the right person and feel good in your new dating journey is by feeling confident and fulfilled on your own. Use the new year’s energy to invest in yourself first, so you can go into any new relationship as the best version of yourself. 

Make January the month you find love 

All too often, we hear about how long the month of January can feel and the impact of things like Blue Monday. But as most people embrace renewal and growth in the new year, January actually provides the perfect stage for love to find its way into your life.

So, don’t wait for Cupid’s arrow to strike in February; it’s time to embrace the glow of the post-New Year. Get in touch with our team of dedicated matchmakers today to start your dating journey and let 2025 be the year you find the love you deserve.


Is Britain breaking up with dating apps?

In a world where swiping left and right has become synonymous with modern romance, it might come as a surprise that dating apps appear to be declining in popularity this year. 

Recent studies suggest that instant online gratification and quick hookups are no longer enough, and many individuals looking for love are choosing more traditional, in-person encounters. 

But is this really the end of dating apps or are we simply on a break with these digital matchmakers? 

Some apps have already begun rebranding  

There has been a noticeable shift away from dating apps over the past 12 months, as Ofcom reports a 16% drop in the use of the top 10 most popular dating apps. More specifically:

  • Tinder saw over half a million users leave the app since May 2023.
  • Bumble lost 368,000 users in the same period
  • Even Hinge, the “app designed to be deleted,” experienced a drop of 131,000 users

This shift is highlighted by the recent announcement that Dating App Thursday is shutting down in order to pivot its focus toward hosting in-person dating events. 

Its founder explained that while dating apps may once have revolutionised the dating industry, they have also contributed to a sense of fatigue among users. In fact, another survey on the subject found that a staggering 78% of users reported feeling “emotionally, mentally, or physically exhausted” by dating apps. 

So, it’s clear that a growing number of people seem to be turning their backs on this once-dominant dating strategy – but why? 

The reasons so many are ditching dating apps 

Dating apps have lost their romantic allure and is this really a surprise? The endless swiping, ghosting and superficial connections can take their toll on even the most optimistic of daters. 

But there’s no denying this is a convenient way to date with thousands of potential matches just a swipe away, so what are some of the other reasons so many are ditching dating apps?

A sense of shallowness

Dating apps have an inherently superficial nature. Photos and bios become the basis for big dating decisions. And let’s face it, we’re all complex individuals who can’t be summed up in a sentence or two – no matter how witty it may be. 

So the swiping and judging of photos can feel transactional and hollow, leaving many craving deeper, more meaningful connections.

Daters wanting to prioritise quality over quantity 

When it comes to dating, in-person meetings foster a stronger sense of chemistry and authenticity. And sure, this means you can’t have six different conversations at once, but it supports quality time and real conversation rather than multiple shallow or meaningless interactions. 

The alternatives to dating apps

As dating apps lose their lustre, we thought we’d take a look at how today’s singles are choosing to meet potential partners instead. 

For many, in person dating events like speed dating and singles mixers reflects a renewed interest in meeting people face-to-face. These gatherings offer a more natural way for people to connect and have been on the rise since the lifting of lockdown. 

Community and hobby-based groups are also great ways for singles to find love through shared interests by joining clubs, classes or social groups. This could be cooking, running, reading, and so much more. 

By putting themselves out there more and regularly visiting coffee shops, parks, and bars or meeting through mutual friends, many are even embracing a return to spontaneity and finding potential partners in everyday life.

Then, of course, there are dating agencies and expert matchmakers like Ignite Dating. For those looking for a more strategic approach, dating agencies and matchmakers can offer a personalised experience with better results.  

Is this the beginning of the end for dating apps? 

While there’s no denying that the decline in dating app use is significant, it’s unlikely they’ll disappear entirely. Let’s face it, for many, they remain a convenient way to meet people, especially in today’s fast-paced world. 

However, it’s clear that app fatigue is increasing and that there is a growing awareness of the limitations of these tools as many look for a more authentic way to connect.

So, if you’ve decided that it’s time to break up with dating apps, we can help you kickstart a more rewarding dating journey this year. Get in touch with our matchmakers today to begin making genuine connections.


The 5 dating trends set to shape 2025 

We’ve all heard (and probably said) it a thousand times: ‘new year, new me’. This mantra means that January is a popular time to make a positive change, and for many, this means looking for a new partner or resuming their dating journey. 

In our experience, the best way to be successful in the dating world (other than working with one of our expert, trained and globally accredited  matchmakers, of course) is to understand all the latest dating trends. 

In 2024, this meant understanding throning, freak matching and future faking, but all that looks set to change in 2025. 

So, to help you date knowledgeably, we’ve put together a list of five of the top trends set to shape the dating landscape this year. 

1. Swamping

This trend might not sound romantic, but the concept behind swamping is all about genuine connections. 

Basically, swamping refers to partners feeling so comfortable with each other that they are happy to be their authentic selves without fear of judgment. This is a welcome trend that builds deeper, more meaningful connections. After all, if you aren’t your authentic self, how can they fall in love with you?

2. No-habiting

You’ve heard of cohabiting, but this year, more and more individuals are choosing to delay moving in with their partner. 

This trend, referred to as no-habiting, is becoming more popular with those who value their personal space and independence and would prefer to wait a bit longer before moving in together. 

3. Fiscal attraction

There was a time when money was not something you openly discussed in a relationship, especially with someone you were newly dating. 

