A new year and new world call for new dating rules

Every year it happens, regular as clockwork. As soon as it hits the end of December, people start looking back and reflecting on what they have achieved over the past 12 months and more importantly what resolutions they are going to accomplish for the year ahead. Despite the ongoing disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic, 2021 is no different.

We have already seen numerous posts and promises announcing that this is going to be the year that people get in shape, learn a new skill, or make huge career moves – all with a level of energy which will probably have subsided come Spring. However, another common resolution, but one that is said with more determination and is perhaps the most realistic, is that 2021 is going to be the year that they find love.

Home exercise using Zoom and Microsoft Teams meetings.

There is no denying that the pandemic has altered the way that we live our lives and what we perceive is important to us. Last year, many found their lives turned upside down with changes to their employment, their family routine and their social life – leading all of us to gain a new perspective as to what we want from life and what really matters.

For those looking for love, there is now more choice than ever before when it comes to meeting new people. From local activities and groups relating to a whole range of hobbies and interests to dating agencies and online apps – there really is a way for everyone to find the perfect partner for them.

With ongoing lockdowns and restrictions to help protect us through these unprecedented and challenging times, we have become far more dependent on technology than ever before. This new world has thrust us into a more virtual reality; we now do our banking, shopping and stay in touch online and it is no surprise that people are kindling romances online too.

After all, nine months of isolation has caused us to re-evaluate the importance of relationships and now more than ever we are witnessing more people signing up to online dating apps or enlisting the help of dating agencies and matchmakers to help them find “the one”.

Demonstration of how to have a creative virtual date using Zoom meetings.

While technology has opened the doors and allowed people to find potential partners outside of their family and friends and work circles, it has also added a touch of creativity to the way that people date. Gone are the tried and trusted dinner dates, sharing life stories over a glass of wine in a fancy restaurant. Instead, people are opting for cocktail making over Zoom, virtual escape rooms and pub quizzes over Microsoft Teams and even movie marathons with text or phone call commentary. It has also led to a return to the slightly old-fashioned “getting to know you” approach to the early days of dating, which many of us would say is no bad thing.

Although the last year has been full of uncertainty and unprecedented challenges, it has also brought with it a more grounded sense of gratitude for the things that we do have in our lives as well as an abundance of opportunities for something new. This new world doesn’t mean the end of dating – far from it. While it may be slightly different to the dating of the past, it has allowed people to think outside the box and make memories that will last a lifetime. In some ways, this may even lead to more special moments. Sometimes it is just a matter of taking a leap of faith and letting the magic happen – with the right people supporting and guiding you and with the evolution of technology, anything is possible.

At Ignite Dating, we recognise that everybody is different and what works for one person may not work for another. We work closely with our clients to understand what they have done so far in their dating journey and how they have found it, this helps us to realise what works for them and to advise and guide them on a dating journey that will leave them feeling more confident, energised and ready to find that special someone that they have been searching for. Ready to commit? Start your year off right and let our expert matchmakers help you make 2021 the year that you find love.

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