Are you suffering from a case of dating burnout?

Going on dates can be exhausting at the best of times and may lead to the not entirely uncommon condition of dating burnout.

So much preparation goes into finding a potential suitor, talking to them and asking questions to get to know them better before meeting in person. And what happens when you’re finally ready to go on that date? Hopefully, there will be a spark and all that planning and preparation will be worth it as you get to know each other better and a blossoming romance ensues. But we all know the age old saying that you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince – so chances are every date that is right, there will be numerous dates that fall short of the mark. 

Dating takes up a lot of time and for those of us that are working and balancing families and home life, it is simply time that we do not have to waste on people that we aren’t going to connect with. And while lots of choice can seem great at first, after a while it can become overwhelming and even tedious. Sitting down on the sofa scrolling through hundreds of faces may seem like the height of ease and simplicity, but over time you can guarantee that it will leave you feeling exhausted, frustrated and low – none of which are good mentalities to have when meeting someone new.

Dealing with Dating Burnout

Dating burnout signs

While we’re becoming better at spotting symptoms of burnout in our professional lives, we’re much less likely to apply that same level of self-care when it comes to our daily sessions of hunting for potential matches. Searching for someone who checks all the boxes can be draining, particularly now that there are so many ways to find someone, but how do you know if you’re just frustrated with dating or legitimately exhausted by it?

Have you ever had that moment where you’re scrolling through profiles but not really taking in the information? Or maybe you’re getting ready for yet another date but there’s no feeling of excitement, so you find yourself regularly cancelling dates last minute? If so, it is likely that you are experiencing a case of dating burnout.

How to deal with dating burnout

If you recognise these symptoms in yourself, it’s a good idea to have a break from dating. Take some time out with good friends and family to appreciate what you already have in your life rather than focusing on what you lack and are longing for. This will ultimately give you a renewed purpose and when you’re ready to start dating again – try something new.

If you find online dating laborious and want to cut down on the time, effort and emotional energy put into those dates that just aren’t quite what you are looking for, then why not outsource the hard work to someone who understands you and what you are looking for in a partner, someone like Ignite Dating?

Professional Matchmaker Zoom Call

By enlisting the help of a professional matchmaker, you can refocus your energy into the things that you want and need to do and say goodbye to the exhaustion caused by dating. Gone are the days when you only had your evenings and weekends to spend flicking through dating apps or trying to meet someone in your favourite bar – while worrying that you’re not finding someone quickly enough. While you work, do your groceries, go to the dentist or spend time with friends, your matchmaker will be working tirelessly to find the perfect partner for you.

Hustle culture may have made us feel pressured to put our all into everything we do, but our success when it comes to dating unfortunately does not correspond to how much effort we put into it. So rather than fighting the signs of dating burnout, why not hand the job over to someone who knows you and understands what you are looking for, so you can get back to enjoying dating – after all it’s meant to be fun!!

At Ignite Dating, we take the hard work out of your search for love. Your dedicated matchmaker is with you every step of the way, using Myers Briggs and intuition to provide a dating journey that will leave you feeling confident, energised and safe. If you want to put the fun back into dating and avoid dating burnout get in touch today.

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