But this year, financial stability (including bizarrely enough, credit scores)  and openness about financial situations are becoming increasingly important in relationships. 

Discussions about finances are now common early in dating, especially among younger generations, with many looking for financially stable partners who earn similar salaries to themselves. This trend is being referred to as fiscal attraction. 

4. Fine-wining

A playful spin on fine dining, this trend emphasises the growing search for sophistication and elevated experiences in our love lives. 

As a result, this trend sees individuals proactively looking to date those who are older than them and who’ve aged like a fine wine. 

5. St-ick-ing

We’ve heard a lot about people getting the ‘ick’ over the last year, so what is st-ick-ing, and how has it made its way into the dating world? 

Well, this trend highlights couples bonding and choosing to stick together through their shared quirks or peculiarities, those that might give others the ‘ick’. 

As we increasingly value authenticity, embracing eccentricities like this has become a way to foster deeper, more meaningful connections. For example, these shared interests could be unusual hobbies, gaming or very niche interests that others might find odd. 

Are you ready to find love in 2025? 

Understanding the latest dating trends is all well and good, but in order to utilise (or avoid) these trends, you need the support of an expert. 

If you’re looking for love in 2025, get in touch with our team today. Our expert matchmakers will introduce you to like-minded singles and help you to build genuine connections. So don’t delay; reach out to the team and get your dating journey started now.


Finding love without feeling alone: We’re all in this together

Dating can feel like an emotional rollercoaster. One moment, you’re flying high, thinking, “this could be it,” and the next, you’re back at square one, deflated and questioning if it’s even worth it. When you’re going through these highs and lows, it’s not just draining, it can also start to feel a little lonely.

We all have a story, whether it’s heartbreak from an ex, the heavy feeling of not being enough, or the frustration of yet another disappointing first date. You know the ones, they seem perfect, say all the right things and then ghost you, leaving you wondering if it was something you said or did – or worse, if there’s something wrong with you.

Eventually, dating fatigue creeps in, making you question everything, and you start to wonder if love will ever happen for you. Sometimes, this fear of getting hurt again can be overwhelming, and you start to question whether you should bother dating at all or just accept the single life. 

Then, to top it all off, you’re faced with those dreaded questions from loved-up friends and well-meaning relatives: “So, are you seeing anyone?”. For me, that question used to send me straight back to the sofa with a bottle of wine and a cheese board for one. 

When you’re stuck in this endless cycle of putting yourself out there and getting your hopes up, only to have them taken from you, it’s hard to imagine there are any other options. But what if that little voice in your head (the one that whispers, “maybe there’s more”) is right?

A new way forward: Your new story starts here

For me, that little voice was right. When I hit my breaking point after yet another failed relationship, I found myself at rock bottom – tired of feeling like I wasn’t good enough. I always felt like the one who had to try harder, be better or change everything about myself just to be loved.

Then it hit me: the way I spoke to myself and the way I treated myself were the real roots of the problem. I’d never let anyone speak to my friends the way I spoke to myself. It was time to stop tolerating the cruelty of my own inner voice and choose something different, to follow those quiet whispers telling me I was meant for more.

So, I made a bold move and chose me. I booked a women’s yoga retreat—equal parts hopeful and terrified—and spent seven days surrounded by others who shared their stories of heartbreak and self-doubt with raw vulnerability. There was power in being with women who truly understood what I was going through, women who had lived my same stories. Together, we showed up, let go, and chose to begin again.

We reminded ourselves that we weren’t alone and inspired each other to stop settling. That retreat became the space where I stopped waiting for life to happen to me and started rewriting my own story, not from a place of panic or fear but from hope and possibility.

For the first time, I really heard myself. I gave myself space to heal and let go of the crushing weight of expectations I’d carried for years. Something shifted. I felt lighter, freer and ready to stop waiting for someone else to make me feel loved. I decided I could do that for myself. This wasn’t about finding “the one.” It was about finding me.

Can you imagine that feeling? Confidence, freedom from timelines, and genuine excitement about what lies ahead. Picture yourself as I was: surrounded by incredible women who lift you up, inspire you, and create a space where you can reconnect with yourself in empowering and exciting ways. Instead of obsessing over when it will happen, you cultivate a quiet confidence that it will—because now, your focus is on you.

The power of shared experiences

When women support one another, something powerful happens. When we share our stories, we realise it’s not just us and instantly feel less alone. We spot red flags sooner, save time and heartache, and most importantly, we remind each other that we’re not only worthy—we’re meant for more than we’ve been settling for.

Love doesn’t start when someone else comes into your life. It starts with how you show up for yourself. Finding the right kind of love begins by creating a life that feels so full and true to who you are that any love that enters it only complements what you’ve already built.

Project Love: This is where your story changes

I created Project Love to be a movement. Starting again in January, the program offers a space for like-minded women to come together and rewrite their stories; to grow, and support one another. 

Built upon my Meet the One Method, it’s the same process I used to work on myself, and just two months later, I met my husband. It’s also the framework I’ve used to guide my clients, help them break free of old patterns, and open themselves to love.

Are you ready to join us?

Now is your time to stop doing this alone! Join us and surround yourself with women who understand, who will challenge and inspire you, and remind you that settling isn’t an option. It’s time to choose you. Rewrite your story from a place of possibility.

You are the love of your life, and I know for a fact that when you start treating yourself that way, everything changes.

Are you ready to become the love of your life? Project Love starts in January, so don’t delay – apply now to secure your space on the program.