Tips for dating as a high net worth individual

Let’s face it, dating is tricky at the best of times. While the prospect of meeting somebody new is incredibly exciting, it can be tricky to navigate the ups and down of everything from where to look for somebody new and nerve-wracking first dates to when to call and how to tell if the other person is into you. Then you may be struggling with other factors which further complicate the situation, such as dating after divorce or having had your fingers burned by somebody who broke your heart in a previous relationship.

Dating can also be a whole different ballgame if you are a high net worth individual. Of course, when money is no object, it adds a lovely element of luxury to those early dates to being able to treat a potential partner to something truly special and unique. Yes, millionaires really are at liberty to whisk a love interest away on a private jet for a lavish date to remember, with pricey date nights jetting off for dinner in Paris a popular choice. However, the topic of money will inevitably start to become a factor as the first few dates turn into a budding romance, especially if you are not matched in financial clout. There will be worries that a person’s intentions are not truly based around a love connection but rather are more motivated by the fact you are wealthy. However, it’s perfectly possible to find the perfect match if you are dating as a high net worth individual – it’s just worth bearing a few key pointers in mind to ensure you are protecting yourself and considering your security and privacy as well.

Watch out for reg flags: While it’s fine to offer a great lifestyle to somebody, it’s a different thing all together if somebody is pushing for it. It can be a red flag if a person you are seeing is insistent on being bought extravagant gifts and treated to expensive days out and trips abroad without ever offering to pay for anything themselves. While it is disappointing to have to consider whether money is the motive behind their interest in you, it’s worth bearing it in mind if you are starting to feel they are in it for something else entirely. Another red flag is bringing up your career and financial status from day one, making it seems like it is the most important aspect on their radar.

But be ready to have the money chat: While it is common to split the bill on the first date, it’s not usually appropriate to chat about more involved financial scenarios until much further down the line. When it looks like the relationship is progressing, then this is a common time to bring up the money talk. You’ll have a much better idea of the individual’s character, priorities and lifestyle, and whether you do have wildly different incomes. A disparity between financial situations is not uncommon, so its key to find a way to approach spending in a relationship that you’re both comfortable with. It may be one partner pays for a trip abroad, while the other sort out the logistics and pays for the activities you’ll do when you get there.

Many find, regardless of who is the breadwinner, it is essential that each of you contribute in some way. This way one side of the pairing doesn’t feel they are being taken advantage of while the other does not risk feeling like they are losing their independence. You may work it out by a proportion of both your earnings or be able to split everything equally. The key is to make sure you’re both happy with what you bring to the table, even if you don’t have parity on your finances. That takes good communication and honesty as the relationship evolves, otherwise you risk resentment setting in.  

Work with a matchmaker: It’s so important to realise you’re not alone in your search for love. Working with the experts saves you valuable time and provides you with personalised introductions to likeminded individuals, saving wasted time on dates which were never going to work out. Here at Ignite Dating we understand you may prefer discretion in your search for love and we put your security and privacy centre stage. We ask for photo ID to make sure every individual we introduce you to is legitimate and is who they say they are. We make sure the people you are introduced to will match your values, aspirations and outlooks on life and share your goal of a committed long-term relationship. We have an extensive private network at our disposal to match you with successful people from all walks of life. You may want to meet somebody who is a financial equal to you, or you may prefer to find someone with a less demanding schedule who is open to enjoying a range of experiences together. A matchmaker does all the hard work for you, which can be the perfect scenario when you’re caught up in a busy work schedule, leaving you free to enjoy a safe and enjoyable dating journey.

Worries about fraud: Romance fraud is a big worry for anybody who is dating, but it can feel particularly pertinent when your career or elements of your lifestyle suggest you are particularly wealthy. Fraudsters spend lots of time gaining someone’s trust before creating plausible situations where they need large amounts of money. It pays to be mindful of the common signs of romance fraud and be aware of the top tips for protecting yourself, such as never sending money to somebody you’ve met online and trusting your instincts. Again, it pays to work with the experts as an Ignite Dating matchmaker will work hard on your behalf to make sure the people we are introducing you to are genuine, vetting everybody we work with and checking they are the real deal.

If you’d like to find out more about award-winning dedicated matchmaking service, why not give us a call today? We work closely with you to establish the values and characteristics that are important to you and make personalised introductions from our extensive database and private network. We enjoy working with enthusiastic clients who are committed to finding a life partner with similar family values and outlooks on life and we pride ourselves on providing a dating journey that’ll leave you feeling energised, confident and safe.

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