Ready to take the leap? Why you should make 29th February the day you sign up to find love

Have you heard of Bachelor’s Day? This old Irish tradition states that every four years on the 29th February, the 366th day of the year, it’s time we turn the traditional proposal on its head as women are encouraged get down on one knee and pop the question. Yep, that’s right, Bachelor’s Day is a chance for the ladies to propose to their partner and as this year is a leap year, there could be lots of men out there about to have the most romantic night of their lives. 

But if you’re not in a relationship right now (or if you could use a little luck of the Irish) why not make this Bachelor’s Day the day you choose to sign up for love instead. You never know, by 2024 you might be planning your big proposal! But if you’re still not sure you’re ready to take the leap, here’s just three reasons why you should. 

1. Love can wait… but why should it? 

There is no better time like the present to take the leap and sign up for love. You never know, this time next year could be congratulating yourself on one of the best decisions you ever made. So don’t keep putting it off or praying that you’re going to find love at the end of the rainbow, go for it this Bachelor’s Day and start being proactive about your dating life. 

2. It’s time to choose meaningful connections

Don’t be just another name on a dating app. By signing up with dating agencies like Ignite, you can meet people you will have a genuine connection with. Thanks to our expert team of matchmakers you could be matched with like-minded individuals, people who share your interests and ambitions. 

3. Find a service that suits you 

Thanks to the plethora of dating shows and apps out there, the dating world is increasingly becoming a form of entertainment rather than a genuine way to meet a potential partner. The good news is, not every channel is as saturated as Tinder or ‘Take Me Out’ and by choosing the right service you’ll hugely increase your chances of finding the right person for you. 

But even better than that, you’ll actually enjoy the experience of doing so, not swiping through hundreds of profiles a night or trying to cram a 15 minute coffee date with someone you met on the tube, into your busy schedule. Looking for love can be fun if you let it, you just need to find the service that best suits your lifestyle. 

So why not get a head start on next Bachelor’s Day and sign up for love this February 29th – after all, they only come along once every four years! So make it a special day. Make it the day you said yes to love.

At Ignite Dating, we pride ourselves on the support we offer to our clients from the moment you sign up to our services and throughout your dating journey, so you can feel totally supported every step of the way. If you’d like to know more about how we can help this Bachelor’s Day, get in touch today.

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