How to write the perfect dating profile

We’re not all blessed with being perfect wordsmiths so it can present quite a challenge to craft an original dating profile. However, there is a very good reason it can pay to put a lot of thought and effort in the words that accompany your profile. Recent research found authors of more original profiles were rated as being more intelligent, having a greater sense of humour and being more attractive. They were also more likely to land a potential date.

It’s important to remember generic profiles can be easily overlooked and risk you missing out on great dates as a result. So, what does it take to craft a profile that’ll stand out from the crowd? We’ve shared our top tips for writing a profile that’ll help demonstrate the real you and mean you will attract the type of people you’d love to get to know better.

Detail is everything:  The best profiles include concentre information to give a real flavour of who you are. It can add valuable colour when you give examples of what you like to set yourself apart. So, instead of saying you like sport, explain what you love to do, why and perhaps even elaborate on the reward you’d treat yourself to after achieving that PB or winning your next match. Think about including stories rather than facts, by explaining something awesome you did on your last holiday rather than simply stating you like to travel. The more you go into detail, the more chance you have of attracting somebody who shares your interests. You can also use your profile to describe who you’d like to meet and the sort of dating experiences you’d like to enjoy, helping to further attract people you’ll be compatible with who share these traits and interests.

Ask a friend for help: It can feel unnatural to blow your own trumpet and write about yourself, so it can pay to ask your trusted friends for help. They can help you decide of the best way to describe yourself and help you recall experiences that sum up the sort of person you are. Often friends can know you better than you know yourself, so ask them to pick a few words to describe you. You may find some truly original descriptors to include, which you can elaborate on with the rich detail that is so important in a profile.  

Remember, attention spans are short: It’s worth being succinct because you can’t rely on somebody spending the time reading every line of your profile. For this reason, try and get the most important information at the start, including a couple of things you’d love your ideal person to know about you. When you only got a few paragraphs to work with, you need to make every statement count.

Think about conversation starters: Profiles can be the perfect way to give you plenty of chat about on a date. So, make sure there is plenty in there which’ll make it easy to have natural conversations and reduce the risk of awkward pauses. Again, detail is key here, giving you plenty to discuss when you meet up in person. It also gives a potential love interest something to work with if they are looking to get in touch via an app. It helps to have a sense of humour in your writing, as making somebody laugh is a great icebreaker and can help start conversations easily.

Be positive: Be careful not to come across as negative in your profile. People tend to be looking for somebody with an optimistic view of the world and will avoid those who are overly negative in their profiles. It can be a big no-no to write extensively about your dealbreakers, as this can be a massive turn-off and can come across as judgemental. Even being self-deprecating is risky as it can send the wrong message.

Check everything carefully: It may seem like a minor thing, but bad spelling and grammar can be very off-putting. Make sure you check your profile carefully and perhaps ask a friend to give it the once over. You’ll want to meet somebody who has put a lot of energy into the dating process, and they will want to see that you’re equally invested, so be sure you’re totally happy with the impression you are giving via your profile.

Here at Ignite Dating we are on-hand to offer support and advice with a dating profile which will really help you shine. We offer our clients a professional photoshoot and an expertly crafted professionally written profile to help portray them in the best possible light. If you’d like a helping hand to get your dating journey on the track for success, then give the experts at Ignite a call today!

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