Dating in London is hard – here are 6 tips for dating in the capital

With a population of around 8.9 million people, you’d think finding love in London would be like shooting fish in a barrel, although much more romantic and with (hopefully) fewer fish involved.

But the truth is, dating in London is hard. The crowded, bustling city is the perfect metaphor for our busy lives. Lives that don’t leave a lot of spare time for hanging around romantic bars or flirting with strangers in coffee shops.

Not to mention if you smile at someone on the tube you’re more likely to be deemed a crazy person than a potential partner.

But this doesn’t mean you should give up hope! With so many eligible individuals in the capital, here are our top tips for finding love in London.

1. Use a dating agency

There are quite literally millions of people in London on dating apps like Tinder and Bumble, and you certainly won’t struggle to find a single individual looking for love (or at least a hookup) nearby.

But if you actually find the time to sit and use these apps, you might also find this shallow approach to dating rarely ends in a meaningful connection.

Using dating agencies like Ignite, however, you’ll work closely with a dedicated matchmaker who will connect you with like-minded individuals with the same lifestyle and aspirations as you.

2. Choose the right first date venue

London is a big city and it’s home to thousands of award-winning restaurants, quirky pubs and unique experiences, which sounds like it should be ideal but can actually make choosing a first date venue even harder.

Firstly, Activity or dinner? Highbrow or low key? Then think about your location and theirs, and choose a venue that works for you both. Plus, you’ll want to take them somewhere memorable.

Armed with this knowledge you can choose a date night that you know they’re going to love.

3. Always make sure you’ve booked

If you’ve arranged to go out on a date, it’s probably a good idea to book a table or tickets to avoid disappointment. This is particularly true if you’re going out in the city on the weekend when restaurants and bars can become full to capacity.

4. Try to ditch crowded places

As we said, London is a busy city! So finding a quiet venue can feel like hard work. But do your best to choose a relaxed atmosphere and don’t arrange to meet your date somewhere too crowded or noisy. Shouting at each other from half an inch away isn’t the ideal way to get to know each other!

5. Avoid public transport if possible

Public transport is the perfect way to get across the city. Problem is, fighting for the tube or sitting on a crowded bus can really take the romance out of a date, so give yourself time to get there. Even better, try to choose venues within walking distance or treat your date to an Uber instead! This will make for a much more relaxed date, free from fumbling with your Oyster card or waiting on crowded train platforms.

6. Make the time for yourself and your date

Last but certainly not least, we understand that dating in London is hard, so you do need to make time for this aspect of your personal life. If you often find yourself working long hours late into the evening, make sure that you give yourself extra time on date nights to get ready and feel relaxed.

The likelihood is you’ll find someone who just like you, has to carve out time in a busy schedule, so be forgiving if you’re struggling to find a time that suits you both and be willing to be a little flexible.

If you’re looking for love in London, choosing a dating agency like Ignite Dating could be the key to finding happiness. Your dedicated matchmaker will work closely with you to help you find the perfect match.

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