Dating by design: why matchmaking isn’t just for the over 40s

It’s a myth, universally accepted that matchmaking is for the over 40s. But contrary to belief, the younger generation are now taking their love lives into their own hands and turning to matchmakers to find their life partner.

Gone are the days when your twenties and thirties were all about having fun and living frivolously, while there are some that still live by this approach, an increasing number of young people are calling quits on the timewasters and non-committal hook-ups available through online dating apps.

Whether it is the evaluation and realisation brought about by the pandemic or simply growing tired of the labour-intensive scrolling and small talk on apps, singletons in their late twenties and thirties are placing a higher importance on finding that one and settling down.

And it’s not really that surprising when you investigate it in more detail.

Think about it, if you’re a woman in your mid to late twenties and are wanting children, a year and a half taken out of your life plan can be quite a significant amount of time. While evidence has shown that women are perfectly capable of having children into their forties, it still seems that the ticking of that biological clock is pushing people to find those matches sooner rather than later – or even forcing their hand on preserving their fertility, through embryo freezing.

But it’s not just biology. In the not so distant past when you were asked about what you wanted to do in the future, your twenties and thirties usually consisted of a flurry of short-term jobs and gap years, as you discover yourself and what you really want to do with your life.

However, now in the advent of the university generation, people are starting to get serious about their careers early on. From the moment they leave university, they have a career path in mind and have already made those first steps towards making it happen.

And the same can be said for those who prefer the school of life route. These days everywhere you look there seems to be young entrepreneurs building and growing their own businesses. Whether they’re launching their own independent business or investing in a franchise, professional success is high on people’s agendas from a younger age so, by the time they hit their late twenties and early thirties they’re already on their way to success in their professional lives and looking for that same success in their personal lives.

So, how can a matchmaker help if you’re under 40?

Dating in your twenties and thirties, is full of possibilities. By this stage, you may have already concluded what you are looking for in your dream partner – or at the very least worked out exactly what you don’t want. But if you haven’t that’s ok, as your very own dedicated matchmaker will work with you to identify the things that are important to you. 

By working with a matchmaker, they take the hard work out of dating for you so you can focus on the other areas of your life that matter. They will do all the groundwork to get to know who you are and what you are looking for, before searching for that person through a whole array of avenues.

Another huge benefit of using a matchmaker is that they will run ID checks. Sadly, apps like Tinder have become a prime location for fraudulent accounts and cybercriminals looking to scam the unsuspecting and vulnerable. Not only this but with no ID checks, people can be whoever they want to be – even if that means they tell some big lies in the process.

At Ignite Dating we run ID checks and check everyone’s digital footprint to make sure every individual you meet is legitimate and is who they say they are. This gives you an increased sense of security and means you aren’t going to be disappointed by meeting someone who isn’t as expected.

They also offer advice and guidance to support you every step of your dating journey, from that first phone call through to that first date and into the relationship, taking away the mystery and the ghosting and instead providing you with a dating environment that will leave you feeling safe, confident and energised.

If you’re in your late twenties or thirties and have grown tired of the online apps and looking for a more prescriptive way to date, then get in touch with our friendly team today. With their expert help and guidance, they can support you on your quest to find that long-term committed relationship you’re looking for.

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