Why a pre-work date should be next in your diary

Are you a night owl – the type of person who feels much more focused and energetic in the evening? Or would you say you’re more of a lark – a morning person who prefers to be up at the crack of dawn? If it’s the latter, the latest dating trend might be just up your street. 

Dawn dating describes meeting with a prospective romantic partner when the day is young, and it’s fast becoming as popular as the more traditional evening dinner and drinks.

With around 51% of single people admitting they have been on a morning date recently and nearly three-quarters saying they’d be impressed to be invited to an early morning rendezvous, it seems people are quite literally seizing the day and meeting up, fresh-faced, for a date in the morning before the normal routine of the day starts. The benefits? Think less Chardonnay, more extra-shot lattes, and getting to know you strolls rather than making awkward small talk across the dining table.

Perhaps dawn dating is a trend you’ve already got plenty of experience with. After all, for a while the pandemic saw meeting up with a potential love interest being legally relegated to the outdoors. An informal stroll with a coffee in hand may have become a firm favourite as you eschew more pricey nights out. 

Even if early mornings aren’t usually your bag, there are plenty of benefits to setting your alarm an hour or two earlier for a date with a difference. 

Those aforementioned early risers might find their date is likeminded in their approach for seizing the day and getting things done before lunch. Quite often they will use the mornings to participate in hobbies and leisure activities and you may even find that you share a passion for early morning activities, whether it’s a run in the park, a fitness class or maybe even a spot of people watching over a coffee.

But even if that isn’t the case, there are many benefits to opting for a morning rather than evening for your next date. For starters, how often do you find that you go for a romantic meal somewhere and before you know it one glass of wine turns into sharing a bottle? Not adding alcohol to the mix allows for a clearer head and less worries about overdoing it – unless a bottomless brunch is on your agenda. You’ll be sure to remember a lot more of what you chatted about for future dates as well.

There’s also the added bonus of easing the endless diary juggling which goes hand-in-hand with a busy working life and competing demands for your evening time. Between work, family commitments and friends, it can often feel impossible to fit dating into your already hectic schedule. While it may seem nerve-wracking to meet in the morning, it can ease the pressure of committing to a longer date in the evening with somebody you’ve never met before. Clock-watching may not seem romantic, but it can help focus the date and add a natural endpoint when you both need to head off to other commitments.

Like everything, dawn dating, of course, might not be for everybody. Your morning routine may just be too hectic to fit in another activity. The worry of making it to work in time may be too much of a distraction to make the idea enjoyable. Or quite simply, you may miss the routine of taking your time getting ready for an evening out with a glass of wine to settle those pre-date jitters.

If you’re looking to mix it up a bit, or you want to break the cycle of rushing to a date in a post-work flurry, then maybe it’s worth giving an early morning meet-up a go. We predict as the weather warms up and the sunrise gets earlier, this trend will continue to grow, and those diaries will be just as full at the start of the day as they are in the evenings!

If you are single and looking for that special person that you just cannot wait to see, whatever time of day it is, then get in touch with our friendly team today. Our expert matchmakers are on-hand to offer help and guidance throughout your dating journey to help you find the perfect partner. 

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